Class { #name : #REPL, #superclass : #Object, #category : #CTF } { #category : #running } REPL class >> run [ | running command answer | running := true. Transcript show:'Welcome to Pharo 7.0 (Smalltalk Environment)'; cr; cr; show: 'To get started create an instance of the class Challenge and, like so:'; cr; show: '> Challenge new.'; cr; show: 'This wil result in a value called "a Challenge"'; cr; show: 'To obtain the flag run the following'; cr; show: '> Challenge new flag.'; cr; cr; show: 'Does it show up? '; cr. [ 5 minutes wait. running := false. ] fork. [ running ] whileTrue: [ Transcript show:'> '. command := FileStream stdin nextLine . (command = 'exit') ifTrue: [ running := false ] ifFalse: [ answer := [self class compiler evaluate: command] on:Exception do: [ :exception | Transcript show: 'Whoops, an error occured '. exception asString ] . Transcript show:answer asString . Transcript cr. ] ]. ^ nil. ]