2022-11-24 18:03:20 +01:00

32 lines
601 B

#lang racket
; You can use this skeleton to connect to the server
; but feel free to use any programming language to your
; liking
; connect to the server
(define-values (in out) (tcp-connect "" 9004))
(file-stream-buffer-mode in 'none)
(file-stream-buffer-mode out 'none)
; Some commands you can use
; Read a line
(read-line in)
; Read a single character
(read-char in)
; Read 5 characters
(read-string 5 in)
; Write a string to the server
(write-char #\a out)
; Write a string to the server
(write-string "AMC to the moon" out)
; Write a newline to the server
(newline out)