== Title == The Scheming Schemer 1 == Description == Welcome to the series of challenges called the Scheming Schemer. Each challenge should be progressively more difficult, with this first challenge being very easy! This challenge contains a simple calculator app made in r5rs. Your task is to try to make it print the flag. Obviously, the flag is not on your computer, the code for this challenge also runs on a remote server! You can use telnet to interact with the app as follows: Try to have a look at the what the code does and print the flag! Hint: You can create a file containing some text on your own computer to test things locally. Once you think you found the solution, try it on the server! == Files == Participants should receive the calculator-app.rkt file. == Deployment == Something something telnet/netcat 10, 20, 30 punten, exploits over een netwerk. In plaats van zelf te deployen, wat teveel werk is, kunt ge gewoon de bestanden runnen via racket (e.g. racket calculator-app.rkt) en het via de cmd line doen, als werkt toch gewoon via stdin en stdout. Gewoon het flag.txt bestand niet open doen.