{ pkgs ? import {}, ... }: with (import ../../deployment/utils.nix {}); flag: calculator-app: docker-entrypoint: name: let protocols = pkgs.writeTextDir "etc/protocols" '' tcp 6 TCP # Transmission Control ''; config = pkgs.writeTextDir "etc/xinetd.conf" '' service ctf { disable = no socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = ig type = UNLISTED port = 20000 bind = server = /home/ig/docker-entrypoint.sh # banner_fail = /etc/banner_fail # safety options # the maximum instances of this service per source IP address per_source = 10 # the maximum number of CPU seconds that the service may use rlimit_cpu = 20 # the Address Space resource limit for the service rlimit_as = 512M # kafel_rule = /etc/pwn.kafel } ''; add_files = [ (copy docker-entrypoint "home/ig/docker-entrypoint.sh") (copy flag "home/ig/flag.txt") (copy calculator-app "home/ig/calculator-app.rkt") ]; image = pkgs.dockerTools.buildImage { name = name ; tag = "latest"; runAsRoot = '' #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} ${pkgs.dockerTools.shadowSetup} useradd -U -m ig && mkdir -p /home/ig chown -R ig:ig /home/ig mkdir -p /usr/local/bin chmod -R -w /home/ig chmod +x /home/ig/docker-entrypoint.sh ''; contents = [ pkgs.bash pkgs.racket config protocols ] ++ add_files; config = { ExposedPorts = { "20000/tcp" = {}; }; Cmd = [ "${pkgs.xinetd}/bin/xinetd" "-dontfork" "-stayalive" ]; }; }; in image