diff --git a/photos/README.md b/photos/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4265f54 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# Photos: The next big social media platform + +This challenge contains 2 flags. The description for both flags can be the same. + +## Text + +I have built my own social media platform! +I really feel like there is a gap in the market for new social media apps. +My idea is super original: it's a website were people can upload and share photos. + +I'm still missing some features, but you can have exclusive beta access :) +Have fun! + +## Files + +- Source code: [photos-source-code.zip](./photos-source-code.zip) + +**ONLY GIVE THE ZIP FILE** The other files and directories may contain actual flags. + +## How to deploy + +N.A. diff --git a/photos/SOLUTION-1.md b/photos/SOLUTION-1.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfe9ad9 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/SOLUTION-1.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +## Difficulty + +Medium + +## Category + +Web + +## How to solve + +The goal of this challenge is to see the photo uploaded by the administrator. +It should be clear, given the source code, that a photo is automatically uploaded as part of the challenge. + +When analyzing the communication between the frontend and the backend through the DevTools, or by inspecting the source code, you can see that there is no check if a user likes or un-likes a private photo they do not have access to. The ability to like private photos of other users is not a risk by itself, but the like endpoint also returns the updated photo. + +Liking the adminstrator's photo (which has id 1) will return the caption of the photo, containing the first flag. +The following curl command returns the flag in the response: + +> [!NOTE] +> You will need to create an account to use the /like route. +> To use the command below, replace with your session cookie. + +```bash +curl --cookie "connect.sid=" --request POST http://localhost:3000/api/photos/1/like +``` + +## Flag + +``` +IGCTF{jUsT-a-sma11-data-l3ak} +``` diff --git a/photos/SOLUTION-2.md b/photos/SOLUTION-2.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d74a459 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/SOLUTION-2.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +## Difficulty + +Hard + +## Category + +Web + +## How to solve + +The goal of this challenge is to see the photo uploaded by the administrator. +It should be clear, given the source code, that a photo is automatically uploaded as part of the challenge. + +After finding the [first challenge](./SOLUTION-1.md), we have access to the caption of the administrator's photo, but not to the image itself. Unfortunately, the API route for getting the image itself checks for the correct permissions. + +However, the frontend uses Next.js' `Image` component for showing images. This automatically optimizes and caches images. The application is served using nginx, which is configured in this case to "cache all the static assets". However, Next.js' static assets are served from `/_next/static/`, and not `/_next/`, which is also used by the image component at `/_next/image`. We can use this endpoint to get a cached version of the administrator's image, bypassing the authentication checks of the backend. You can also see this by playing around in the DevTools and seeing that the sources of the images go to `/_next/image` and not `/api/photo/...`. + +To get the image associated with the flag, visit `http://localhost:3000/_next/image?url=%2Fapi%2Fphotos%2F1.jpeg` + +## Flag + +``` +IGCTF{a-bIt-t00-0pt1mized} +``` diff --git a/photos/backend/.env.development b/photos/backend/.env.development new file mode 100644 index 0000000..183df53 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/.env.development @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +DB_FILE_NAME=file:local.db +SESSION_SECRET=secret \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/photos/backend/.gitignore b/photos/backend/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0823c9d --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +### Generated by gibo (https://github.com/simonwhitaker/gibo) +### https://raw.github.com/github/gitignore/4488915eec0b3a45b5c63ead28f286819c0917de/Global/macOS.gitignore + +# General +.DS_Store +.AppleDouble +.LSOverride + +# Icon must end with two \r +Icon + + +# Thumbnails +._* + +# Files that might appear in the root of a volume +.DocumentRevisions-V100 +.fseventsd +.Spotlight-V100 +.TemporaryItems +.Trashes +.VolumeIcon.icns +.com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent + +# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share +.AppleDB +.AppleDesktop +Network Trash Folder +Temporary Items +.apdisk +### Generated by gibo (https://github.com/simonwhitaker/gibo) +### https://raw.github.com/github/gitignore/4488915eec0b3a45b5c63ead28f286819c0917de/Global/VisualStudioCode.gitignore + +.vscode/* +!.vscode/settings.json +!.vscode/tasks.json +!.vscode/launch.json +!.vscode/extensions.json +!.vscode/*.code-snippets + +# Local History for Visual Studio Code +.history/ + +# Built Visual Studio Code Extensions +*.vsix +### Generated by gibo (https://github.com/simonwhitaker/gibo) +### https://raw.github.com/github/gitignore/4488915eec0b3a45b5c63ead28f286819c0917de/Node.gitignore + +# Logs +logs +*.log +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +lerna-debug.log* +.pnpm-debug.log* + +# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html) +report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json + +# Runtime data +pids +*.pid +*.seed +*.pid.lock + +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover +lib-cov + +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul +coverage +*.lcov + +# nyc test coverage +.nyc_output + +# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) +.grunt + +# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/) +bower_components + +# node-waf configuration +.lock-wscript + +# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) +build/Release + +# Dependency directories +node_modules/ +jspm_packages/ + +# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/) +web_modules/ + +# TypeScript cache +*.tsbuildinfo + +# Optional npm cache directory +.npm + +# Optional eslint cache +.eslintcache + +# Optional stylelint cache +.stylelintcache + +# Microbundle cache +.rpt2_cache/ +.rts2_cache_cjs/ +.rts2_cache_es/ +.rts2_cache_umd/ + +# Optional REPL history +.node_repl_history + +# Output of 'npm pack' +*.tgz + +# Yarn Integrity file +.yarn-integrity + +# dotenv environment variable files +.env +.env.development.local +.env.test.local +.env.production.local +.env.local + +# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/) +.cache +.parcel-cache + +# Next.js build output +.next +out + +# Nuxt.js build / generate output +.nuxt +dist + +# Gatsby files +.cache/ +# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js +# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support +# public + +# vuepress build output +.vuepress/dist + +# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory +.temp +.cache + +# Docusaurus cache and generated files +.docusaurus + +# Serverless directories +.serverless/ + +# FuseBox cache +.fusebox/ + +# DynamoDB Local files +.dynamodb/ + +# TernJS port file +.tern-port + +# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions +.vscode-test + +# yarn v2 +.yarn/cache +.yarn/unplugged +.yarn/build-state.yml +.yarn/install-state.gz +.pnp.* +### Generated by gibo (https://github.com/simonwhitaker/gibo) +### https://raw.github.com/github/gitignore/4488915eec0b3a45b5c63ead28f286819c0917de/Global/Linux.gitignore + +*~ + +# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file +.fuse_hidden* + +# KDE directory preferences +.directory + +# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk +.Trash-* + +# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed +.nfs* + +data/ +local.db diff --git a/photos/backend/Dockerfile b/photos/backend/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6038c6b --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + +# https://www.tomray.dev/nestjs-docker-production#conclusion + +FROM node:22-alpine AS base + +ENV PNPM_HOME="/pnpm" +ENV PATH="$PNPM_HOME:$PATH" +RUN corepack enable + +WORKDIR /usr/src/app + +COPY --chown=app:nodejs package*.json ./ +COPY --chown=app:nodejs pnpm-lock.yaml ./ + +FROM base AS prod-deps +RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store pnpm install --prod --frozen-lockfile + +FROM base AS build +RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm,target=/pnpm/store pnpm install --frozen-lockfile + +COPY --chown=app:nodejs src ./src +COPY --chown=app:nodejs tsconfig.json drizzle.config.ts . + +RUN pnpm run build + +FROM base + +RUN addgroup --system --gid 1001 nodejs +RUN adduser --system --uid 1001 app + +COPY --chown=app:nodejs package*.json ./ +COPY --chown=app:nodejs pnpm-lock.yaml ./ +COPY --chown=app:nodejs --from=build /usr/src/app/node_modules ./node_modules +COPY --chown=app:nodejs --from=build /usr/src/app/dist ./dist +COPY --chown=app:nodejs drizzle ./drizzle +RUN chown app:nodejs /usr/src/app + +EXPOSE 8000 + +USER app + +RUN mkdir data + +ENTRYPOINT ["node", "dist/src/app.js"] diff --git a/photos/backend/drizzle.config.ts b/photos/backend/drizzle.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97f438d --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/drizzle.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import "dotenv/config"; +import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit"; + +export default defineConfig({ + out: "./drizzle", + schema: "./src/db/schema.ts", + dialect: "sqlite", + dbCredentials: { + url: process.env.DB_FILE_NAME!, + }, + casing: "snake_case", +}); diff --git a/photos/backend/drizzle/0000_fast_rawhide_kid.sql b/photos/backend/drizzle/0000_fast_rawhide_kid.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ded20e --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/drizzle/0000_fast_rawhide_kid.sql @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +CREATE TABLE `photo_likes` ( + `photo_id` integer NOT NULL, + `user_id` text NOT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY(`photo_id`, `user_id`), + FOREIGN KEY (`photo_id`) REFERENCES `photos`(`id`) ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action, + FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users`(`id`) ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action +); +--> statement-breakpoint +CREATE TABLE `photos` ( + `id` integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + `user_id` text(50) NOT NULL, + `caption` text(250), + `visible` integer DEFAULT false NOT NULL, + FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users`(`id`) ON UPDATE no action ON DELETE no action +); +--> statement-breakpoint +CREATE TABLE `users` ( + `id` text PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + `username` text(50) NOT NULL, + `password` text(50) NOT NULL +); +--> statement-breakpoint +CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `users_username_unique` ON `users` (`username`); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/photos/backend/drizzle/meta/0000_snapshot.json b/photos/backend/drizzle/meta/0000_snapshot.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f60bef4 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/drizzle/meta/0000_snapshot.json @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +{ + "version": "6", + "dialect": "sqlite", + "id": "f9a16b4f-d676-4bd0-beea-0d038d4a8953", + "prevId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", + "tables": { + "photo_likes": { + "name": "photo_likes", + "columns": { + "photo_id": { + "name": "photo_id", + "type": "integer", + "primaryKey": false, + "notNull": true, + "autoincrement": false + }, + "user_id": { + "name": "user_id", + "type": "text", + "primaryKey": false, + "notNull": true, + "autoincrement": false + } + }, + "indexes": {}, + "foreignKeys": { + "photo_likes_photo_id_photos_id_fk": { + "name": "photo_likes_photo_id_photos_id_fk", + "tableFrom": "photo_likes", + "tableTo": "photos", + "columnsFrom": [ + "photo_id" + ], + "columnsTo": [ + "id" + ], + "onDelete": "no action", + "onUpdate": "no action" + }, + "photo_likes_user_id_users_id_fk": { + "name": "photo_likes_user_id_users_id_fk", + "tableFrom": "photo_likes", + "tableTo": "users", + "columnsFrom": [ + "user_id" + ], + "columnsTo": [ + "id" + ], + "onDelete": "no action", + "onUpdate": "no action" + } + }, + "compositePrimaryKeys": { + "photo_likes_photo_id_user_id_pk": { + "columns": [ + "photo_id", + "user_id" + ], + "name": "photo_likes_photo_id_user_id_pk" + } + }, + "uniqueConstraints": {}, + "checkConstraints": {} + }, + "photos": { + "name": "photos", + "columns": { + "id": { + "name": "id", + "type": "integer", + "primaryKey": true, + "notNull": true, + "autoincrement": false + }, + "user_id": { + "name": "user_id", + "type": "text(50)", + "primaryKey": false, + "notNull": true, + "autoincrement": false + }, + "caption": { + "name": "caption", + "type": "text(250)", + "primaryKey": false, + "notNull": false, + "autoincrement": false + }, + "visible": { + "name": "visible", + "type": "integer", + "primaryKey": false, + "notNull": true, + "autoincrement": false, + "default": false + } + }, + "indexes": {}, + "foreignKeys": { + "photos_user_id_users_id_fk": { + "name": "photos_user_id_users_id_fk", + "tableFrom": "photos", + "tableTo": "users", + "columnsFrom": [ + "user_id" + ], + "columnsTo": [ + "id" + ], + "onDelete": "no action", + "onUpdate": "no action" + } + }, + "compositePrimaryKeys": {}, + "uniqueConstraints": {}, + "checkConstraints": {} + }, + "users": { + "name": "users", + "columns": { + "id": { + "name": "id", + "type": "text", + "primaryKey": true, + "notNull": true, + "autoincrement": false + }, + "username": { + "name": "username", + "type": "text(50)", + "primaryKey": false, + "notNull": true, + "autoincrement": false + }, + "password": { + "name": "password", + "type": "text(50)", + "primaryKey": false, + "notNull": true, + "autoincrement": false + } + }, + "indexes": { + "users_username_unique": { + "name": "users_username_unique", + "columns": [ + "username" + ], + "isUnique": true + } + }, + "foreignKeys": {}, + "compositePrimaryKeys": {}, + "uniqueConstraints": {}, + "checkConstraints": {} + } + }, + "views": {}, + "enums": {}, + "_meta": { + "schemas": {}, + "tables": {}, + "columns": {} + }, + "internal": { + "indexes": {} + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/photos/backend/drizzle/meta/_journal.json b/photos/backend/drizzle/meta/_journal.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a9ef80 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/drizzle/meta/_journal.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "version": "7", + "dialect": "sqlite", + "entries": [ + { + "idx": 0, + "version": "6", + "when": 1731899224964, + "tag": "0000_fast_rawhide_kid", + "breakpoints": true + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/photos/backend/package.json b/photos/backend/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3fd10d --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "name": "backend", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "", + "main": "index.js", + "scripts": { + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", + "dev": "tsx watch src/app.ts", + "build": "tsc" + }, + "keywords": [], + "author": "", + "license": "ISC", + "packageManager": "pnpm@9.12.3+sha512.cce0f9de9c5a7c95bef944169cc5dfe8741abfb145078c0d508b868056848a87c81e626246cb60967cbd7fd29a6c062ef73ff840d96b3c86c40ac92cf4a813ee", + "devDependencies": { + "@types/express": "^5.0.0", + "@types/express-session": "^1.18.0", + "@types/multer": "^1.4.12", + "@types/passport": "^1.0.17", + "@types/passport-local": "^1.0.38", + "drizzle-kit": "^0.28.1", + "tsx": "^4.19.2", + "typescript": "^5.6.3" + }, + "dependencies": { + "@libsql/client": "^0.14.0", + "argon2": "^0.41.1", + "dotenv": "^16.4.5", + "drizzle-orm": "^0.36.3", + "express": "5", + "express-session": "^1.18.1", + "multer": "1.4.5-lts.1", + "passport": "^0.7.0", + "passport-local": "^1.0.0", + "postgres": "^3.4.5" + } +} diff --git a/photos/backend/pnpm-lock.yaml b/photos/backend/pnpm-lock.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25e49cf --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,2185 @@ +lockfileVersion: '9.0' + +settings: + autoInstallPeers: true + excludeLinksFromLockfile: false + +importers: + + .: + dependencies: + '@libsql/client': + specifier: ^0.14.0 + version: 0.14.0 + argon2: + specifier: ^0.41.1 + version: 0.41.1 + dotenv: + specifier: ^16.4.5 + version: 16.4.5 + drizzle-orm: + specifier: ^0.36.3 + version: 0.36.3(@libsql/client@0.14.0)(postgres@3.4.5) + express: + specifier: '5' + version: 5.0.1 + express-session: + specifier: ^1.18.1 + version: 1.18.1 + multer: + specifier: 1.4.5-lts.1 + version: 1.4.5-lts.1 + passport: + specifier: ^0.7.0 + version: 0.7.0 + passport-local: + specifier: ^1.0.0 + version: 1.0.0 + postgres: + specifier: ^3.4.5 + version: 3.4.5 + devDependencies: + '@types/express': + specifier: ^5.0.0 + version: 5.0.0 + '@types/express-session': + specifier: ^1.18.0 + version: 1.18.0 + '@types/multer': + specifier: ^1.4.12 + version: 1.4.12 + '@types/passport': + specifier: ^1.0.17 + version: 1.0.17 + '@types/passport-local': + specifier: ^1.0.38 + version: 1.0.38 + drizzle-kit: + specifier: ^0.28.1 + version: 0.28.1 + tsx: + specifier: ^4.19.2 + version: 4.19.2 + typescript: + specifier: ^5.6.3 + version: 5.6.3 + +packages: + + '@drizzle-team/brocli@0.10.2': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-z33Il7l5dKjUgGULTqBsQBQwckHh5AbIuxhdsIxDDiZAzBOrZO6q9ogcWC65kU382AfynTfgNumVcNIjuIua6w==} + + '@esbuild-kit/core-utils@3.3.2': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sPRAnw9CdSsRmEtnsl2WXWdyquogVpB3yZ3dgwJfe8zrOzTsV7cJvmwrKVa+0ma5BoiGJ+BoqkMvawbayKUsqQ==} + deprecated: 'Merged into tsx: https://tsx.is' + + '@esbuild-kit/esm-loader@2.6.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FxEMIkJKnodyA1OaCUoEvbYRkoZlLZ4d/eXFu9Fh8CbBBgP5EmZxrfTRyN0qpXZ4vOvqnE5YdRdcrmUUXuU+dA==} + deprecated: 'Merged into tsx: https://tsx.is' + + '@esbuild/aix-ppc64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bmoCYyWdEL3wDQIVbcyzRyeKLgk2WtWLTWz1ZIAZF/EGbNOwSA6ew3PftJ1PqMiOOGu0OyFMzG53L0zqIpPeNA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ppc64] + os: [aix] + + '@esbuild/aix-ppc64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6VhYk1diRqrhBAqpJEdjASR/+WVRtfjpqKuNw11cLiaWpAT/Uu+nokB+UJnevzy/P9C/ty6AOe0dwueMrGh/iQ==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [ppc64] + os: [aix] + + '@esbuild/android-arm64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Nz4rJcchGDtENV0eMKUNa6L12zz2zBDXuhj/Vjh18zGqB44Bi7MBMSXjgunJgjRhCmKOjnPuZp4Mb6OKqtMHLQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/android-arm64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-P0UVNGIienjZv3f5zq0DP3Nt2IE/3plFzuaS96vihvD0Hd6H/q4WXUGpCxD/E8YrSXfNyRPbpTq+T8ZQioSuPA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/android-arm64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xw50ipykXcLstLeWH7WRdQuysJqejuAGPd30vd1i5zSyKK3WE+ijzHmLKxdiCMtH1pHz78rOg0BKSYOSB/2Khw==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/android-arm@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fyi7TDI/ijKKNZTUJAQqiG5T7YjJXgnzkURqmGj13C6dCqckZBLdl4h7bkhHt/t0WP+zO9/zwroDvANaOqO5Sw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/android-arm@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qg/Lj1mu3CdQlDEEiWrlC4eaPZ1KztwGJ9B6J+/6G+/4ewxJg7gqj8eVYWvao1bXrqGiW2rsBZFSX3q2lcW05w==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/android-arm@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uz6/tEy2IFm9RYOyvKl88zdzZfwEfKZmnX9Cj1BHjeSGNuGLuMD1kR8y5bteYmwqKm1tj8m4cb/aKEorr6fHWQ==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/android-x64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8GDdlePJA8D6zlZYJV/jnrRAi6rOiNaCC/JclcXpB+KIuvfBN4owLtgzY2bsxnx666XjJx2kDPUmnTtR8qKQUg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/android-x64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3k7ZoUW6Q6YqhdhIaq/WZ7HwBpnFBlW905Fa4s4qWJyiNOgT1dOqDiVAQFwBH7gBRZr17gLrlFCRzF6jFh7Kew==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/android-x64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nlN9B69St9BwUoB+jkyU090bru8L0NA3yFvAd7k8dNsVH8bi9a8cUAUSEcEEgTp2z3dbEDGJGfP6VUnkQnlReg==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [android] + + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bxRHW5kHU38zS2lPTPOyuyTm+S+eobPUnTNkdJEfAddYgEcll4xkT8DB9d2008DtTbl7uJag2HuE5NZAZgnNEA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-B6IeSgZgtEzGC42jsI+YYu9Z3HKRxp8ZT3cqhvliEHovq8HSX2YX8lNocDn79gCKJXOSaEot9MVYky7AKjCs8g==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YsS2e3Wtgnw7Wq53XXBLcV6JhRsEq8hkfg91ESVadIrzr9wO6jJDMZnCQbHm1Guc5t/CdDiFSSfWP58FNuvT3Q==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + + '@esbuild/darwin-x64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pc5gxlMDxzm513qPGbCbDukOdsGtKhfxD1zJKXjCCcU7ju50O7MeAZ8c4krSJcOIJGFR+qx21yMMVYwiQvyTyQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + + '@esbuild/darwin-x64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hKoVkKzFiToTgn+41qGhsUJXFlIjxI/jSYeZf3ugemDYZldIXIxhvwN6erJGlX4t5h417iFuheZ7l+YVn05N3A==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + + '@esbuild/darwin-x64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aClqdgTDVPSEGgoCS8QDG37Gu8yc9lTHNAQlsztQ6ENetKEO//b8y31MMu2ZaPbn4kVsIABzVLXYLhCGekGDqw==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yqDQHy4QHevpMAaxhhIwYPMv1NECwOvIpGCZkECn8w2WFHXjEwrBn3CeNIYsibZ/iZEUemj++M26W3cNR5h+Tw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [freebsd] + + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4aRvFIXmwAcDBw9AueDQ2YnGmz5L6obe5kmPT8Vd+/+x/JMVKCgdcRwH6APrbpNXsPz+K653Qg8HB/oXvXVukA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [freebsd] + + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-h1k6yS8/pN/NHlMl5+v4XPfikhJulk4G+tKGFIOwURBSFzE8bixw1ebjluLOjfwtLqY0kewfjLSrO6tN2MgIhA==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [freebsd] + + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tgWRPPuQsd3RmBZwarGVHZQvtzfEBOreNuxEMKFcd5DaDn2PbBxfwLcj4+aenoh7ctXcbXmOQIn8HI6mCSw5MQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [freebsd] + + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EYoXZ4d8xtBoVN7CEwWY2IN4ho76xjYXqSXMNccFSx2lgqOG/1TBPW0yPx1bJZk94qu3tX0fycJeeQsKovA8gg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [freebsd] + + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lK1eJeyk1ZX8UklqFd/3A60UuZ/6UVfGT2LuGo3Wp4/z7eRTRYY+0xOu2kpClP+vMTi9wKOfXi2vjUpO1Ro76g==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [freebsd] + + '@esbuild/linux-arm64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2YbscF+UL7SQAVIpnWvYwM+3LskyDmPhe31pE7/aoTMFKKzIc9lLbyGUpmmb8a8AixOL61sQ/mFh3jEjHYFvdA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-arm64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EoTjyYyLuVPfdPLsGVVVC8a0p1BFFvtpQDB/YLEhaXyf/5bczaGeN15QkR+O4S5LeJ92Tqotve7i1jn35qwvdA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-arm64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/93bf2yxencYDnItMYV/v116zff6UyTjo4EtEQjUBeGiVpMmffDNUyD9UN2zV+V3LRV3/on4xdZ26NKzn6754g==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-arm@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/5bHkMWnq1EgKr1V+Ybz3s1hWXok7mDFUMQ4cG10AfW3wL02PSZi5kFpYKrptDsgb2WAJIvRcDm+qIvXf/apvg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-arm@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-J5jPms//KhSNv+LO1S1TX1UWp1ucM6N6XuL6ITdKWElCu8wXP72l9MM0zDTzzeikVyqFE6U8YAV9/tFyj0ti+w==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-arm@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CXXkzgn+dXAPs3WBwE+Kvnrf4WECwBdfjfeYHpMeVxWE0EceB6vhWGShs6wi0IYEqMSIzdOF1XjQ/Mkm5d7ZdQ==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-ia32@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-P4etWwq6IsReT0E1KHU40bOnzMHoH73aXp96Fs8TIT6z9Hu8G6+0SHSw9i2isWrD2nbx2qo5yUqACgdfVGx7TA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-ia32@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Thsa42rrP1+UIGaWz47uydHSBOgTUnwBwNq59khgIwktK6x60Hivfbux9iNR0eHCHzOLjLMLfUMLCypBkZXMHA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-ia32@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VTN4EuOHwXEkXzX5nTvVY4s7E/Krz7COC8xkftbbKRYAl96vPiUssGkeMELQMOnLOJ8k3BY1+ZY52tttZnHcXQ==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-loong64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nXW8nqBTrOpDLPgPY9uV+/1DjxoQ7DoB2N8eocyq8I9XuqJ7BiAMDMf9n1xZM9TgW0J8zrquIb/A7s3BJv7rjg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [loong64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-loong64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LiXdXA0s3IqRRjm6rV6XaWATScKAXjI4R4LoDlvO7+yQqFdlr1Bax62sRwkVvRIrwXxvtYEHHI4dm50jAXkuAA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [loong64] + 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sha512-WHPyeScRNcmANnLQkq6AfyXRFr5D6N2sKgkFo2FqguP44Nw2eyDlbTdZwd9GYk98DZG9QItIiTlFLHJHjxP3FA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ppc64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nYJA2/QPimDQOh1rKWedNOe3Gfc8PabU7HT3iXWtNUbRzXS9+vgB0Fjaqr//XNbd82mCxHzik2qotuI89cfixg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ppc64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dKN8fgVqd0vUIjxuJI6P/9SSSe/mB9rvA98CSH2sJnlZ/OCZWO1DJvxj8jvKTfYUdGfcq2dDxoKaC6bHuTlgcw==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [ppc64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WSxo6h5ecI5XH34KC7w5veNnKkju3zBRLEQNY7mv5mtBmrP/MjNBCAlsM2u5hDBlS3NGcTQpoBvRzqBcRtpq1A==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [riscv64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2MueBrlPQCw5dVJJpQdUYgeqIzDQgw3QtiAHUC4RBz9FXPrskyyU3VI1hw7C0BSKB9OduwSJ79FTCqtGMWqJHg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [riscv64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5AV4Pzp80fhHL83JM6LoA6pTQVWgB1HovMBsLQ9OZWLDqVY8MVobBXNSmAJi//Csh6tcY7e7Lny2Hg1tElMjIA==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [riscv64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-s390x@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+8231GMs3mAEth6Ja1iK0a1sQ3ohfcpzpRLH8uuc5/KVDFneH6jtAJLFGafpzpMRO6DzJ6AvXKze9LfFMrIHVQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [s390x] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-s390x@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+Pil1Nv3Umes4m3AZKqA2anfhJiVmNCYkPchwFJNEJN5QxmTs1uzyy4TvmDrCRNT2ApwSari7ZIgrPeUx4UZDg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [s390x] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-s390x@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9ygs73tuFCe6f6m/Tb+9LtYxWR4c9yg7zjt2cYkjDbDpV/xVn+68cQxMXCjUpYwEkze2RcU/rMnfIXNRFmSoDw==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [s390x] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-x64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UYqiqemphJcNsFEskc73jQ7B9jgwjWrSayxawS6UVFZGWrAAtkzjxSqnoclCXxWtfwLdzU+vTpcNYhpn43uP1w==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-x64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-B71g1QpxfwBvNrfyJdVDexenDIt1CiDN1TIXLbhOw0KhJzE78KIFGX6OJ9MrtC0oOqMWf+0xop4qEU8JrJTwCg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/linux-x64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EV6+ovTsEXCPAp58g2dD68LxoP/wK5pRvgy0J/HxPGB009omFPv3Yet0HiaqvrIrgPTBuC6wCH1LTOY91EO5hQ==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@esbuild/netbsd-x64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iO1c++VP6xUBUmltHZoMtCUdPlnPGdBom6IrO4gyKPFFVBKioIImVooR5I83nTew5UOYrk3gIJhbZh8X44y06A==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [netbsd] + + '@esbuild/netbsd-x64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3ltjQ7n1owJgFbuC61Oj++XhtzmymoCihNFgT84UAmJnxJfm4sYCiSLTXZtE00VWYpPMYc+ZQmB6xbSdVh0JWA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [netbsd] + + '@esbuild/netbsd-x64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aevEkCNu7KlPRpYLjwmdcuNz6bDFiE7Z8XC4CPqExjTvrHugh28QzUXVOZtiYghciKUacNktqxdpymplil1beA==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [netbsd] + + '@esbuild/openbsd-arm64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3x37szhLexNA4bXhLrCC/LImN/YtWis6WXr1VESlfVtVeoFJBRINPJ3f0a/6LV8zpikqoUg4hyXw0sFBt5Cr+Q==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [openbsd] + + '@esbuild/openbsd-x64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-e5e4YSsuQfX4cxcygw/UCPIEP6wbIL+se3sxPdCiMbFLBWu0eiZOJ7WoD+ptCLrmjZBK1Wk7I6D/I3NglUGOxg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [openbsd] + + '@esbuild/openbsd-x64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RbrfTB9SWsr0kWmb9srfF+L933uMDdu9BIzdA7os2t0TXhCRjrQyCeOt6wVxr79CKD4c+p+YhCj31HBkYcXebw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [openbsd] + + '@esbuild/openbsd-x64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aY2gMmKmPhxfU+0EdnN+XNtGbjfQgwZj43k8G3fyrDM/UdZww6xrWxmDkuz2eCZchqVeABjV5BpildOrUbBTqA==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [openbsd] + + '@esbuild/sunos-x64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kDbFRFp0YpTQVVrqUd5FTYmWo45zGaXe0X8E1G/LKFC0v8x0vWrhOWSLITcCn63lmZIxfOMXtCfti/RxN/0wnQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [sunos] + + '@esbuild/sunos-x64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HKjJwRrW8uWtCQnQOz9qcU3mUZhTUQvi56Q8DPTLLB+DawoiQdjsYq+j+D3s9I8VFtDr+F9CjgXKKC4ss89IeA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [sunos] + + '@esbuild/sunos-x64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RBRT2gqEl0IKQABT4XTj78tpk9v7ehp+mazn2HbUeZl1YMdaGAQqhapjGTCe7uw7y0frDi4gS0uHzhvpFuI1sA==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [sunos] + + '@esbuild/win32-arm64@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ddYFR6ItYgoaq4v4JmQQaAI5s7npztfV4Ag6NrhiaW0RrnOXqBkgwZLofVTlq1daVTQNhtI5oieTvkRPfZrePg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [win32] + + '@esbuild/win32-arm64@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-URgtR1dJnmGvX864pn1B2YUYNzjmXkuJOIqG2HdU62MVS4EHpU2946OZoTMnRUHklGtJdJZ33QfzdjGACXhn1A==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [win32] + + '@esbuild/win32-arm64@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4O+gPR5rEBe2FpKOVyiJ7wNDPA8nGzDuJ6gN4okSA1gEOYZ67N8JPk58tkWtdtPeLz7lBnY6I5L3jdsr3S+A6A==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [win32] + + '@esbuild/win32-ia32@0.18.20': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Wv7QBi3ID/rROT08SABTS7eV4hX26sVduqDOTe1MvGMjNd3EjOz4b7zeexIR62GTIEKrfJXKL9LFxTYgkyeu7g==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [win32] + + '@esbuild/win32-ia32@0.19.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+ZOE6pUkMOJfmxmBZElNOx72NKpIa/HFOMGzu8fqzQJ5kgf6aTGrcJaFsNiVMH4JKpMipyK+7k0n2UXN7a8YKQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [win32] + + '@esbuild/win32-ia32@0.23.1': + resolution: {integrity: 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sha512-nhbuXf7GP3PSZgdCY2Ecj8vz187ptHlZQ0VRc751oB2C1W8jQUXKKklvt7t1LJiUTQBVJuadF628eUk+3cRi4Q==} + + '@libsql/darwin-arm64@0.4.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yOL742IfWUlUevnI5PdnIT4fryY3LYTdLm56bnY0wXBw7dhFcnjuA7jrH3oSVz2mjZTHujxoITgAE7V6Z+eAbg==} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + + '@libsql/darwin-x64@0.4.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ezc7V75+eoyyH07BO9tIyJdqXXcRfZMbKcLCeF8+qWK5nP8wWuMcfOVywecsXGRbT99zc5eNra4NEx6z5PkSsA==} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + + '@libsql/hrana-client@0.7.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OF8fFQSkbL7vJY9rfuegK1R7sPgQ6kFMkDamiEccNUvieQ+3urzfDFI616oPl8V7T9zRmnTkSjMOImYCAVRVuw==} + + '@libsql/isomorphic-fetch@0.3.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6kK3SUK5Uu56zPq/Las620n5aS9xJq+jMBcNSOmjhNf/MUvdyji4vrMTqD7ptY7/4/CAVEAYDeotUz60LNQHtw==} + engines: {node: '>=18.0.0'} + + '@libsql/isomorphic-ws@0.1.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DtLWIH29onUYR00i0GlQ3UdcTRC6EP4u9w/h9LxpUZJWRMARk6dQwZ6Jkd+QdwVpuAOrdxt18v0K2uIYR3fwFg==} + + '@libsql/linux-arm64-gnu@0.4.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WlX2VYB5diM4kFfNaYcyhw5y+UJAI3xcMkEUJZPtRDEIu85SsSFrQ+gvoKfcVh76B//ztSeEX2wl9yrjF7BBCA==} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@libsql/linux-arm64-musl@0.4.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6kK9xAArVRlTCpWeqnNMCoXW1pe7WITI378n4NpvU5EJ0Ok3aNTIC2nRPRjhro90QcnmLL1jPcrVwO4WD1U0xw==} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@libsql/linux-x64-gnu@0.4.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CMnNRCmlWQqqzlTw6NeaZXzLWI8bydaXDke63JTUCvu8R+fj/ENsLrVBtPDlxQ0wGsYdXGlrUCH8Qi9gJep0yQ==} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@libsql/linux-x64-musl@0.4.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nI6tpS1t6WzGAt1Kx1n1HsvtBbZ+jHn0m7ogNNT6pQHZQj7AFFTIMeDQw/i/Nt5H38np1GVRNsFe99eSIMs9XA==} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@libsql/win32-x64-msvc@0.4.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7pJzOWzPm6oJUxml+PCDRzYQ4A1hTMHAciTAHfFK4fkbDZX33nWPVG7Y3vqdKtslcwAzwmrNDc6sXy2nwWnbiw==} + cpu: [x64] + os: [win32] + + '@neon-rs/load@0.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kTPhdZyTQxB+2wpiRcFWrDcejc4JI6tkPuS7UZCG4l6Zvc5kU/gGQ/ozvHTh1XR5tS+UlfAfGuPajjzQjCiHCw==} + + '@phc/format@1.0.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-m7X9U6BG2+J+R1lSOdCiITLLrxm+cWlNI3HUFA92oLO77ObGNzaKdh8pMLqdZcshtkKuV84olNNXDfMc4FezBQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + '@types/body-parser@1.19.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fB3Zu92ucau0iQ0JMCFQE7b/dv8Ot07NI3KaZIkIUNXq82k4eBAqUaneXfleGY9JWskeS9y+u0nXMyspcuQrCg==} + + '@types/connect@3.4.38': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-K6uROf1LD88uDQqJCktA4yzL1YYAK6NgfsI0v/mTgyPKWsX1CnJ0XPSDhViejru1GcRkLWb8RlzFYJRqGUbaug==} + + '@types/express-serve-static-core@5.0.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CRICJIl0N5cXDONAdlTv5ShATZ4HEwk6kDDIW2/w9qOWKg+NU/5F8wYRWCrONad0/UKkloNSmmyN/wX4rtpbVA==} + + '@types/express-session@1.18.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-27JdDRgor6PoYlURY+Y5kCakqp5ulC0kmf7y+QwaY+hv9jEFuQOThgkjyA53RP3jmKuBsH5GR6qEfFmvb8mwOA==} + + '@types/express@5.0.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DvZriSMehGHL1ZNLzi6MidnsDhUZM/x2pRdDIKdwbUNqqwHxMlRdkxtn6/EPKyqKpHqTl/4nRZsRNLpZxZRpPQ==} + + '@types/http-errors@2.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D0CFMMtydbJAegzOyHjtiKPLlvnm3iTZyZRSZoLq2mRhDdmLfIWOCYPfQJ4cu2erKghU++QvjcUjp/5h7hESpA==} + + '@types/mime@1.3.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/pyBZWSLD2n0dcHE3hq8s8ZvcETHtEuF+3E7XVt0Ig2nvsVQXdghHVcEkIWjy9A0wKfTn97a/PSDYohKIlnP/w==} + + '@types/multer@1.4.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pQ2hoqvXiJt2FP9WQVLPRO+AmiIm/ZYkavPlIQnx282u4ZrVdztx0pkh3jjpQt0Kz+YI0YhSG264y08UJKoUQg==} + + '@types/node@22.9.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vuyHg81vvWA1Z1ELfvLko2c8f34gyA0zaic0+Rllc5lbCnbSyuvb2Oxpm6TAUAC/2xZN3QGqxBNggD1nNR2AfQ==} + + '@types/passport-local@1.0.38': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nsrW4A963lYE7lNTv9cr5WmiUD1ibYJvWrpE13oxApFsRt77b0RdtZvKbCdNIY4v/QZ6TRQWaDDEwV1kCTmcXg==} + + '@types/passport-strategy@0.2.38': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GC6eMqqojOooq993Tmnmp7AUTbbQSgilyvpCYQjT+H6JfG/g6RGc7nXEniZlp0zyKJ0WUdOiZWLBZft9Yug1uA==} + + '@types/passport@1.0.17': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aciLyx+wDwT2t2/kJGJR2AEeBz0nJU4WuRX04Wu9Dqc5lSUtwu0WERPHYsLhF9PtseiAMPBGNUOtFjxZ56prsg==} + + '@types/qs@6.9.17': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rX4/bPcfmvxHDv0XjfJELTTr+iB+tn032nPILqHm5wbthUUUuVtNGGqzhya9XUxjTP8Fpr0qYgSZZKxGY++svQ==} + + '@types/range-parser@1.2.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hKormJbkJqzQGhziax5PItDUTMAM9uE2XXQmM37dyd4hVM+5aVl7oVxMVUiVQn2oCQFN/LKCZdvSM0pFRqbSmQ==} + + '@types/send@0.17.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-x2EM6TJOybec7c52BX0ZspPodMsQUd5L6PRwOunVyVUhXiBSKf3AezDL8Dgvgt5o0UfKNfuA0eMLr2wLT4AiBA==} + + '@types/serve-static@1.15.7': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-W8Ym+h8nhuRwaKPaDw34QUkwsGi6Rc4yYqvKFo5rm2FUEhCFbzVWrxXUxuKK8TASjWsysJY0nsmNCGhCOIsrOw==} + + '@types/ws@8.5.13': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-osM/gWBTPKgHV8XkTunnegTRIsvF6owmf5w+JtAfOw472dptdm0dlGv4xCt6GwQRcC2XVOvvRE/0bAoQcL2QkA==} + + accepts@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5cvg6CtKwfgdmVqY1WIiXKc3Q1bkRqGLi+2W/6ao+6Y7gu/RCwRuAhGEzh5B4KlszSuTLgZYuqFqo5bImjNKng==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + append-field@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-klpgFSWLW1ZEs8svjfb7g4qWY0YS5imI82dTg+QahUvJ8YqAY0P10Uk8tTyh9ZGuYEZEMaeJYCF5BFuX552hsw==} + + argon2@0.41.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dqCW8kJXke8Ik+McUcMDltrbuAWETPyU6iq+4AhxqKphWi7pChB/Zgd/Tp/o8xRLbg8ksMj46F/vph9wnxpTzQ==} + engines: {node: '>=16.17.0'} + + array-flatten@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zPMVc3ZYlGLNk4mpK1NzP2wg0ml9t7fUgDsayR5Y5rSzxQilzR9FGu/EH2jQOcKSAeAfWeylyW8juy3OkWRvNA==} + + body-parser@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SNMk0OONlQ01uk8EPeiBvTW7W4ovpL5b1O3t1sjpPgfxOQ6BqQJ6XjxinDPR79Z6HdcD5zBBwr5ssiTlgdNztQ==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + + buffer-from@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E+XQCRwSbaaiChtv6k6Dwgc+bx+Bs6vuKJHHl5kox/BaKbhiXzqQOwK4cO22yElGp2OCmjwVhT3HmxgyPGnJfQ==} + + busboy@1.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8SFQbg/0hQ9xy3UNTB0YEnsNBbWfhf7RtnzpL7TkBiTBRfrQ9Fxcnz7VJsleJpyp6rVLvXiuORqjlHi5q+PYuA==} + engines: {node: '>=10.16.0'} + + bytes@3.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Nf7TyzTx6S3yRJObOAV7956r8cr2+Oj8AC5dt8wSP3BQAoeX58NoHyCU8P8zGkNXStjTSi6fzO6F0pBdcYbEg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + call-bind@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GHTSNSYICQ7scH7sZ+M2rFopRoLh8t2bLSW6BbgrtLsahOIB5iyAVJf9GjWK3cYTDaMj4XdBpM1cA6pIS0Kv2w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + concat-stream@1.6.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-27HBghJxjiZtIk3Ycvn/4kbJk/1uZuJFfuPEns6LaEvpvG1f0hTea8lilrouyo9mVc2GWdcEZ8OLoGmSADlrCw==} + engines: {'0': node >= 0.8} + + content-disposition@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Au9nRL8VNUut/XSzbQA38+M78dzP4D+eqg3gfJHMIHHYa3bg067xj1KxMUWj+VULbiZMowKngFFbKczUrNJ1mg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + content-type@1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nTjqfcBFEipKdXCv4YDQWCfmcLZKm81ldF0pAopTvyrFGVbcR6P/VAAd5G7N+0tTr8QqiU0tFadD6FK4NtJwOA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + cookie-signature@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NXdYc3dLr47pBkpUCHtKSwIOQXLVn8dZEuywboCOJY/osA0wFSLlSawr3KN8qXJEyX66FcONTH8EIlVuK0yyFA==} + + cookie-signature@1.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D76uU73ulSXrD1UXF4KE2TMxVVwhsnCgfAyTg9k8P6KGZjlXKrOLe4dJQKI3Bxi5wjesZoFXJWElNWBjPZMbhg==} + engines: {node: '>=6.6.0'} + + cookie@0.7.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6DnInpx7SJ2AK3+CTUE/ZM0vWTUboZCegxhC2xiIydHR9jNuTAASBrfEpHhiGOZw/nX51bHt6YQl8jsGo4y/0w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + cookie@0.7.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yki5XnKuf750l50uGTllt6kKILY4nQ1eNIQatoXEByZ5dWgnKqbnqmTrBE5B4N7lrMJKQ2ytWMiTO2o0v6Ew/w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + core-util-is@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZQBvi1DcpJ4GDqanjucZ2Hj3wEO5pZDS89BWbkcrvdxksJorwUDDZamX9ldFkp9aw2lmBDLgkObEA4DWNJ9FYQ==} + + data-uri-to-buffer@4.0.1: + 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sha512-rBMvIzlpA8v6E+SJZoo++HAYqsLrkg7MSfIinMPFhmkorw7X+dOXVJQs+QT69zGkzMyfDnIMN2Wid1+NbL3T+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + depd@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g7nH6P6dyDioJogAAGprGpCtVImJhpPk/roCzdb3fIh61/s/nPsfR6onyMwkCAR/OlC3yBC0lESvUoQEAssIrw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + destroy@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2sJGJTaXIIaR1w4iJSNoN0hnMY7Gpc/n8D4qSCJw8QqFWXf7cuAgnEHxBpweaVcPevC2l3KpjYCx3NypQQgaJg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8', npm: 1.2.8000 || >= 1.4.16} + + detect-libc@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UX6sGumvvqSaXgdKGUsgZWqcUyIXZ/vZTrlRT/iobiKhGL0zL4d3osHj3uqllWJK+i+sixDS/3COVEOFbupFyw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + dotenv@16.4.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZmdL2rui+eB2YwhsWzjInR8LldtZHGDoQ1ugH85ppHKwpUHL7j7rN0Ti9NCnGiQbhaZ11FpR+7ao1dNsmduNUg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + drizzle-kit@0.28.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JimOV+ystXTWMgZkLHYHf2w3oS28hxiH1FR0dkmJLc7GHzdGJoJAQtQS5DRppnabsRZwE2U1F6CuezVBgmsBBQ==} + hasBin: true + + drizzle-orm@0.36.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ffQB7CcyCTvQBK6xtRLMl/Jsd5xFTBs+UTHrgs1hbk68i5TPkbsoCPbKEwiEsQZfq2I7VH632XJpV1g7LS2H9Q==} + peerDependencies: + '@aws-sdk/client-rds-data': '>=3' + '@cloudflare/workers-types': '>=3' + '@electric-sql/pglite': '>=0.2.0' + '@libsql/client': '>=0.10.0' + '@libsql/client-wasm': '>=0.10.0' + '@neondatabase/serverless': '>=0.1' + '@op-engineering/op-sqlite': '>=2' + '@opentelemetry/api': ^1.4.1 + '@planetscale/database': '>=1' + '@prisma/client': '*' + '@tidbcloud/serverless': '*' + '@types/better-sqlite3': '*' + '@types/pg': '*' + '@types/react': '>=18' + '@types/sql.js': '*' + '@vercel/postgres': '>=0.8.0' + '@xata.io/client': '*' + better-sqlite3: '>=7' + bun-types: '*' + expo-sqlite: '>=14.0.0' + knex: '*' + kysely: '*' + mysql2: '>=2' + pg: '>=8' + postgres: '>=3' + prisma: '*' + react: '>=18' + sql.js: '>=1' + sqlite3: '>=5' + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@aws-sdk/client-rds-data': + optional: true + '@cloudflare/workers-types': + optional: true + '@electric-sql/pglite': + optional: true + '@libsql/client': + optional: true + '@libsql/client-wasm': + optional: true + '@neondatabase/serverless': + optional: true + '@op-engineering/op-sqlite': + optional: true + '@opentelemetry/api': + optional: true + '@planetscale/database': + optional: true + '@prisma/client': + optional: true + '@tidbcloud/serverless': + optional: true + '@types/better-sqlite3': + optional: true + '@types/pg': + optional: true + '@types/react': + optional: true + '@types/sql.js': + optional: true + '@vercel/postgres': + optional: true + '@xata.io/client': + optional: true + better-sqlite3: + optional: true + bun-types: + optional: true + expo-sqlite: + optional: true + knex: + optional: true + kysely: + optional: true + mysql2: + optional: true + pg: + optional: true + postgres: + optional: true + prisma: + optional: true + react: + optional: true + sql.js: + optional: true + sqlite3: + optional: true + + ee-first@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WMwm9LhRUo+WUaRN+vRuETqG89IgZphVSNkdFgeb6sS/E4OrDIN7t48CAewSHXc6C8lefD8KKfr5vY61brQlow==} + + encodeurl@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TPJXq8JqFaVYm2CWmPvnP2Iyo4ZSM7/QKcSmuMLDObfpH5fi7RUGmd/rTDf+rut/saiDiQEeVTNgAmJEdAOx0w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + encodeurl@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Q0n9HRi4m6JuGIV1eFlmvJB7ZEVxu93IrMyiMsGC0lrMJMWzRgx6WGquyfQgZVb31vhGgXnfmPNNXmxnOkRBrg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + es-define-property@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jxayLKShrEqqzJ0eumQbVhTYQM27CfT1T35+gCgDFoL82JLsXqTJ76zv6A0YLOgEnLUMvLzsDsGIrl8NFpT2gQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es-errors@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Zf5H2Kxt2xjTvbJvP2ZWLEICxA6j+hAmMzIlypy4xcBg1vKVnx89Wy0GbS+kf5cwCVFFzdCFh2XSCFNULS6csw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + esbuild-register@3.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-H2/S7Pm8a9CL1uhp9OvjwrBh5Pvx0H8qVOxNu8Wed9Y7qv56MPtq+GGM8RJpq6glYJn9Wspr8uw7l55uyinNeg==} + peerDependencies: + esbuild: '>=0.12 <1' + + esbuild@0.18.20: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ceqxoedUrcayh7Y7ZX6NdbbDzGROiyVBgC4PriJThBKSVPWnnFHZAkfI1lJT8QFkOwH4qOS2SJkS4wvpGl8BpA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + hasBin: true + + esbuild@0.19.12: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aARqgq8roFBj054KvQr5f1sFu0D65G+miZRCuJyJ0G13Zwx7vRar5Zhn2tkQNzIXcBrNVsv/8stehpj+GAjgbg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + hasBin: true + + esbuild@0.23.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VVNz/9Sa0bs5SELtn3f7qhJCDPCF5oMEl5cO9/SSinpE9hbPVvxbd572HH5AKiP7WD8INO53GgfDDhRjkylHEg==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + hasBin: true + + escape-html@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NiSupZ4OeuGwr68lGIeym/ksIZMJodUGOSCZ/FSnTxcrekbvqrgdUxlJOMpijaKZVjAJrWrGs/6Jy8OMuyj9ow==} + + etag@1.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aIL5Fx7mawVa300al2BnEE4iNvo1qETxLrPI/o05L7z6go7fCw1J6EQmbK4FmJ2AS7kgVF/KEZWufBfdClMcPg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + express-session@1.18.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-a5mtTqEaZvBCL9A9aqkrtfz+3SMDhOVUnjafjo+s7A9Txkq+SVX2DLvSp1Zrv4uCXa3lMSK3viWnh9Gg07PBUA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + express@5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ORF7g6qGnD+YtUG9yx4DFoqCShNMmUKiXuT5oWMHiOvt/4WFbHC6yCwQMTSBMno7AqntNCAzzcnnjowRkTL9eQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 18'} + + fetch-blob@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7yAQpD2UMJzLi1Dqv7qFYnPbaPx7ZfFK6PiIxQ4PfkGPyNyl2Ugx+a/umUonmKqjhM4DnfbMvdX6otXq83soQQ==} + engines: {node: ^12.20 || >= 14.13} + + finalhandler@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MX6Zo2adDViYh+GcxxB1dpO43eypOGUOL12rLCOTMQv/DfIbpSJUy4oQIIZhVZkH9e+bZWKMon0XHFEju16tkQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + formdata-polyfill@4.0.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-buewHzMvYL29jdeQTVILecSaZKnt/RJWjoZCF5OW60Z67/GmSLBkOFM7qh1PI3zFNtJbaZL5eQu1vLfazOwj4g==} + engines: {node: '>=12.20.0'} + + forwarded@0.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-buRG0fpBtRHSTCOASe6hD258tEubFoRLb4ZNA6NxMVHNw2gOcwHo9wyablzMzOA5z9xA9L1KNjk/Nt6MT9aYow==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + fresh@0.5.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zJ2mQYM18rEFOudeV4GShTGIQ7RbzA7ozbU9I/XBpm7kqgMywgmylMwXHxZJmkVoYkna9d2pVXVXPdYTP9ej8Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + fresh@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Rx/WycZ60HOaqLKAi6cHRKKI7zxWbJ31MhntmtwMoaTeF7XFH9hhBp8vITaMidfljRQ6eYWCKkaTK+ykVJHP2A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + fsevents@2.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5xoDfX+fL7faATnagmWPpbFtwh/R77WmMMqqHGS65C3vvB0YHrgF+B1YmZ3441tMj5n63k0212XNoJwzlhffQw==} + engines: {node: ^8.16.0 || ^10.6.0 || >=11.0.0} + os: [darwin] + + function-bind@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7XHNxH7qX9xG5mIwxkhumTox/MIRNcOgDrxWsMt2pAr23WHp6MrRlN7FBSFpCpr+oVO0F744iUgR82nJMfG2SA==} + + get-intrinsic@1.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5uYhsJH8VJBTv7oslg4BznJYhDoRI6waYCxMmCdnTrcCrHA/fCFKoTFz2JKKE0HdDFUF7/oQuhzumXJK7paBRQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + get-tsconfig@4.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k9PN+cFBmaLWtVz29SkUoqU5O0slLuHJXt/2P+tMVFT+phsSGXGkp9t3rQIqdz0e+06EHNGs3oM6ZX1s2zHxRg==} + + gopd@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d65bNlIadxvpb/A2abVdlqKqV563juRnZ1Wtk6s1sIR8uNsXR70xqIzVqxVf1eTqDunwT2MkczEeaezCKTZhwA==} + + has-property-descriptors@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-55JNKuIW+vq4Ke1BjOTjM2YctQIvCT7GFzHwmfZPGo5wnrgkid0YQtnAleFSqumZm4az3n2BS+erby5ipJdgrg==} + + has-proto@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SJ1amZAJUiZS+PhsVLf5tGydlaVB8EdFpaSO4gmiUKUOxk8qzn5AIy4ZeJUmh22znIdk/uMAUT2pl3FxzVUH+Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + has-symbols@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l3LCuF6MgDNwTDKkdYGEihYjt5pRPbEg46rtlmnSPlUbgmB8LOIrKJbYYFBSbnPaJexMKtiPO8hmeRjRz2Td+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + hasown@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0hJU9SCPvmMzIBdZFqNPXWa6dqh7WdH0cII9y+CyS8rG3nL48Bclra9HmKhVVUHyPWNH5Y7xDwAB7bfgSjkUMQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + http-errors@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FtwrG/euBzaEjYeRqOgly7G0qviiXoJWnvEH2Z1plBdXgbyjv34pHTSb9zoeHMyDy33+DWy5Wt9Wo+TURtOYSQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + iconv-lite@0.5.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kERHXvpSaB4aU3eANwidg79K8FlrN77m8G9V+0vOR3HYaRifrlwMEpT7ZBJqLSEIHnEgJTHcWK82wwLwwKwtag==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + iconv-lite@0.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4fCk79wshMdzMp2rH06qWrJE4iolqLhCUH+OiuIgU++RB0+94NlDL81atO7GX55uUKueo0txHNtvEyI6D7WdMw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + inherits@2.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ==} + + ipaddr.js@1.9.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0KI/607xoxSToH7GjN1FfSbLoU0+btTicjsQSWQlh/hZykN8KpmMf7uYwPW3R+akZ6R/w18ZlXSHBYXiYUPO3g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + is-promise@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hvpoI6korhJMnej285dSg6nu1+e6uxs7zG3BYAm5byqDsgJNWwxzM6z6iZiAgQR4TJ30JmBTOwqZUw3WlyH3AQ==} + + isarray@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VLghIWNM6ELQzo7zwmcg0NmTVyWKYjvIeM83yjp0wRDTmUnrM678fQbcKBo6n2CJEF0szoG//ytg+TKla89ALQ==} + + js-base64@3.7.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7rCnleh0z2CkXhH67J8K1Ytz0b2Y+yxTPL+/KOJoa20hfnVQ/3/T6W/KflYI4bRHRagNeXeU2bkNGI3v1oS/lw==} + + libsql@0.4.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-T9eIRCs6b0J1SHKYIvD8+KCJMcWZ900iZyxdnSCdqxN12Z1ijzT+jY5nrk72Jw4B0HGzms2NgpryArlJqvc3Lw==} + cpu: [x64, arm64, wasm32] + os: [darwin, linux, win32] + + media-typer@0.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dq+qelQ9akHpcOl/gUVRTxVIOkAJ1wR3QAvb4RsVjS8oVoFjDGTc679wJYmUmknUF5HwMLOgb5O+a3KxfWapPQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + media-typer@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aisnrDP4GNe06UcKFnV5bfMNPBUw4jsLGaWwWfnH3v02GnBuXX2MCVn5RbrWo0j3pczUilYblq7fQ7Nw2t5XKw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + merge-descriptors@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Snk314V5ayFLhp3fkUREub6WtjBfPdCPY1Ln8/8munuLuiYhsABgBVWsozAG+MWMbVEvcdcpbi9R7ww22l9Q3g==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + + methods@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iclAHeNqNm68zFtnZ0e+1L2yUIdvzNoauKU4WBA3VvH/vPFieF7qfRlwUZU+DA9P9bPXIS90ulxoUoCH23sV2w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + mime-db@1.52.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sPU4uV7dYlvtWJxwwxHD0PuihVNiE7TyAbQ5SWxDCB9mUYvOgroQOwYQQOKPJ8CIbE+1ETVlOoK1UC2nU3gYvg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + mime-db@1.53.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oHlN/w+3MQ3rba9rqFr6V/ypF10LSkdwUysQL7GkXoTgIWeV+tcXGA852TBxH+gsh8UWoyhR1hKcoMJTuWflpg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + mime-types@2.1.35: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZDY+bPm5zTTF+YpCrAU9nK0UgICYPT0QtT1NZWFv4s++TNkcgVaT0g6+4R2uI4MjQjzysHB1zxuWL50hzaeXiw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + mime-types@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XqoSHeCGjVClAmoGFG3lVFqQFRIrTVw2OH3axRqAcfaw+gHWIfnASS92AV+Rl/mk0MupgZTRHQOjxY6YVnzK5w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + minimist@1.2.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2yyAR8qBkN3YuheJanUpWC5U3bb5osDywNB8RzDVlDwDHbocAJveqqj1u8+SVD7jkWT4yvsHCpWqqWqAxb0zCA==} + + mkdirp@0.5.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FP+p8RB8OWpF3YZBCrP5gtADmtXApB5AMLn+vdyA+PyxCjrCs00mjyUozssO33cwDeT3wNGdLxJ5M//YqtHAJw==} + hasBin: true + + ms@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Tpp60P6IUJDTuOq/5Z8cdskzJujfwqfOTkrwIwj7IRISpnkJnT6SyJ4PCPnGMoFjC9ddhal5KVIYtAt97ix05A==} + + ms@2.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sGkPx+VjMtmA6MX27oA4FBFELFCZZ4S4XqeGOXCv68tT+jb3vk/RyaKWP0PTKyWtmLSM0b+adUTEvbs1PEaH2w==} + + ms@2.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6FlzubTLZG3J2a/NVCAleEhjzq5oxgHyaCU9yYXvcLsvoVaHJq/s5xXI6/XXP6tz7R9xAOtHnSO/tXtF3WRTlA==} + + multer@1.4.5-lts.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ywPWvcDMeH+z9gQq5qYHCCy+ethsk4goepZ45GLD63fOu0YcNecQxi64nDs3qluZB+murG3/D4dJ7+dGctcCQQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 6.0.0'} + + negotiator@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8Ofs/AUQh8MaEcrlq5xOX0CQ9ypTF5dl78mjlMNfOK08fzpgTHQRQPBxcPlEtIw0yRpws+Zo/3r+5WRby7u3Gg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + node-addon-api@8.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9emqXAKhVoNrQ792nLI/wpzPpJ/bj/YXxW0CvAau1+RdGBcCRF1Dmz7719zgVsQNrzHl9Tzn3ImZ4qWFarWL0A==} + engines: {node: ^18 || ^20 || >= 21} + + node-domexception@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/jKZoMpw0F8GRwl4/eLROPA3cfcXtLApP0QzLmUT/HuPCZWyB7IY9ZrMeKw2O/nFIqPQB3PVM9aYm0F312AXDQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10.5.0'} + + node-fetch@3.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dRB78srN/l6gqWulah9SrxeYnxeddIG30+GOqK/9OlLVyLg3HPnr6SqOWTWOXKRwC2eGYCkZ59NNuSgvSrpgOA==} + engines: {node: ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.1 || >=16.0.0} + + node-gyp-build@4.8.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EMS95CMJzdoSKoIiXo8pxKoL8DYxwIZXYlLmgPb8KUv794abpnLK6ynsCAWNliOjREKruYKdzbh76HHYUHX7nw==} + hasBin: true + + object-assign@4.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rJgTQnkUnH1sFw8yT6VSU3zD3sWmu6sZhIseY8VX+GRu3P6F7Fu+JNDoXfklElbLJSnc3FUQHVe4cU5hj+BcUg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + object-inspect@1.13.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kDCGIbxkDSXE3euJZZXzc6to7fCrKHNI/hSRQnRuQ+BWjFNzZwiFF8fj/6o2t2G9/jTj8PSIYTfCLelLZEeRpA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + on-finished@2.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oVlzkg3ENAhCk2zdv7IJwd/QUD4z2RxRwpkcGY8psCVcCYZNq4wYnVWALHM+brtuJjePWiYF/ClmuDr8Ch5+kg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + on-headers@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pZAE+FJLoyITytdqK0U5s+FIpjN0JP3OzFi/u8Rx+EV5/W+JTWGXG8xFzevE7AjBfDqHv/8vL8qQsIhHnqRkrA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + once@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lNaJgI+2Q5URQBkccEKHTQOPaXdUxnZZElQTZY0MFUAuaEqe1E+Nyvgdz/aIyNi6Z9MzO5dv1H8n58/GELp3+w==} + + parseurl@1.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CiyeOxFT/JZyN5m0z9PfXw4SCBJ6Sygz1Dpl0wqjlhDEGGBP1GnsUVEL0p63hoG1fcj3fHynXi9NYO4nWOL+qQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + passport-local@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9wCE6qKznvf9mQYYbgJ3sVOHmCWoUNMVFoZzNoznmISbhnNNPhN9xfY3sLmScHMetEJeoY7CXwfhCe7argfQow==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4.0'} + + passport-strategy@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CB97UUvDKJde2V0KDWWB3lyf6PC3FaZP7YxZ2G8OAtn9p4HI9j9JLP9qjOGZFvyl8uwNT8qM+hGnz/n16NI7oA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4.0'} + + passport@0.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cPLl+qZpSc+ireUvt+IzqbED1cHHkDoVYMo30jbJIdOOjQ1MQYZBPiNvmi8UM6lJuOpTPXJGZQk0DtC4y61MYQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4.0'} + + path-to-regexp@8.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TdrF7fW9Rphjq4RjrW0Kp2AW0Ahwu9sRGTkS6bvDi0SCwZlEZYmcfDbEsTz8RVk0EHIS/Vd1bv3JhG+1xZuAyQ==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + + pause@0.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KG8UEiEVkR3wGEb4m5yZkVCzigAD+cVEJck2CzYZO37ZGJfctvVptVO192MwrtPhzONn6go8ylnOdMhKqi4nfg==} + + postgres@3.4.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cDWgoah1Gez9rN3H4165peY9qfpEo+SA61oQv65O3cRUE1pOEoJWwddwcqKE8XZYjbblOJlYDlLV4h67HrEVDg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + process-nextick-args@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3ouUOpQhtgrbOa17J7+uxOTpITYWaGP7/AhoR3+A+/1e9skrzelGi/dXzEYyvbxubEF6Wn2ypscTKiKJFFn1ag==} + + promise-limit@2.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7nJ6v5lnJsXwGprnGXga4wx6d1POjvi5Qmf1ivTRxTjH4Z/9Czja/UCMLVmB9N93GeWOU93XaFaEt6jbuoagNw==} + + proxy-addr@2.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-llQsMLSUDUPT44jdrU/O37qlnifitDP+ZwrmmZcoSKyLKvtZxpyV0n2/bD/N4tBAAZ/gJEdZU7KMraoK1+XYAg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + qs@6.13.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+38qI9SOr8tfZ4QmJNplMUxqjbe7LKvvZgWdExBOmd+egZTtjLB67Gu0HRX3u/XOq7UU2Nx6nsjvS16Z9uwfpg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.6'} + + random-bytes@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iv7LhNVO047HzYR3InF6pUcUsPQiHTM1Qal51DcGSuZFBil1aBBWG5eHPNek7bvILMaYJ/8RU1e8w1AMdHmLQQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + range-parser@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Hrgsx+orqoygnmhFbKaHE6c296J+HTAQXoxEF6gNupROmmGJRoyzfG3ccAveqCBrwr/2yxQ5BVd/GTl5agOwSg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + + raw-body@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RmkhL8CAyCRPXCE28MMH0z2PNWQBNk2Q09ZdxM9IOOXwxwZbN+qbWaatPkdkWIKL2ZVDImrN/pK5HTRz2PcS4g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8'} + + readable-stream@2.3.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8p0AUk4XODgIewSi0l8Epjs+EVnWiK7NoDIEGU0HhE7+ZyY8D1IMY7odu5lRrFXGg71L15KG8QrPmum45RTtdA==} + + resolve-pkg-maps@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-seS2Tj26TBVOC2NIc2rOe2y2ZO7efxITtLZcGSOnHHNOQ7CkiUBfw0Iw2ck6xkIhPwLhKNLS8BO+hEpngQlqzw==} + + router@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dIM5zVoG8xhC6rnSN8uoAgFARwTE7BQs8YwHEvK0VCmfxQXMaOuA1uiR1IPwsW7JyK5iTt7Od/TC9StasS2NPQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.10'} + + safe-buffer@5.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Gd2UZBJDkXlY7GbJxfsE8/nvKkUEU1G38c1siN6QP6a9PT9MmHB8GnpscSmMJSoF8LOIrt8ud/wPtojys4G6+g==} + + safe-buffer@5.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rp3So07KcdmmKbGvgaNxQSJr7bGVSVk5S9Eq1F+ppbRo70+YeaDxkw5Dd8NPN+GD6bjnYm2VuPuCXmpuYvmCXQ==} + + safer-buffer@2.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YZo3K82SD7Riyi0E1EQPojLz7kpepnSQI9IyPbHHg1XXXevb5dJI7tpyN2ADxGcQbHG7vcyRHk0cbwqcQriUtg==} + + send@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-v67WcEouB5GxbTWL/4NeToqcZiAWEq90N888fczVArY8A79J0L4FD7vj5hm3eUMua5EpoQ59wa/oovY6TLvRUA==} + engines: {node: '>= 18'} + + serve-static@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-A3We5UfEjG8Z7VkDv6uItWw6HY2bBSBJT1KtVESn6EOoOr2jAxNhxWCLY3jDE2WcuHXByWju74ck3ZgLwL8xmA==} + engines: {node: '>= 18'} + + set-function-length@1.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pgRc4hJ4/sNjWCSS9AmnS40x3bNMDTknHgL5UaMBTMyJnU90EgWh1Rz+MC9eFu4BuN/UwZjKQuY/1v3rM7HMfg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + setprototypeof@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-E5LDX7Wrp85Kil5bhZv46j8jOeboKq5JMmYM3gVGdGH8xFpPWXUMsNrlODCrkoxMEeNi/XZIwuRvY4XNwYMJpw==} + + side-channel@1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fDW/EZ6Q9RiO8eFG8Hj+7u/oW+XrPTIChwCOM2+th2A6OblDtYYIpve9m+KvI9Z4C9qSEXlaGR6bTEYHReuglA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + source-map-support@0.5.21: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uBHU3L3czsIyYXKX88fdrGovxdSCoTGDRZ6SYXtSRxLZUzHg5P/66Ht6uoUlHu9EZod+inXhKo3qQgwXUT/y1w==} + + source-map@0.6.1: + resolution: 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true + + '@esbuild/android-arm@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/android-arm@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/android-arm@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/android-x64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/android-x64@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/android-x64@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/darwin-x64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/darwin-x64@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/darwin-x64@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-arm64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-arm64@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-arm64@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-arm@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-arm@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-arm@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-ia32@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-ia32@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-ia32@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-loong64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-loong64@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-loong64@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-mips64el@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-mips64el@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-mips64el@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64@0.19.12': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64@0.23.1': + optional: true + + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64@0.18.20': + optional: true + + 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utf-8-validate + + '@libsql/isomorphic-fetch@0.3.1': {} + + '@libsql/isomorphic-ws@0.1.5': + dependencies: + '@types/ws': 8.5.13 + ws: 8.18.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - bufferutil + - utf-8-validate + + '@libsql/linux-arm64-gnu@0.4.7': + optional: true + + '@libsql/linux-arm64-musl@0.4.7': + optional: true + + '@libsql/linux-x64-gnu@0.4.7': + optional: true + + '@libsql/linux-x64-musl@0.4.7': + optional: true + + '@libsql/win32-x64-msvc@0.4.7': + optional: true + + '@neon-rs/load@0.0.4': {} + + '@phc/format@1.0.0': {} + + '@types/body-parser@1.19.5': + dependencies: + '@types/connect': 3.4.38 + '@types/node': 22.9.0 + + '@types/connect@3.4.38': + dependencies: + '@types/node': 22.9.0 + + '@types/express-serve-static-core@5.0.1': + dependencies: + '@types/node': 22.9.0 + '@types/qs': 6.9.17 + '@types/range-parser': 1.2.7 + '@types/send': 0.17.4 + + '@types/express-session@1.18.0': + dependencies: + '@types/express': 5.0.0 + + '@types/express@5.0.0': + dependencies: + 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cookie-signature@1.0.7: {} + + cookie-signature@1.2.2: {} + + cookie@0.7.1: {} + + cookie@0.7.2: {} + + core-util-is@1.0.3: {} + + data-uri-to-buffer@4.0.1: {} + + debug@2.6.9: + dependencies: + ms: 2.0.0 + + debug@3.1.0: + dependencies: + ms: 2.0.0 + + debug@4.3.6: + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.2 + + define-data-property@1.1.4: + dependencies: + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + gopd: 1.0.1 + + depd@2.0.0: {} + + destroy@1.2.0: {} + + detect-libc@2.0.2: {} + + dotenv@16.4.5: {} + + drizzle-kit@0.28.1: + dependencies: + '@drizzle-team/brocli': 0.10.2 + '@esbuild-kit/esm-loader': 2.6.5 + esbuild: 0.19.12 + esbuild-register: 3.6.0(esbuild@0.19.12) + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + drizzle-orm@0.36.3(@libsql/client@0.14.0)(postgres@3.4.5): + optionalDependencies: + '@libsql/client': 0.14.0 + postgres: 3.4.5 + + ee-first@1.1.1: {} + + encodeurl@1.0.2: {} + + encodeurl@2.0.0: {} + + es-define-property@1.0.0: + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + es-errors@1.3.0: {} + + esbuild-register@3.6.0(esbuild@0.19.12): + dependencies: + debug: 4.3.6 + esbuild: 0.19.12 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + esbuild@0.18.20: + optionalDependencies: + '@esbuild/android-arm': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/android-arm64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/android-x64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/darwin-x64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-arm': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-arm64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-ia32': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-loong64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-mips64el': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-s390x': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/linux-x64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/netbsd-x64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/openbsd-x64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/sunos-x64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/win32-arm64': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/win32-ia32': 0.18.20 + '@esbuild/win32-x64': 0.18.20 + + esbuild@0.19.12: + optionalDependencies: + '@esbuild/aix-ppc64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/android-arm': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/android-arm64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/android-x64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/darwin-x64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-arm': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-arm64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-ia32': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-loong64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-mips64el': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-s390x': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/linux-x64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/netbsd-x64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/openbsd-x64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/sunos-x64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/win32-arm64': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/win32-ia32': 0.19.12 + '@esbuild/win32-x64': 0.19.12 + + esbuild@0.23.1: + optionalDependencies: + '@esbuild/aix-ppc64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/android-arm': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/android-arm64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/android-x64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/darwin-x64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-arm': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-arm64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-ia32': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-loong64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-mips64el': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-s390x': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/linux-x64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/netbsd-x64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/openbsd-arm64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/openbsd-x64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/sunos-x64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/win32-arm64': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/win32-ia32': 0.23.1 + '@esbuild/win32-x64': 0.23.1 + + escape-html@1.0.3: {} + + etag@1.8.1: {} + + express-session@1.18.1: + dependencies: + cookie: 0.7.2 + cookie-signature: 1.0.7 + debug: 2.6.9 + depd: 2.0.0 + on-headers: 1.0.2 + parseurl: 1.3.3 + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + uid-safe: 2.1.5 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + express@5.0.1: + dependencies: + accepts: 2.0.0 + body-parser: 2.0.2 + content-disposition: 1.0.0 + content-type: 1.0.5 + cookie: 0.7.1 + cookie-signature: 1.2.2 + debug: 4.3.6 + depd: 2.0.0 + encodeurl: 2.0.0 + escape-html: 1.0.3 + etag: 1.8.1 + finalhandler: 2.0.0 + fresh: 2.0.0 + http-errors: 2.0.0 + merge-descriptors: 2.0.0 + methods: 1.1.2 + mime-types: 3.0.0 + on-finished: 2.4.1 + once: 1.4.0 + parseurl: 1.3.3 + proxy-addr: 2.0.7 + qs: 6.13.0 + range-parser: 1.2.1 + router: 2.0.0 + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + send: 1.1.0 + serve-static: 2.1.0 + setprototypeof: 1.2.0 + statuses: 2.0.1 + type-is: 2.0.0 + utils-merge: 1.0.1 + vary: 1.1.2 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + fetch-blob@3.2.0: + dependencies: + node-domexception: 1.0.0 + web-streams-polyfill: 3.3.3 + + finalhandler@2.0.0: + dependencies: + debug: 2.6.9 + encodeurl: 1.0.2 + escape-html: 1.0.3 + on-finished: 2.4.1 + parseurl: 1.3.3 + statuses: 2.0.1 + unpipe: 1.0.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + formdata-polyfill@4.0.10: + dependencies: + fetch-blob: 3.2.0 + + forwarded@0.2.0: {} + + fresh@0.5.2: {} + + fresh@2.0.0: {} + + fsevents@2.3.3: + optional: true + + function-bind@1.1.2: {} + + get-intrinsic@1.2.4: + dependencies: + es-errors: 1.3.0 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + has-proto: 1.0.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + hasown: 2.0.2 + + get-tsconfig@4.8.1: + dependencies: + resolve-pkg-maps: 1.0.0 + + gopd@1.0.1: + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + has-property-descriptors@1.0.2: + dependencies: + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + + has-proto@1.0.3: {} + + has-symbols@1.0.3: {} + + hasown@2.0.2: + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.2 + + http-errors@2.0.0: + dependencies: + depd: 2.0.0 + inherits: 2.0.4 + setprototypeof: 1.2.0 + statuses: 2.0.1 + toidentifier: 1.0.1 + + iconv-lite@0.5.2: + dependencies: + safer-buffer: 2.1.2 + + iconv-lite@0.6.3: + dependencies: + safer-buffer: 2.1.2 + + inherits@2.0.4: {} + + ipaddr.js@1.9.1: {} + + is-promise@4.0.0: {} + + isarray@1.0.0: {} + + js-base64@3.7.7: {} + + libsql@0.4.7: + dependencies: + '@neon-rs/load': 0.0.4 + detect-libc: 2.0.2 + optionalDependencies: + '@libsql/darwin-arm64': 0.4.7 + '@libsql/darwin-x64': 0.4.7 + '@libsql/linux-arm64-gnu': 0.4.7 + '@libsql/linux-arm64-musl': 0.4.7 + '@libsql/linux-x64-gnu': 0.4.7 + '@libsql/linux-x64-musl': 0.4.7 + '@libsql/win32-x64-msvc': 0.4.7 + + media-typer@0.3.0: {} + + media-typer@1.1.0: {} + + merge-descriptors@2.0.0: {} + + methods@1.1.2: {} + + mime-db@1.52.0: {} + + mime-db@1.53.0: {} + + mime-types@2.1.35: + dependencies: + mime-db: 1.52.0 + + mime-types@3.0.0: + dependencies: + mime-db: 1.53.0 + + minimist@1.2.8: {} + + mkdirp@0.5.6: + dependencies: + minimist: 1.2.8 + + ms@2.0.0: {} + + ms@2.1.2: {} + + ms@2.1.3: {} + + multer@1.4.5-lts.1: + dependencies: + append-field: 1.0.0 + busboy: 1.6.0 + concat-stream: 1.6.2 + mkdirp: 0.5.6 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + type-is: 1.6.18 + xtend: 4.0.2 + + negotiator@1.0.0: {} + + node-addon-api@8.2.2: {} + + node-domexception@1.0.0: {} + + node-fetch@3.3.2: + dependencies: + data-uri-to-buffer: 4.0.1 + fetch-blob: 3.2.0 + formdata-polyfill: 4.0.10 + + node-gyp-build@4.8.3: {} + + object-assign@4.1.1: {} + + object-inspect@1.13.3: {} + + on-finished@2.4.1: + dependencies: + ee-first: 1.1.1 + + on-headers@1.0.2: {} + + once@1.4.0: + dependencies: + wrappy: 1.0.2 + + parseurl@1.3.3: {} + + passport-local@1.0.0: + dependencies: + passport-strategy: 1.0.0 + + passport-strategy@1.0.0: {} + + passport@0.7.0: + dependencies: + passport-strategy: 1.0.0 + pause: 0.0.1 + utils-merge: 1.0.1 + + path-to-regexp@8.2.0: {} + + pause@0.0.1: {} + + postgres@3.4.5: {} + + process-nextick-args@2.0.1: {} + + promise-limit@2.7.0: {} + + proxy-addr@2.0.7: + dependencies: + forwarded: 0.2.0 + ipaddr.js: 1.9.1 + + qs@6.13.0: + dependencies: + side-channel: 1.0.6 + + random-bytes@1.0.0: {} + + range-parser@1.2.1: {} + + raw-body@3.0.0: + dependencies: + bytes: 3.1.2 + http-errors: 2.0.0 + iconv-lite: 0.6.3 + unpipe: 1.0.0 + + readable-stream@2.3.8: + dependencies: + core-util-is: 1.0.3 + inherits: 2.0.4 + isarray: 1.0.0 + process-nextick-args: 2.0.1 + safe-buffer: 5.1.2 + string_decoder: 1.1.1 + util-deprecate: 1.0.2 + + resolve-pkg-maps@1.0.0: {} + + router@2.0.0: + dependencies: + array-flatten: 3.0.0 + is-promise: 4.0.0 + methods: 1.1.2 + parseurl: 1.3.3 + path-to-regexp: 8.2.0 + setprototypeof: 1.2.0 + utils-merge: 1.0.1 + + safe-buffer@5.1.2: {} + + safe-buffer@5.2.1: {} + + safer-buffer@2.1.2: {} + + send@1.1.0: + dependencies: + debug: 4.3.6 + destroy: 1.2.0 + encodeurl: 2.0.0 + escape-html: 1.0.3 + etag: 1.8.1 + fresh: 0.5.2 + http-errors: 2.0.0 + mime-types: 2.1.35 + ms: 2.1.3 + on-finished: 2.4.1 + range-parser: 1.2.1 + statuses: 2.0.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + serve-static@2.1.0: + dependencies: + encodeurl: 2.0.0 + escape-html: 1.0.3 + parseurl: 1.3.3 + send: 1.1.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + set-function-length@1.2.2: + dependencies: + define-data-property: 1.1.4 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2 + + setprototypeof@1.2.0: {} + + side-channel@1.0.6: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + object-inspect: 1.13.3 + + source-map-support@0.5.21: + dependencies: + buffer-from: 1.1.2 + source-map: 0.6.1 + + source-map@0.6.1: {} + + statuses@2.0.1: {} + + streamsearch@1.1.0: {} + + string_decoder@1.1.1: + dependencies: + safe-buffer: 5.1.2 + + toidentifier@1.0.1: {} + + tsx@4.19.2: + dependencies: + esbuild: 0.23.1 + get-tsconfig: 4.8.1 + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.3 + + type-is@1.6.18: + dependencies: + media-typer: 0.3.0 + mime-types: 2.1.35 + + type-is@2.0.0: + dependencies: + content-type: 1.0.5 + media-typer: 1.1.0 + mime-types: 3.0.0 + + typedarray@0.0.6: {} + + typescript@5.6.3: {} + + uid-safe@2.1.5: + dependencies: + random-bytes: 1.0.0 + + undici-types@6.19.8: {} + + unpipe@1.0.0: {} + + util-deprecate@1.0.2: {} + + utils-merge@1.0.1: {} + + vary@1.1.2: {} + + web-streams-polyfill@3.3.3: {} + + wrappy@1.0.2: {} + + ws@8.18.0: {} + + xtend@4.0.2: {} diff --git a/photos/backend/src/app.ts b/photos/backend/src/app.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddfccb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/app.ts @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +import "dotenv/config"; +import passport from "passport"; +import express from "express"; + +import * as auth from "./services/auth"; +import authRouter from "./routers/auth"; +import photosRouter from "./routers/photos"; +import { runMigrations } from "./db"; + +const app = express(); + +auth.init(app, passport); +app.use(express.json()); +app.use(passport.session()); + +app.use("/auth", authRouter); +app.use("/photos", photosRouter); + +async function prepare() { + if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { + await runMigrations(); + } +} + +prepare().then(() => + app.listen(8000, () => console.log("Server listening on port 8000.")) +); diff --git a/photos/backend/src/db/index.ts b/photos/backend/src/db/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a360af6 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/db/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +import "dotenv/config"; +import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/libsql"; +import * as schema from "./schema"; +import { ExtractTablesWithRelations } from "drizzle-orm"; +import { SQLiteTransaction } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core"; +import { migrate } from "drizzle-orm/libsql/migrator"; + +const db = drizzle(process.env.DB_FILE_NAME!, { schema, casing: "snake_case" }); + +type Transaction = SQLiteTransaction< + "async", + any, + typeof schema, + ExtractTablesWithRelations +>; + +async function runMigrations() { + await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "./drizzle" }); +} + +export { schema, runMigrations, Transaction }; +export default db; diff --git a/photos/backend/src/db/schema.ts b/photos/backend/src/db/schema.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..204bab2 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/db/schema.ts @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import { relations } from "drizzle-orm"; +import { + integer, + primaryKey, + sqliteTable, + text, +} from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core"; +import * as crypto from "node:crypto"; + +/** Users */ +export const users = sqliteTable("users", { + id: text().notNull().primaryKey().$defaultFn(crypto.randomUUID), + + username: text({ length: 50 }).notNull().unique(), + password: text({ length: 50 }).notNull(), +}); + +/** Photos */ +export const photos = sqliteTable("photos", { + id: integer().notNull().primaryKey(), + userId: text({ length: 50 }) + .notNull() + .references(() => users.id), + + caption: text({ length: 250 }), + visible: integer({ mode: "boolean" }).notNull().default(false), +}); + +export const photosRelations = relations(photos, ({ one, many }) => ({ + user: one(users, { + fields: [photos.userId], + references: [users.id], + }), + likes: many(photoLikes), +})); + +/** Photo likes */ +export const photoLikes = sqliteTable( + "photo_likes", + { + photoId: integer() + .notNull() + .references(() => photos.id), + userId: text() + .notNull() + .references(() => users.id), + }, + (table) => ({ pk: primaryKey({ columns: [table.photoId, table.userId] }) }) +); + +export const photosLikesRelations = relations(photoLikes, ({ one }) => ({ + user: one(users, { + fields: [photoLikes.userId], + references: [users.id], + }), + photo: one(photos, { + fields: [photoLikes.photoId], + references: [photos.id], + }), +})); diff --git a/photos/backend/src/global.d.ts b/photos/backend/src/global.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9414977 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/global.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +declare global { + namespace Express { + interface User { + id: string; + username: string; + } + } +} + +export {}; diff --git a/photos/backend/src/routers/auth.ts b/photos/backend/src/routers/auth.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2a1c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/routers/auth.ts @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +import { Router } from "express"; +import passport from "passport"; + +import * as users from "../services/users"; + +const router = Router(); + +/** Get user data */ +router.get("/me", (req, res) => { + if (req.isAuthenticated()) { + res.send(req.user); + } else { + res.status(401).send(); + } +}); + +/** Sign in */ +router.post("/signin", passport.authenticate("local"), (req, res) => { + res.status(200).send(req.user); +}); + +/** Sign up */ +router.post("/signup", async (req, res) => { + const { username, password } = req.body; + if (req.isAuthenticated()) { + res.status(400).send(); + return; + } + + if ( + typeof username !== "string" || + username.length < 2 || + username.length > 50 || + typeof password !== "string" || + password.length < 2 || + password.length > 50 + ) { + res.status(400).send(); + return; + } + + try { + const user = await users.create(username, password); + + req.login(user, (err) => { + if (err) { + console.error(err); + res.status(500).send(); + } else { + res.send(user); + } + }); + } catch (e) { + if ( + e instanceof Error && + e.message == "UNIQUE constraint failed: users.username" + ) { + res.status(400).send("This username is already taken."); + } else { + console.error(e); + res.status(500).send(); + } + } +}); + +/** Sign out */ +router.post("/signout", (req, res) => { + req.logout((err) => { + if (err) { + console.error(err); + res.status(500).send(); + } else { + res.status(200).send(); + } + }); +}); + +export default router; diff --git a/photos/backend/src/routers/photos.ts b/photos/backend/src/routers/photos.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db2a840 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/routers/photos.ts @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +import { Router } from "express"; +import multer from "multer"; + +import * as photos from "../services/photos"; + +const storage = multer.memoryStorage(); +const upload = multer({ + storage, + limits: { files: 1, fileSize: 5 * 1024 * 1024 }, +}); + +const router = Router(); + +/** Get photos feed */ +router.get("/", async (req, res) => { + let { offset, userId } = req.query; + let offsetNumber: number = 0; + let userIdString: string = ""; + + try { + if (typeof offset === "string") offsetNumber = parseInt(offset); + } catch {} + + if (typeof userId === "string") userIdString = userId; + + if (offsetNumber < 0) { + res.status(400).send(); + return; + } + + res.send( + await photos.getFeedForUserId(req.user?.id, offsetNumber, userIdString) + ); +}); + +/** Get photo file */ +router.get("/:id.jpeg", async (req, res) => { + const id = +req.params.id; + if (!isFinite(id)) { + res.status(400).send("Invalid id."); + return; + } + + const photo = await photos.findById(id); + if (!photo) { + res.status(404).send("Photo not found."); + return; + } + + if (photo.userId != req.user?.id && !photo.visible) { + res.status(401).send(); + return; + } + + res.sendFile(`./data/${id}.jpeg`, { root: process.cwd() }); +}); + +/** Get photo data */ +router.get("/:id", async (req, res) => { + const id = +req.params.id; + if (!isFinite(id)) { + res.status(400).send("Invalid id."); + return; + } + + const photo = await photos.findByIdWithMetadata(req.user?.id, id); + if (!photo) { + res.status(404).send("Photo not found."); + return; + } + + if (photo.userId != req.user?.id && !photo.visible) { + res.status(401).send(); + return; + } + + res.send(photo); +}); + +/** Upload photo */ +router.post("/", upload.single("photo"), async (req, res) => { + if (!req.isAuthenticated()) { + res.status(401).send(); + return; + } + + const file = req.file; + if (!file || file.mimetype !== "image/jpeg") { + res.status(400).send("Unsupported file type."); + return; + } + + const photo = await photos.create( + req.user.id, + file, + req.body.caption, + req.body.visible === "true" + ); + + res.send(photo); +}); + +/** Like or un-like a post */ +router.post("/:id/like", async (req, res) => { + const id = parseInt(req.params.id); + if (!isFinite(id)) { + res.status(400).send("Invalid id."); + return; + } + + if (!req.isAuthenticated()) { + res.status(401).send(); + return; + } + + const photo = await photos.updateLike( + req.user.id, + id, + req.body?.like === true + ); + + res.send(photo); +}); + +export default router; diff --git a/photos/backend/src/services/auth.ts b/photos/backend/src/services/auth.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a9769d --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/services/auth.ts @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +import express from "express"; +import { PassportStatic } from "passport"; +import LocalStrategy from "passport-local"; +import session from "express-session"; +import * as argon2 from "argon2"; + +import * as users from "./users"; +import db from "../db"; + +/** Deserializes a user from session data */ +async function deserializeUser( + id: string, + done: (err: any, user?: Express.User) => void +) { + try { + const user = await users.findById(id); + if (!user) return done(new Error("User not found.")); + done(undefined, user); + } catch (e) { + done(e); + } +} + +/** Verifies user credentials */ +async function verify( + username: string, + password: string, + cb: ( + error: any, + user?: Express.User | false, + options?: LocalStrategy.IVerifyOptions + ) => void +) { + const user = await db.query.users.findFirst({ + where: (users, { eq }) => eq(users.username, username), + }); + + if (!user) return cb(undefined, false); + + try { + if (await argon2.verify(user.password, password)) { + const { password, ...data } = user; + return cb(undefined, data); + } else { + return cb(undefined, false); + } + } catch { + return cb(undefined, false); + } +} + +/** Initializes the authentication service */ +export function init(app: express.Application, passport: PassportStatic) { + passport.serializeUser((user, done) => done(undefined, user.id)); + passport.deserializeUser(deserializeUser); + + passport.use( + new LocalStrategy.Strategy( + { + usernameField: "username", + passwordField: "password", + }, + verify + ) + ); + + app.use( + session({ + secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET!, + resave: true, + saveUninitialized: true, + cookie: { + httpOnly: true, + }, + }) + ); +} diff --git a/photos/backend/src/services/photos.ts b/photos/backend/src/services/photos.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b68e336 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/services/photos.ts @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +import { and, eq } from "drizzle-orm"; +import db, { schema, Transaction } from "../db"; + +import * as fs from "node:fs/promises"; + +/** Finds a photo by its id */ +export async function findById(id: number) { + return await db.query.photos.findFirst({ + where: (photos, { eq }) => eq(photos.id, id), + }); +} + +/** Finds a photo by its id for a given user and returns additional metadata */ +export async function findByIdWithMetadata( + userId: string | undefined, + id: number, + tx?: Transaction +) { + const photo = await (tx || db).query.photos.findFirst({ + where: (photos, { eq }) => eq(photos.id, id), + with: { + user: { + columns: { + id: true, + username: true, + }, + }, + likes: true, + }, + }); + + if (!photo) throw new Error("Photo not found."); + const { likes, ...data } = photo; + + return { + ...data, + likes: likes.length, + liked: !!likes.find((like) => like.userId === userId), + }; +} + +/** Creates a new photo */ +export async function create( + userId: string, + file: Express.Multer.File, + caption?: string, + visible?: boolean +) { + return await db.transaction(async (tx) => { + const [photo] = await tx + .insert(schema.photos) + .values({ userId, caption, visible }) + .returning(); + + await fs.writeFile(`./data/${photo.id}.jpeg`, file.buffer); + + return photo; + }); +} + +/** Gets the photo for a given user */ +export async function getFeedForUserId( + userId: string | undefined, + offset: number, + forUserId?: string +) { + const photos = await db.query.photos.findMany({ + where: (photos, { or, eq }) => + and( + or( + eq(photos.visible, true), + userId ? eq(photos.userId, userId) : undefined + ), + forUserId ? eq(photos.userId, forUserId) : undefined + ), + + with: { + user: { + columns: { + id: true, + username: true, + }, + }, + likes: true, + }, + offset, + limit: 10, + }); + + return photos.map(({ likes, ...photo }) => ({ + ...photo, + likes: likes.length, + liked: !!likes.find((like) => like.userId === userId), + })); +} + +/** Updates the like status of a photo for a user */ +export async function updateLike( + userId: string, + photoId: number, + like: boolean +) { + return await db.transaction(async (tx) => { + if (like) { + await tx + .insert(schema.photoLikes) + .values({ userId, photoId }) + .onConflictDoNothing(); + } else { + await tx + .delete(schema.photoLikes) + .where( + and( + eq(schema.photoLikes.photoId, photoId), + eq(schema.photoLikes.userId, userId) + ) + ); + } + + return findByIdWithMetadata(userId, photoId, tx); + }); +} diff --git a/photos/backend/src/services/users.ts b/photos/backend/src/services/users.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e041a69 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/src/services/users.ts @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import db, { schema } from "../db"; +import * as argon2 from "argon2"; + +/** Finds a user by their id */ +export async function findById(id: string) { + return await db.query.users.findFirst({ + where: (users, { eq }) => eq(users.id, id), + columns: { id: true, username: true }, + }); +} + +/** Finds a user by their username */ +export async function findByUsername(username: string) { + return await db.query.users.findFirst({ + where: (users, { eq }) => eq(users.username, username), + columns: { id: true, username: true }, + }); +} + +/** Creates a user */ +export async function create(username: string, password: string) { + const hash = await argon2.hash(password); + + const [user] = await db + .insert(schema.users) + .values({ username, password: hash }) + .returning({ id: schema.users.id, username: schema.users.username }); + + return user; +} diff --git a/photos/backend/tsconfig.json b/photos/backend/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..075ff0d --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/backend/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + /* Visit https://aka.ms/tsconfig to read more about this file */ + + /* Projects */ + // "incremental": true, /* Save .tsbuildinfo files to allow for incremental compilation of projects. */ + // "composite": true, /* Enable constraints that allow a TypeScript project to be used with project references. */ + // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./.tsbuildinfo", /* Specify the path to .tsbuildinfo incremental compilation file. */ + // "disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect": true, /* Disable preferring source files instead of declaration files when referencing composite projects. */ + // "disableSolutionSearching": true, /* Opt a project out of multi-project reference checking when editing. */ + // "disableReferencedProjectLoad": true, /* Reduce the number of projects loaded automatically by TypeScript. */ + + /* Language and Environment */ + "target": "es2016" /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */, + // "lib": [], /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */ + // "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify what JSX code is generated. */ + // "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enable experimental support for legacy experimental decorators. */ + // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source files. */ + // "jsxFactory": "", /* Specify the JSX factory function used when targeting React JSX emit, e.g. 'React.createElement' or 'h'. */ + // "jsxFragmentFactory": "", /* Specify the JSX Fragment reference used for fragments when targeting React JSX emit e.g. 'React.Fragment' or 'Fragment'. */ + // "jsxImportSource": "", /* Specify module specifier used to import the JSX factory functions when using 'jsx: react-jsx*'. */ + // "reactNamespace": "", /* Specify the object invoked for 'createElement'. This only applies when targeting 'react' JSX emit. */ + // "noLib": true, /* Disable including any library files, including the default lib.d.ts. */ + // "useDefineForClassFields": true, /* Emit ECMAScript-standard-compliant class fields. */ + // "moduleDetection": "auto", /* Control what method is used to detect module-format JS files. */ + + /* Modules */ + "module": "commonjs" /* Specify what module code is generated. */, + // "rootDir": "./", /* Specify the root folder within your source files. */ + // "moduleResolution": "node10", /* Specify how TypeScript looks up a file from a given module specifier. */ + // "baseUrl": "./", /* Specify the base directory to resolve non-relative module names. */ + // "paths": {}, /* Specify a set of entries that re-map imports to additional lookup locations. */ + // "rootDirs": [], /* Allow multiple folders to be treated as one when resolving modules. */ + // "typeRoots": [], /* Specify multiple folders that act like './node_modules/@types'. */ + // "types": [], /* Specify type package names to be included without being referenced in a source file. */ + // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ + // "moduleSuffixes": [], /* List of file name suffixes to search when resolving a module. */ + // "allowImportingTsExtensions": true, /* Allow imports to include TypeScript file extensions. Requires '--moduleResolution bundler' and either '--noEmit' or '--emitDeclarationOnly' to be set. */ + // "resolvePackageJsonExports": true, /* Use the package.json 'exports' field when resolving package imports. */ + // "resolvePackageJsonImports": true, /* Use the package.json 'imports' field when resolving imports. */ + // "customConditions": [], /* Conditions to set in addition to the resolver-specific defaults when resolving imports. */ + // "noUncheckedSideEffectImports": true, /* Check side effect imports. */ + // "resolveJsonModule": true, /* Enable importing .json files. */ + // "allowArbitraryExtensions": true, /* Enable importing files with any extension, provided a declaration file is present. */ + // "noResolve": true, /* Disallow 'import's, 'require's or ''s from expanding the number of files TypeScript should add to a project. */ + + /* JavaScript Support */ + // "allowJs": true, /* Allow JavaScript files to be a part of your program. Use the 'checkJS' option to get errors from these files. */ + // "checkJs": true, /* Enable error reporting in type-checked JavaScript files. */ + // "maxNodeModuleJsDepth": 1, /* Specify the maximum folder depth used for checking JavaScript files from 'node_modules'. Only applicable with 'allowJs'. */ + + /* Emit */ + // "declaration": true, /* Generate .d.ts files from TypeScript and JavaScript files in your project. */ + // "declarationMap": true, /* Create sourcemaps for d.ts files. */ + // "emitDeclarationOnly": true, /* Only output d.ts files and not JavaScript files. */ + // "sourceMap": true, /* Create source map files for emitted JavaScript files. */ + // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Include sourcemap files inside the emitted JavaScript. */ + // "noEmit": true, /* Disable emitting files from a compilation. */ + // "outFile": "./", /* Specify a file that bundles all outputs into one JavaScript file. If 'declaration' is true, also designates a file that bundles all .d.ts output. */ + "outDir": "./dist" /* Specify an output folder for all emitted files. */, + // "removeComments": true, /* Disable emitting comments. */ + // "importHelpers": true, /* Allow importing helper functions from tslib once per project, instead of including them per-file. */ + // "downlevelIteration": true, /* Emit more compliant, but verbose and less performant JavaScript for iteration. */ + // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the root path for debuggers to find the reference source code. */ + // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ + // "inlineSources": true, /* Include source code in the sourcemaps inside the emitted JavaScript. */ + // "emitBOM": true, /* Emit a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) in the beginning of output files. */ + // "newLine": "crlf", /* Set the newline character for emitting files. */ + // "stripInternal": true, /* Disable emitting declarations that have '@internal' in their JSDoc comments. */ + // "noEmitHelpers": true, /* Disable generating custom helper functions like '__extends' in compiled output. */ + // "noEmitOnError": true, /* Disable emitting files if any type checking errors are reported. */ + // "preserveConstEnums": true, /* Disable erasing 'const enum' declarations in generated code. */ + // "declarationDir": "./", /* Specify the output directory for generated declaration files. */ + + /* Interop Constraints */ + // "isolatedModules": true, /* Ensure that each file can be safely transpiled without relying on other imports. */ + // "verbatimModuleSyntax": true, /* Do not transform or elide any imports or exports not marked as type-only, ensuring they are written in the output file's format based on the 'module' setting. */ + // "isolatedDeclarations": true, /* Require sufficient annotation on exports so other tools can trivially generate declaration files. */ + // "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow 'import x from y' when a module doesn't have a default export. */ + "esModuleInterop": true /* Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules. This enables 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' for type compatibility. */, + // "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Disable resolving symlinks to their realpath. This correlates to the same flag in node. */ + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true /* Ensure that casing is correct in imports. */, + + /* Type Checking */ + "strict": true /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */, + // "noImplicitAny": true, /* Enable error reporting for expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ + // "strictNullChecks": true, /* When type checking, take into account 'null' and 'undefined'. */ + // "strictFunctionTypes": true, /* When assigning functions, check to ensure parameters and the return values are subtype-compatible. */ + // "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Check that the arguments for 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods match the original function. */ + // "strictPropertyInitialization": true, /* Check for class properties that are declared but not set in the constructor. */ + // "strictBuiltinIteratorReturn": true, /* Built-in iterators are instantiated with a 'TReturn' type of 'undefined' instead of 'any'. */ + // "noImplicitThis": true, /* Enable error reporting when 'this' is given the type 'any'. */ + // "useUnknownInCatchVariables": true, /* Default catch clause variables as 'unknown' instead of 'any'. */ + // "alwaysStrict": true, /* Ensure 'use strict' is always emitted. */ + // "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Enable error reporting when local variables aren't read. */ + // "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Raise an error when a function parameter isn't read. */ + // "exactOptionalPropertyTypes": true, /* Interpret optional property types as written, rather than adding 'undefined'. */ + // "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Enable error reporting for codepaths that do not explicitly return in a function. */ + // "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Enable error reporting for fallthrough cases in switch statements. */ + // "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true, /* Add 'undefined' to a type when accessed using an index. */ + // "noImplicitOverride": true, /* Ensure overriding members in derived classes are marked with an override modifier. */ + // "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, /* Enforces using indexed accessors for keys declared using an indexed type. */ + // "allowUnusedLabels": true, /* Disable error reporting for unused labels. */ + // "allowUnreachableCode": true, /* Disable error reporting for unreachable code. */ + + /* Completeness */ + // "skipDefaultLibCheck": true, /* Skip type checking .d.ts files that are included with TypeScript. */ + "skipLibCheck": true /* Skip type checking all .d.ts files. */ + } +} diff --git a/photos/docker-compose.yaml b/photos/docker-compose.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67401a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/docker-compose.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +services: + nginx: + build: + context: ./nginx + ports: + - 3000:80 + + frontend: + build: + context: ./frontend + network_mode: service:nginx + + backend: + build: + context: ./backend + environment: + - NODE_ENV=production + - DB_FILE_NAME=file:local.db + - SESSION_SECRET=secret + network_mode: service:nginx + + init: + platform: linux/amd64 + build: + context: ./init + restart: "on-failure" + depends_on: + nginx: + condition: service_started + environment: + - ADMIN_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword + - FLAG_1=NOT-THE-REAL-FLAG-1 + network_mode: service:nginx diff --git a/photos/fake-flag.jpeg b/photos/fake-flag.jpeg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..027bcb9 Binary files /dev/null and b/photos/fake-flag.jpeg differ diff --git a/photos/flag.jpeg b/photos/flag.jpeg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ad2ed8 Binary files /dev/null and b/photos/flag.jpeg differ diff --git a/photos/frontend/.dockerignore b/photos/frontend/.dockerignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72e9aa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/.dockerignore @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Dockerfile +.dockerignore +node_modules +npm-debug.log +README.md +.next +.git \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/photos/frontend/.eslintrc.json b/photos/frontend/.eslintrc.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3722418 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/.eslintrc.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "extends": ["next/core-web-vitals", "next/typescript"] +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/.gitignore b/photos/frontend/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d32cc78 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# See https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/ for more about ignoring files. + +# dependencies +/node_modules +/.pnp +.pnp.* +.yarn/* +!.yarn/patches +!.yarn/plugins +!.yarn/releases +!.yarn/versions + +# testing +/coverage + +# next.js +/.next/ +/out/ + +# production +/build + +# misc +.DS_Store +*.pem + +# debug +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* + +# env files (can opt-in for committing if needed) +.env* + +# vercel +.vercel + +# typescript +*.tsbuildinfo +next-env.d.ts diff --git a/photos/frontend/Dockerfile b/photos/frontend/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2802f00 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# syntax=docker.io/docker/dockerfile:1 + +FROM node:18-alpine AS base + +# Install dependencies only when needed +FROM base AS deps +# Check https://github.com/nodejs/docker-node/tree/b4117f9333da4138b03a546ec926ef50a31506c3#nodealpine to understand why libc6-compat might be needed. +RUN apk add --no-cache libc6-compat +WORKDIR /app + +# Install dependencies based on the preferred package manager +COPY package.json yarn.lock* package-lock.json* pnpm-lock.yaml* .npmrc* ./ +RUN \ + if [ -f yarn.lock ]; then yarn --frozen-lockfile; \ + elif [ -f package-lock.json ]; then npm ci; \ + elif [ -f pnpm-lock.yaml ]; then corepack enable pnpm && pnpm i --frozen-lockfile; \ + else echo "Lockfile not found." && exit 1; \ + fi + + +# Rebuild the source code only when needed +FROM base AS builder +WORKDIR /app +COPY --from=deps /app/node_modules ./node_modules +COPY . . + +# Next.js collects completely anonymous telemetry data about general usage. +# Learn more here: https://nextjs.org/telemetry +# Uncomment the following line in case you want to disable telemetry during the build. +# ENV NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1 + +RUN \ + if [ -f yarn.lock ]; then yarn run build; \ + elif [ -f package-lock.json ]; then npm run build; \ + elif [ -f pnpm-lock.yaml ]; then corepack enable pnpm && pnpm run build; \ + else echo "Lockfile not found." && exit 1; \ + fi + +# Production image, copy all the files and run next +FROM base AS runner +WORKDIR /app + +ENV NODE_ENV=production +# Uncomment the following line in case you want to disable telemetry during runtime. +# ENV NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED=1 + +RUN addgroup --system --gid 1001 nodejs +RUN adduser --system --uid 1001 nextjs + +# Automatically leverage output traces to reduce image size +# https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/output-file-tracing +COPY --from=builder --chown=nextjs:nodejs /app/.next/standalone ./ +COPY --from=builder --chown=nextjs:nodejs /app/.next/static ./.next/static + +USER nextjs + +EXPOSE 3000 + +ENV PORT=3000 + +# server.js is created by next build from the standalone output +# https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/api-reference/next-config-js/output +ENV HOSTNAME="" +CMD ["node", "server.js"] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/photos/frontend/components.json b/photos/frontend/components.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a577147 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/components.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://ui.shadcn.com/schema.json", + "style": "new-york", + "rsc": true, + "tsx": true, + "tailwind": { + "config": "tailwind.config.ts", + "css": "src/app/globals.css", + "baseColor": "neutral", + "cssVariables": true, + "prefix": "" + }, + "aliases": { + "components": "@/components", + "utils": "@/lib/utils", + "ui": "@/components/ui", + "lib": "@/lib", + "hooks": "@/hooks", + "extension": "@/components/ui/extension" + }, + "iconLibrary": "lucide" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/photos/frontend/next.config.ts b/photos/frontend/next.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..365d6de --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/next.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import type { NextConfig } from "next"; + +const nextConfig: NextConfig = { + /* config options here */ + rewrites: async () => [ + { + source: "/api/:path*", + destination: "http://localhost:8000/:path*", + }, + ], + output: "standalone", +}; + +export default nextConfig; diff --git a/photos/frontend/package.json b/photos/frontend/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5db586 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +{ + "name": "frontend", + "version": "0.1.0", + "private": true, + "scripts": { + "dev": "next dev", + "build": "next build", + "start": "next start", + "lint": "next lint" + }, + "dependencies": { + "@hookform/resolvers": "^3.9.1", + "@radix-ui/react-avatar": "^1.1.1", + "@radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu": "^2.1.2", + "@radix-ui/react-label": "^2.1.0", + "@radix-ui/react-slot": "^1.1.0", + "@radix-ui/react-switch": "^1.1.1", + "@radix-ui/react-toast": "^1.2.2", + "@tanstack/react-query": "^5.60.5", + "class-variance-authority": "^0.7.0", + "clsx": "^2.1.1", + "lucide-react": "^0.460.0", + "next": "15.0.3", + "react": "19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106", + "react-dom": "19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106", + "react-dropzone": "^14.3.5", + "react-hook-form": "^7.53.2", + "sonner": "^1.7.0", + "tailwind-merge": "^2.5.4", + "tailwindcss-animate": "^1.0.7", + "zod": "^3.23.8" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "@types/node": "^20", + "@types/react": "^18", + "@types/react-dom": "^18", + "eslint": "^8", + "eslint-config-next": "15.0.3", + "postcss": "^8", + "tailwindcss": "^3.4.1", + "typescript": "^5" + }, + "packageManager": "pnpm@9.12.3+sha512.cce0f9de9c5a7c95bef944169cc5dfe8741abfb145078c0d508b868056848a87c81e626246cb60967cbd7fd29a6c062ef73ff840d96b3c86c40ac92cf4a813ee" +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/pnpm-lock.yaml b/photos/frontend/pnpm-lock.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad83d83 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,4440 @@ +lockfileVersion: '9.0' + +settings: + autoInstallPeers: true + excludeLinksFromLockfile: false + +importers: + + .: + dependencies: + '@hookform/resolvers': + specifier: ^3.9.1 + version: 3.9.1(react-hook-form@7.53.2(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106)) + '@radix-ui/react-avatar': + specifier: ^1.1.1 + version: 1.1.1(@types/react-dom@18.3.1)(@types/react@18.3.12)(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + '@radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu': + specifier: ^2.1.2 + version: 2.1.2(@types/react-dom@18.3.1)(@types/react@18.3.12)(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + '@radix-ui/react-label': + specifier: ^2.1.0 + version: 2.1.0(@types/react-dom@18.3.1)(@types/react@18.3.12)(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + '@radix-ui/react-slot': + specifier: ^1.1.0 + version: 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + '@radix-ui/react-switch': + specifier: ^1.1.1 + version: 1.1.1(@types/react-dom@18.3.1)(@types/react@18.3.12)(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + '@radix-ui/react-toast': + specifier: ^1.2.2 + version: 1.2.2(@types/react-dom@18.3.1)(@types/react@18.3.12)(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + '@tanstack/react-query': + specifier: ^5.60.5 + version: 5.60.5(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + class-variance-authority: + specifier: ^0.7.0 + version: 0.7.0 + clsx: + specifier: ^2.1.1 + version: 2.1.1 + lucide-react: + specifier: ^0.460.0 + version: 0.460.0(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + next: + specifier: 15.0.3 + version: 15.0.3(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + react: + specifier: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + version: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + react-dom: + specifier: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + version: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + react-dropzone: + specifier: ^14.3.5 + version: 14.3.5(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + react-hook-form: + specifier: ^7.53.2 + version: 7.53.2(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + sonner: + specifier: ^1.7.0 + version: 1.7.0(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + tailwind-merge: + specifier: ^2.5.4 + version: 2.5.4 + tailwindcss-animate: + specifier: ^1.0.7 + version: 1.0.7(tailwindcss@3.4.15) + zod: + specifier: ^3.23.8 + version: 3.23.8 + devDependencies: + '@types/node': + specifier: ^20 + version: 20.17.6 + '@types/react': + specifier: ^18 + version: 18.3.12 + '@types/react-dom': + specifier: ^18 + version: 18.3.1 + eslint: + specifier: ^8 + version: 8.57.1 + eslint-config-next: + specifier: 15.0.3 + version: 15.0.3(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3) + postcss: + specifier: ^8 + version: 8.4.49 + tailwindcss: + specifier: ^3.4.1 + version: 3.4.15 + typescript: + specifier: ^5 + version: 5.6.3 + +packages: + + '@alloc/quick-lru@5.2.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UrcABB+4bUrFABwbluTIBErXwvbsU/V7TZWfmbgJfbkwiBuziS9gxdODUyuiecfdGQ85jglMW6juS3+z5TsKLw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + '@emnapi/runtime@1.3.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kEBmG8KyqtxJZv+ygbEim+KCGtIq1fC22Ms3S4ziXmYKm8uyoLX0MHONVKwp+9opg390VaKRNt4a7A9NwmpNhw==} + + '@eslint-community/eslint-utils@4.4.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-s3O3waFUrMV8P/XaF/+ZTp1X9XBZW1a4B97ZnjQF2KYWaFD2A8KyFBsrsfSjEmjn3RGWAIuvlneuZm3CUK3jbA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || >=8.0.0 + + '@eslint-community/regexpp@4.12.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CCZCDJuduB9OUkFkY2IgppNZMi2lBQgD2qzwXkEia16cge2pijY/aXi96CJMquDMn3nJdlPV1A5KrJEXwfLNzQ==} + engines: {node: ^12.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || >=16.0.0} + + '@eslint/eslintrc@2.1.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-269Z39MS6wVJtsoUl10L60WdkhJVdPG24Q4eZTH3nnF6lpvSShEK3wQjDX9JRWAUPvPh7COouPpU9IrqaZFvtQ==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + '@eslint/js@8.57.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d9zaMRSTIKDLhctzH12MtXvJKSSUhaHcjV+2Z+GK+EEY7XKpP5yR4x+N3TAcHTcu963nIr+TMcCb4DBCYX1z6Q==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + '@floating-ui/core@1.6.8': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7XJ9cPU+yI2QeLS+FCSlqNFZJq8arvswefkZrYI1yQBbftw6FyrZOxYSh+9S7z7TpeWlRt9zJ5IhM1WIL334jA==} + + '@floating-ui/dom@1.6.12': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NP83c0HjokcGVEMeoStg317VD9W7eDlGK7457dMBANbKA6GJZdc7rjujdgqzTaz93jkGgc5P/jeWbaCHnMNc+w==} + + '@floating-ui/react-dom@2.1.2': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-06okr5cgPzMNBy+Ycse2A6udMi4bqwW/zgBF/rwjcNqWkyr82Mcg8b0vjX8OJpZFy/FKjJmw6wV7t44kK6kW7A==} + peerDependencies: + react: '>=16.8.0' + react-dom: '>=16.8.0' + + '@floating-ui/utils@0.2.8': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kym7SodPp8/wloecOpcmSnWJsK7M0E5Wg8UcFA+uO4B9s5d0ywXOEro/8HM9x0rW+TljRzul/14UYz3TleT3ig==} + + '@hookform/resolvers@3.9.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ud2HqmGBM0P0IABqoskKWI6PEf6ZDDBZkFqe2Vnl+mTHCEHzr3ISjjZyCwTjC/qpL25JC9aIDkloQejvMeq0ug==} + peerDependencies: + react-hook-form: ^7.0.0 + + '@humanwhocodes/config-array@0.13.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DZLEEqFWQFiyK6h5YIeynKx7JlvCYWL0cImfSRXZ9l4Sg2efkFGTuFf6vzXjK1cq6IYkU+Eg/JizXw+TD2vRNw==} + engines: {node: '>=10.10.0'} + deprecated: Use @eslint/config-array instead + + '@humanwhocodes/module-importer@1.0.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bxveV4V8v5Yb4ncFTT3rPSgZBOpCkjfK0y4oVVVJwIuDVBRMDXrPyXRL988i5ap9m9bnyEEjWfm5WkBmtffLfA==} + engines: {node: '>=12.22'} + + '@humanwhocodes/object-schema@2.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-93zYdMES/c1D69yZiKDBj0V24vqNzB/koF26KPaagAfd3P/4gUlh3Dys5ogAK+Exi9QyzlD8x/08Zt7wIKcDcA==} + deprecated: Use @eslint/object-schema instead + + '@img/sharp-darwin-arm64@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UT4p+iz/2H4twwAoLCqfA9UH5pI6DggwKEGuaPy7nCVQ8ZsiY5PIcrRvD1DzuY3qYL07NtIQcWnBSY/heikIFQ==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + + '@img/sharp-darwin-x64@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fyHac4jIc1ANYGRDxtiqelIbdWkIuQaI84Mv45KvGRRxSAa7o7d1ZKAOBaYbnepLC1WqxfpimdeWfvqqSGwR2Q==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + + '@img/sharp-libvips-darwin-arm64@1.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XblONe153h0O2zuFfTAbQYAX2JhYmDHeWikp1LM9Hul9gVPjFY427k6dFEcOL72O01QxQsWi761svJ/ev9xEDg==} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + + '@img/sharp-libvips-darwin-x64@1.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xnGR8YuZYfJGmWPvmlunFaWJsb9T/AO2ykoP3Fz/0X5XV2aoYBPkX6xqCQvUTKKiLddarLaxpzNe+b1hjeWHAQ==} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + + '@img/sharp-libvips-linux-arm64@1.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9B+taZ8DlyyqzZQnoeIvDVR/2F4EbMepXMc/NdVbkzsJbzkUjhXv/70GQJ7tdLA4YJgNP25zukcxpX2/SueNrA==} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-libvips-linux-arm@1.0.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gvcC4ACAOPRNATg/ov8/MnbxFDJqf/pDePbBnuBDcjsI8PssmjoKMAz4LtLaVi+OnSb5FK/yIOamqDwGmXW32g==} + cpu: [arm] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-libvips-linux-s390x@1.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-u7Wz6ntiSSgGSGcjZ55im6uvTrOxSIS8/dgoVMoiGE9I6JAfU50yH5BoDlYA1tcuGS7g/QNtetJnxA6QEsCVTA==} + cpu: [s390x] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-libvips-linux-x64@1.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MmWmQ3iPFZr0Iev+BAgVMb3ZyC4KeFc3jFxnNbEPas60e1cIfevbtuyf9nDGIzOaW9PdnDciJm+wFFaTlj5xYw==} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-libvips-linuxmusl-arm64@1.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9Ti+BbTYDcsbp4wfYib8Ctm1ilkugkA/uscUn6UXK1ldpC1JjiXbLfFZtRlBhjPZ5o1NCLiDbg8fhUPKStHoTA==} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-libvips-linuxmusl-x64@1.0.4': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-viYN1KX9m+/hGkJtvYYp+CCLgnJXwiQB39damAO7WMdKWlIhmYTfHjwSbQeUK/20vY154mwezd9HflVFM1wVSw==} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-linux-arm64@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JMVv+AMRyGOHtO1RFBiJy/MBsgz0x4AWrT6QoEVVTyh1E39TrCUpTRI7mx9VksGX4awWASxqCYLCV4wBZHAYxA==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-linux-arm@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JTS1eldqZbJxjvKaAkxhZmBqPRGmxgu+qFKSInv8moZ2AmT5Yib3EQ1c6gp493HvrvV8QgdOXdyaIBrhvFhBMQ==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [arm] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-linux-s390x@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-y/5PCd+mP4CA/sPDKl2961b+C9d+vPAveS33s6Z3zfASk2j5upL6fXVPZi7ztePZ5CuH+1kW8JtvxgbuXHRa4Q==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [s390x] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-linux-x64@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-opC+Ok5pRNAzuvq1AG0ar+1owsu842/Ab+4qvU879ippJBHvyY5n2mxF1izXqkPYlGuP/M556uh53jRLJmzTWA==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-linuxmusl-arm64@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XrHMZwGQGvJg2V/oRSUfSAfjfPxO+4DkiRh6p2AFjLQztWUuY/o8Mq0eMQVIY7HJ1CDQUJlxGGZRw1a5bqmd1g==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-linuxmusl-x64@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WT+d/cgqKkkKySYmqoZ8y3pxx7lx9vVejxW/W4DOFMYVSkErR+w7mf2u8m/y4+xHe7yY9DAXQMWQhpnMuFfScw==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@img/sharp-wasm32@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ykUW4LVGaMcU9lu9thv85CbRMAwfeadCJHRsg2GmeRa/cJxsVY9Rbd57JcMxBkKHag5U/x7TSBpScF4U8ElVzg==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [wasm32] + + '@img/sharp-win32-ia32@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-T36PblLaTwuVJ/zw/LaH0PdZkRz5rd3SmMHX8GSmR7vtNSP5Z6bQkExdSK7xGWyxLw4sUknBuugTelgw2faBbQ==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [win32] + + '@img/sharp-win32-x64@0.33.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MpY/o8/8kj+EcnxwvrP4aTJSWw/aZ7JIGR4aBeZkZw5B7/Jn+tY9/VNwtcoGmdT7GfggGIU4kygOMSbYnOrAbg==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + cpu: [x64] + os: [win32] + + '@isaacs/cliui@8.0.2': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-O8jcjabXaleOG9DQ0+ARXWZBTfnP4WNAqzuiJK7ll44AmxGKv/J2M4TPjxjY3znBCfvBXFzucm1twdyFybFqEA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + '@jridgewell/gen-mapping@0.3.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IzL8ZoEDIBRWEzlCcRhOaCupYyN5gdIK+Q6fbFdPDg6HqX6jpkItn7DFIpW9LQzXG6Df9sA7+OKnq0qlz/GaQg==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + '@jridgewell/resolve-uri@3.1.2': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bRISgCIjP20/tbWSPWMEi54QVPRZExkuD9lJL+UIxUKtwVJA8wW1Trb1jMs1RFXo1CBTNZ/5hpC9QvmKWdopKw==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + '@jridgewell/set-array@1.2.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R8gLRTZeyp03ymzP/6Lil/28tGeGEzhx1q2k703KGWRAI1VdvPIXdG70VJc2pAMw3NA6JKL5hhFu1sJX0Mnn/A==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@1.5.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gv3ZRaISU3fjPAgNsriBRqGWQL6quFx04YMPW/zD8XMLsU32mhCCbfbO6KZFLjvYpCZ8zyDEgqsgf+PwPaM7GQ==} + + '@jridgewell/trace-mapping@0.3.25': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vNk6aEwybGtawWmy/PzwnGDOjCkLWSD2wqvjGGAgOAwCGWySYXfYoxt00IJkTF+8Lb57DwOb3Aa0o9CApepiYQ==} + + '@next/env@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t9Xy32pjNOvVn2AS+Utt6VmyrshbpfUMhIjFO60gI58deSo/KgLOp31XZ4O+kY/Is8WAGYwA5gR7kOb1eORDBA==} + + '@next/eslint-plugin-next@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3Ln/nHq2V+v8uIaxCR6YfYo7ceRgZNXfTd3yW1ukTaFbO+/I8jNakrjYWODvG9BuR2v5kgVtH/C8r0i11quOgw==} + + '@next/swc-darwin-arm64@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-s3Q/NOorCsLYdCKvQlWU+a+GeAd3C8Rb3L1YnetsgwXzhc3UTWrtQpB/3eCjFOdGUj5QmXfRak12uocd1ZiiQw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + + '@next/swc-darwin-x64@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Zxl/TwyXVZPCFSf0u2BNj5sE0F2uR6iSKxWpq4Wlk/Sv9Ob6YCKByQTkV2y6BCic+fkabp9190hyrDdPA/dNrw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + + '@next/swc-linux-arm64-gnu@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-T5+gg2EwpsY3OoaLxUIofmMb7ohAUlcNZW0fPQ6YAutaWJaxt1Z1h+8zdl4FRIOr5ABAAhXtBcpkZNwUcKI2fw==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@next/swc-linux-arm64-musl@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WkAk6R60mwDjH4lG/JBpb2xHl2/0Vj0ZRu1TIzWuOYfQ9tt9NFsIinI1Epma77JVgy81F32X/AeD+B2cBu/YQA==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + + '@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gWL/Cta1aPVqIGgDb6nxkqy06DkwJ9gAnKORdHWX1QBbSZZB+biFYPFti8aKIQL7otCE1pjyPaXpFzGeG2OS2w==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@next/swc-linux-x64-musl@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QQEMwFd8r7C0GxQS62Zcdy6GKx999I/rTO2ubdXEe+MlZk9ZiinsrjwoiBL5/57tfyjikgh6GOU2WRQVUej3UA==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + + '@next/swc-win32-arm64-msvc@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9TEp47AAd/ms9fPNgtgnT7F3M1Hf7koIYYWCMQ9neOwjbVWJsHZxrFbI3iEDJ8rf1TDGpmHbKxXf2IFpAvheIQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [win32] + + '@next/swc-win32-x64-msvc@15.0.3': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VNAz+HN4OGgvZs6MOoVfnn41kBzT+M+tB+OK4cww6DNyWS6wKaDpaAm/qLeOUbnMh0oVx1+mg0uoYARF69dJyA==} + engines: {node: '>= 10'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [win32] + + '@nodelib/fs.scandir@2.1.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vq24Bq3ym5HEQm2NKCr3yXDwjc7vTsEThRDnkp2DK9p1uqLR+DHurm/NOTo0KG7HYHU7eppKZj3MyqYuMBf62g==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + '@nodelib/fs.stat@2.0.5': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RkhPPp2zrqDAQA/2jNhnztcPAlv64XdhIp7a7454A5ovI7Bukxgt7MX7udwAu3zg1DcpPU0rz3VV1SeaqvY4+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + '@nodelib/fs.walk@1.2.8': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oGB+UxlgWcgQkgwo8GcEGwemoTFt3FIO9ababBmaGwXIoBKZ+GTy0pP185beGg7Llih/NSHSV2XAs1lnznocSg==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + '@nolyfill/is-core-module@1.0.39': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nn5ozdjYQpUCZlWGuxcJY/KpxkWQs4DcbMCmKojjyrYDEAGy4Ce19NN4v5MduafTwJlbKc99UA8YhSVqq9yPZA==} + engines: {node: '>=12.4.0'} + + '@pkgjs/parseargs@0.11.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+1VkjdD0QBLPodGrJUeqarH8VAIvQODIbwh9XpP5Syisf7YoQgsJKPNFoqqLQlu+VQ/tVSshMR6loPMn8U+dPg==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + + '@radix-ui/primitive@1.1.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4Z8dn6Upk0qk4P74xBhZ6Hd/w0mPEzOOLxy4xiPXOXqjF7jZS0VAKk7/x/H6FyY2zCkYJqePf1G5KmkmNJ4RBA==} + + '@radix-ui/react-arrow@1.1.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FmlW1rCg7hBpEBwFbjHwCW6AmWLQM6g/v0Sn8XbP9NvmSZ2San1FpQeyPtufzOMSIx7Y4dzjlHoifhp+7NkZhw==} + peerDependencies: + '@types/react': '*' + '@types/react-dom': '*' + react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/react': + optional: true + '@types/react-dom': + optional: true + + '@radix-ui/react-avatar@1.1.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eoOtThOmxeoizxpX6RiEsQZ2wj5r4+zoeqAwO0cBaFQGjJwIH3dIX0OCxNrCyrrdxG+vBweMETh3VziQG7c1kw==} + peerDependencies: + '@types/react': '*' + '@types/react-dom': '*' + react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/react': + optional: true + '@types/react-dom': + optional: true + + '@radix-ui/react-collection@1.1.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GZsZslMJEyo1VKm5L1ZJY8tGDxZNPAoUeQUIbKeJfoi7Q4kmig5AsgLMYYuyYbfjd8fBmFORAIwYAkXMnXZgZw==} + peerDependencies: + '@types/react': '*' + '@types/react-dom': '*' + react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/react': + optional: true + '@types/react-dom': + optional: true + + '@radix-ui/react-compose-refs@1.1.0': + resolution: {integrity: 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typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + + '@typescript-eslint/utils@8.14.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OGqj6uB8THhrHj0Fk27DcHPojW7zKwKkPmHXHvQ58pLYp4hy8CSUdTKykKeh+5vFqTTVmjz0zCOOPKRovdsgHA==} + engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^8.57.0 || ^9.0.0 + + '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@8.14.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vG0XZo8AdTH9OE6VFRwAZldNc7qtJ/6NLGWak+BtENuEUXGZgFpihILPiBvKXvJ2nFu27XNGC6rKiwuaoMbYzQ==} + engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0} + + '@ungap/structured-clone@1.2.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zuVdFrMJiuCDQUMCzQaD6KL28MjnqqN8XnAqiEq9PNm/hCPTSGfrXCOfwj1ow4LFb/tNymJPwsNbVePc1xFqrQ==} + + acorn-jsx@5.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rq9s+JNhf0IChjtDXxllJ7g41oZk5SlXtp0LHwyA5cejwn7vKmKp4pPri6YEePv2PU65sAsegbXtIinmDFDXgQ==} + peerDependencies: + acorn: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 + + acorn@8.14.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cl669nCJTZBsL97OF4kUQm5g5hC2uihk0NxY3WENAC0TYdILVkAyHymAntgxGkl7K+t0cXIrH5siy5S4XkFycA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + hasBin: true + + ajv@6.12.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-j3fVLgvTo527anyYyJOGTYJbG+vnnQYvE0m5mmkc1TK+nxAppkCLMIL0aZ4dblVCNoGShhm+kzE4ZUykBoMg4g==} + + ansi-regex@5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-quJQXlTSUGL2LH9SUXo8VwsY4soanhgo6LNSm84E1LBcE8s3O0wpdiRzyR9z/ZZJMlMWv37qOOb9pdJlMUEKFQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + ansi-regex@6.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7HSX4QQb4CspciLpVFwyRe79O3xsIZDDLER21kERQ71oaPodF8jL725AgJMFAYbooIqolJoRLuM81SpeUkpkvA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + ansi-styles@4.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zbB9rCJAT1rbjiVDb2hqKFHNYLxgtk8NURxZ3IZwD3F6NtxbXZQCnnSi1Lkx+IDohdPlFp222wVALIheZJQSEg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + ansi-styles@6.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bN798gFfQX+viw3R7yrGWRqnrN2oRkEkUjjl4JNn4E8GxxbjtG3FbrEIIY3l8/hrwUwIeCZvi4QuOTP4MErVug==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + any-promise@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7UvmKalWRt1wgjL1RrGxoSJW/0QZFIegpeGvZG9kjp8vrRu55XTHbwnqq2GpXm9uLbcuhxm3IqX9OB4MZR1b2A==} + + anymatch@3.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KMReFUr0B4t+D+OBkjR3KYqvocp2XaSzO55UcB6mgQMd3KbcE+mWTyvVV7D/zsdEbNnV6acZUutkiHQXvTr1Rw==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + arg@5.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PYjyFOLKQ9y57JvQ6QLo8dAgNqswh8M1RMJYdQduT6xbWSgK36P/Z/v+p888pM69jMMfS8Xd8F6I1kQ/I9HUGg==} + + argparse@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8+9WqebbFzpX9OR+Wa6O29asIogeRMzcGtAINdpMHHyAg10f05aSFVBbcEqGf/PXw1EjAZ+q2/bEBg3DvurK3Q==} + + aria-hidden@1.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-y+CcFFwelSXpLZk/7fMB2mUbGtX9lKycf1MWJ7CaTIERyitVlyQx6C+sxcROU2BAJ24OiZyK+8wj2i8AlBoS3A==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + aria-query@5.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-COROpnaoap1E2F000S62r6A60uHZnmlvomhfyT2DlTcrY1OrBKn2UhH7qn5wTC9zMvD0AY7csdPSNwKP+7WiQw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + array-buffer-byte-length@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ahC5W1xgou+KTXix4sAO8Ki12Q+jf4i0+tmk3sC+zgcynshkHxzpXdImBehiUYKKKDwvfFiJl1tZt6ewscS1Mg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + array-includes@3.1.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-itaWrbYbqpGXkGhZPGUulwnhVf5Hpy1xiCFsGqyIGglbBxmG5vSjxQen3/WGOjPpNEv1RtBLKxbmVXm8HpJStQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + array.prototype.findlast@1.2.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CVvd6FHg1Z3POpBLxO6E6zr+rSKEQ9L6rZHAaY7lLfhKsWYUBBOuMs0e9o24oopj6H+geRCX0YJ+TJLBK2eHyQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + array.prototype.findlastindex@1.2.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zfETvRFA8o7EiNn++N5f/kaCw221hrpGsDmcpndVupkPzEc1Wuf3VgC0qby1BbHs7f5DVYjgtEU2LLh5bqeGfQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + array.prototype.flat@1.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-djYB+Zx2vLewY8RWlNCUdHjDXs2XOgm602S9E7P/UpHgfeHL00cRiIF+IN/G/aUJ7kGPb6yO/ErDI5V2s8iycA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + array.prototype.flatmap@1.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ewyx0c9PmpcsByhSW4r+9zDU7sGjFc86qf/kKtuSCRdhfbk0SNLLkaT5qvcHnRGgc5NP/ly/y+qkXkqONX54CQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + array.prototype.tosorted@1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-p6Fx8B7b7ZhL/gmUsAy0D15WhvDccw3mnGNbZpi3pmeJdxtWsj2jEaI4Y6oo3XiHfzuSgPwKc04MYt6KgvC/wA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + arraybuffer.prototype.slice@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bMxMKAjg13EBSVscxTaYA4mRc5t1UAXa2kXiGTNfZ079HIWXEkKmkgFrh/nJqamaLSrXO5H4WFFkPEaLJWbs3A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + ast-types-flow@0.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OH/2E5Fg20h2aPrbe+QL8JZQFko0YZaF+j4mnQ7BGhfavO7OpSLa8a0y9sBwomHdSbkhTS8TQNayBfnW5DwbvQ==} + + attr-accept@2.2.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0bDNnY/u6pPwHDMoF0FieU354oBi0a8rD9FcsLwzcGWbc8KS8KPIi7y+s13OlVY+gMWc/9xEMUgNE6Qm8ZllYQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + available-typed-arrays@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wvUjBtSGN7+7SjNpq/9M2Tg350UZD3q62IFZLbRAR1bSMlCo1ZaeW+BJ+D090e4hIIZLBcTDWe4Mh4jvUDajzQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + axe-core@4.10.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RE3mdQ7P3FRSe7eqCWoeQ/Z9QXrtniSjp1wUjt5nRC3WIpz5rSCve6o3fsZ2aCpJtrZjSZgjwXAoTO5k4tEI0w==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + axobject-query@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qIj0G9wZbMGNLjLmg1PT6v2mE9AH2zlnADJD/2tC6E00hgmhUOfEB6greHPAfLRSufHqROIUTkw6E+M3lH0PTQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + balanced-match@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3oSeUO0TMV67hN1AmbXsK4yaqU7tjiHlbxRDZOpH0KW9+CeX4bRAaX0Anxt0tx2MrpRpWwQaPwIlISEJhYU5Pw==} + + binary-extensions@2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ceh+7ox5qe7LJuLHoY0feh3pHuUDHAcRUeyL2VYghZwfpkNIy/+8Ocg0a3UuSoYzavmylwuLWQOf3hl0jjMMIw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + brace-expansion@1.1.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iCuPHDFgrHX7H2vEI/5xpz07zSHB00TpugqhmYtVmMO6518mCuRMoOYFldEBl0g187ufozdaHgWKcYFb61qGiA==} + + brace-expansion@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XnAIvQ8eM+kC6aULx6wuQiwVsnzsi9d3WxzV3FpWTGA19F621kwdbsAcFKXgKUHZWsy+mY6iL1sHTxWEFCytDA==} + + braces@3.0.3: + 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chalk@4.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKnbhFyRIXpUuez8iBMmyEa4nbj4IOQyuhc/wy9kY7/WVPcwIO9VA668Pu8RkO7+0G76SLROeyw9CpQ061i4mA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + chokidar@3.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7VT13fmjotKpGipCW9JEQAusEPE+Ei8nl6/g4FBAmIm0GOOLMua9NDDo/DWp0ZAxCr3cPq5ZpBqmPAQgDda2Pw==} + engines: {node: '>= 8.10.0'} + + class-variance-authority@0.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jFI8IQw4hczaL4ALINxqLEXQbWcNjoSkloa4IaufXCJr6QawJyw7tuRysRsrE8w2p/4gGaxKIt/hX3qz/IbD1A==} + + client-only@0.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IV3Ou0jSMzZrd3pZ48nLkT9DA7Ag1pnPzaiQhpW7c3RbcqqzvzzVu+L8gfqMp/8IM2MQtSiqaCxrrcfu8I8rMA==} + + clsx@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rQ1+kcj+ttHG0MKVGBUXwayCCF1oh39BF5COIpRzuCEv8Mwjv0XucrI2ExNTOn9IlLifGClWQcU9BrZORvtw6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + clsx@2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eYm0QWBtUrBWZWG0d386OGAw16Z995PiOVo2B7bjWSbHedGl5e0ZWaq65kOGgUSNesEIDkB9ISbTg/JK9dhCZA==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + color-convert@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RRECPsj7iu/xb5oKYcsFHSppFNnsj/52OVTRKb4zP5onXwVF3zVmmToNcOfGC+CRDpfK/U584fMg38ZHCaElKQ==} + engines: {node: '>=7.0.0'} + + color-name@1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOy+3AuW3a2wNbZHIuMZpTcgjGuLU/uBL/ubcZF9OXbDo8ff4O8yVp5Bf0efS8uEoYo5q4Fx7dY9OgQGXgAsQA==} + + color-string@1.9.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-shrVawQFojnZv6xM40anx4CkoDP+fZsw/ZerEMsW/pyzsRbElpsL/DBVW7q3ExxwusdNXI3lXpuhEZkzs8p5Eg==} + + color@4.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1rXeuUUiGGrykh+CeBdu5Ie7OJwinCgQY0bc7GCRxy5xVHy+moaqkpL/jqQq0MtQOeYcrqEz4abc5f0KtU7W4A==} + engines: {node: '>=12.5.0'} + + commander@4.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NOKm8xhkzAjzFx8B2v5OAHT+u5pRQc2UCa2Vq9jYL/31o2wi9mxBA7LIFs3sV5VSC49z6pEhfbMULvShKj26WA==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + concat-map@0.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Srv4dswyQNBfohGpz9o6Yb3Gz3SrUDqBH5rTuhGR7ahtlbYKnVxw2bCFMRljaA7EXHaXZ8wsHdodFvbkhKmqg==} + + cross-spawn@7.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZVJrKKYunU38/76t0RMOulHOnUcbU9GbpWKAOZ0mhjr7CX6FVrH+4FrAapSOekrgFQ3f/8gwMEuIft0aKq6Hug==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + cssesc@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/Tb/JcjK111nNScGob5MNtsntNM1aCNUDipB/TkwZFhyDrrE47SOx/18wF2bbjgc3ZzCSKW1T5nt5EbFoAz/Vg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + hasBin: true + + csstype@3.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-M1uQkMl8rQK/szD0LNhtqxIPLpimGm8sOBwU7lLnCpSbTyY3yeU1Vc7l4KT5zT4s/yOxHH5O7tIuuLOCnLADRw==} + + damerau-levenshtein@1.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sdQSFB7+llfUcQHUQO3+B8ERRj0Oa4w9POWMI/puGtuf7gFywGmkaLCElnudfTiKZV+NvHqL0ifzdrI8Ro7ESA==} + + data-view-buffer@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0lht7OugA5x3iJLOWFhWK/5ehONdprk0ISXqVFn/NFrDu+cuc8iADFrGQz5BnRK7LLU3JmkbXSxaqX+/mXYtUA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + data-view-byte-length@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4J7wRJD3ABAzr8wP+OcIcqq2dlUKp4DVflx++hs5h5ZKydWMI6/D/fAot+yh6g2tHh8fLFTvNOaVN357NvSrOQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + data-view-byte-offset@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t/Ygsytq+R995EJ5PZlD4Cu56sWa8InXySaViRzw9apusqsOO2bQP+SbYzAhR0pFKoB+43lYy8rWban9JSuXnA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + debug@3.2.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CFjzYYAi4ThfiQvizrFQevTTXHtnCqWfe7x1AhgEscTz6ZbLbfoLRLPugTQyBth6f8ZERVUSyWHFD/7Wu4t1XQ==} + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + + debug@4.3.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Er2nc/H7RrMXZBFCEim6TCmMk02Z8vLC2Rbi1KEBggpo0fS6l0S1nnapwmIi3yW/+GOJap1Krg4w0Hg80oCqgQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0'} + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + + deep-is@0.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oIPzksmTg4/MriiaYGO+okXDT7ztn/w3Eptv/+gSIdMdKsJo0u4CfYNFJPy+4SKMuCqGw2wxnA+URMg3t8a/bQ==} + + define-data-property@1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rBMvIzlpA8v6E+SJZoo++HAYqsLrkg7MSfIinMPFhmkorw7X+dOXVJQs+QT69zGkzMyfDnIMN2Wid1+NbL3T+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + define-properties@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8QmQKqEASLd5nx0U1B1okLElbUuuttJ/AnYmRXbbbGDWh6uS208EjD4Xqq/I9wK7u0v6O08XhTWnt5XtEbR6Dg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + detect-libc@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bwy0MGW55bG41VqxxypOsdSdGqLwXPI/focwgTYCFMbdUiBAxLg9CFzG08sz2aqzknwiX7Hkl0bQENjg8iLByw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + detect-node-es@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ypdmJU/TbBby2Dxibuv7ZLW3Bs1QEmM7nHjEANfohJLvE0XVujisn1qPJcZxg+qDucsr+bP6fLD1rPS3AhJ7EQ==} + + didyoumean@1.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gxtyfqMg7GKyhQmb056K7M3xszy/myH8w+B4RT+QXBQsvAOdc3XymqDDPHx1BgPgsdAA5SIifona89YtRATDzw==} + + dlv@1.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+HlytyjlPKnIG8XuRG8WvmBP8xs8P71y+SKKS6ZXWoEgLuePxtDoUEiH7WkdePWrQ5JBpE6aoVqfZfJUQkjXwA==} + + doctrine@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-35mSku4ZXK0vfCuHEDAwt55dg2jNajHZ1odvF+8SSr82EsZY4QmXfuWso8oEd8zRhVObSN18aM0CjSdoBX7zIw==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + doctrine@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yS+Q5i3hBf7GBkd4KG8a7eBNNWNGLTaEwwYWUijIYM7zrlYDM0BFXHjjPWlWZ1Rg7UaddZeIDmi9jF3HmqiQ2w==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + + eastasianwidth@0.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-I88TYZWc9XiYHRQ4/3c5rjjfgkjhLyW2luGIheGERbNQ6OY7yTybanSpDXZa8y7VUP9YmDcYa+eyq4ca7iLqWA==} + + emoji-regex@8.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MSjYzcWNOA0ewAHpz0MxpYFvwg6yjy1NG3xteoqz644VCo/RPgnr1/GGt+ic3iJTzQ8Eu3TdM14SawnVUmGE6A==} + + emoji-regex@9.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-L18DaJsXSUk2+42pv8mLs5jJT2hqFkFE4j21wOmgbUqsZ2hL72NsUU785g9RXgo3s0ZNgVl42TiHp3ZtOv/Vyg==} + + enhanced-resolve@5.17.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LMHl3dXhTcfv8gM4kEzIUeTQ+7fpdA0l2tUf34BddXPkz2A5xJ5L/Pchd5BL6rdccM9QGvu0sWZzK1Z1t4wwyg==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + es-abstract@1.23.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vlmniQ0WNPwXqA0BnmwV3Ng7HxiGlh6r5U6JcTMNx8OilcAGqVJBHJcPjqOMaczU9fRuRK5Px2BdVyPRnKMMVQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es-define-property@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jxayLKShrEqqzJ0eumQbVhTYQM27CfT1T35+gCgDFoL82JLsXqTJ76zv6A0YLOgEnLUMvLzsDsGIrl8NFpT2gQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es-errors@1.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Zf5H2Kxt2xjTvbJvP2ZWLEICxA6j+hAmMzIlypy4xcBg1vKVnx89Wy0GbS+kf5cwCVFFzdCFh2XSCFNULS6csw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es-iterator-helpers@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tpxqxncxnpw3c93u8n3VOzACmRFoVmWJqbWXvX/JfKbkhBw1oslgPrUfeSt2psuqyEJFD6N/9lg5i7bsKpoq+Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es-object-atoms@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MZ4iQ6JwHOBQjahnjwaC1ZtIBH+2ohjamzAO3oaHcXYup7qxjF2fixyH+Q71voWHeOkI2q/TnJao/KfXYIZWbw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es-set-tostringtag@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3T8uNMC3OQTHkFUsFq8r/BwAXLHvU/9O9mE0fBc/MY5iq/8H7ncvO947LmYA6ldWw9Uh8Yhf25zu6n7nML5QWQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + es-shim-unscopables@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-J3yBRXCzDu4ULnQwxyToo/OjdMx6akgVC7K6few0a7F/0wLtmKKN7I73AH5T2836UuXRqN7Qg+IIUw/+YJksRw==} + + es-to-primitive@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-QCOllgZJtaUo9miYBcLChTUaHNjJF3PYs1VidD7AwiEj1kYxKeQTctLAezAOH5ZKRH0g2IgPn6KwB4IT8iRpvA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + escape-string-regexp@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TtpcNJ3XAzx3Gq8sWRzJaVajRs0uVxA2YAkdb1jm2YkPz4G6egUFAyA3n5vtEIZefPk5Wa4UXbKuS5fKkJWdgA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + eslint-config-next@15.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IGP2DdQQrgjcr4mwFPve4DrCqo7CVVez1WoYY47XwKSrYO4hC0Dlb+iJA60i0YfICOzgNADIb8r28BpQ5Zs0wg==} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^7.23.0 || ^8.0.0 || ^9.0.0 + typescript: '>=3.3.1' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + + eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-WFj2isz22JahUv+B788TlO3N6zL3nNJGU8CcZbPZvVEkBPaJdCV4vy5wyghty5ROFbCRnm132v8BScu5/1BQ8g==} + + eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ud9aw4szY9cCT1EWWdGv1L1XR6hh2PaRWif0j2QjQ0pgTY/69iw+W0Z4qZv5wHahOl8isEr+k/JnyAqNQkLkIA==} + engines: {node: ^14.18.0 || >=16.0.0} + peerDependencies: + eslint: '*' + eslint-plugin-import: '*' + eslint-plugin-import-x: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + eslint-plugin-import: + optional: true + eslint-plugin-import-x: + optional: true + + eslint-module-utils@2.12.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wALZ0HFoytlyh/1+4wuZ9FJCD/leWHQzzrxJ8+rebyReSLk7LApMyd3WJaLVoN+D5+WIdJyDK1c6JnE65V4Zyg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + peerDependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': '*' + eslint: '*' + eslint-import-resolver-node: '*' + eslint-import-resolver-typescript: '*' + eslint-import-resolver-webpack: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': + optional: true + eslint: + optional: true + eslint-import-resolver-node: + optional: true + eslint-import-resolver-typescript: + optional: true + eslint-import-resolver-webpack: + optional: true + + eslint-plugin-import@2.31.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ixmkI62Rbc2/w8Vfxyh1jQRTdRTF52VxwRVHl/ykPAmqG+Nb7/kNn+byLP0LxPgI7zWA16Jt82SybJInmMia3A==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + peerDependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': '*' + eslint: ^2 || ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7.2.0 || ^8 || ^9 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': + optional: true + + eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@6.10.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-scB3nz4WmG75pV8+3eRUQOHZlNSUhFNq37xnpgRkCCELU3XMvXAxLk1eqWWyE22Ki4Q01Fnsw9BA3cJHDPgn2Q==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9 + + eslint-plugin-react-hooks@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hIOwI+5hYGpJEc4uPRmz2ulCjAGD/N13Lukkh8cLV0i2IRk/bdZDYjgLVHj+U9Z704kLIdIO6iueGvxNur0sgw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0-0 || ^9.0.0 + + eslint-plugin-react@7.37.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EsTAnj9fLVr/GZleBLFbj/sSuXeWmp1eXIN60ceYnZveqEaUCyW4X+Vh4WTdUhCkW4xutXYqTXCUSyqD4rB75w==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^3 || ^4 || ^5 || ^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9.7 + + eslint-scope@7.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOt21O7lTMhDM+X9mB4GX+DZrZtCUJPL/wlcTqxyrx5IvO0IYtILdtrQGQp+8n5S0gwSVmOf9NQrjMOgfQZlIg==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + eslint-visitor-keys@3.4.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpc+LXeiyiisxPlEkUzU6svyS1frIO3Mgxj1fdy7Pm8Ygzguax2N3Fa/D/ag1WqbOprdI+uY6wMUl8/a2G+iag==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + eslint@8.57.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ypowyDxpVSYpkXr9WPv2PAZCtNip1Mv5KTW0SCurXv/9iOpcrH9PaqUElksqEB6pChqHGDRCFTyrZlGhnLNGiA==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + deprecated: This version is no longer supported. Please see https://eslint.org/version-support for other options. + hasBin: true + + espree@9.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oruZaFkjorTpF32kDSI5/75ViwGeZginGGy2NoOSg3Q9bnwlnmDm4HLnkl0RE3n+njDXR037aY1+x58Z/zFdwQ==} + engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} + + esquery@1.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ca9pw9fomFcKPvFLXhBKUK90ZvGibiGOvRJNbjljY7s7uq/5YO4BOzcYtJqExdx99rF6aAcnRxHmcUHcz6sQsg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10'} + + esrecurse@4.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KmfKL3b6G+RXvP8N1vr3Tq1kL/oCFgn2NYXEtqP8/L3pKapUA4G8cFVaoF3SU323CD4XypR/ffioHmkti6/Tag==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + + estraverse@5.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MMdARuVEQziNTeJD8DgMqmhwR11BRQ/cBP+pLtYdSTnf3MIO8fFeiINEbX36ZdNlfU/7A9f3gUw49B3oQsvwBA==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + + esutils@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kVscqXk4OCp68SZ0dkgEKVi6/8ij300KBWTJq32P/dYeWTSwK41WyTxalN1eRmA5Z9UU/LX9D7FWSmV9SAYx6g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + fast-deep-equal@3.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-f3qQ9oQy9j2AhBe/H9VC91wLmKBCCU/gDOnKNAYG5hswO7BLKj09Hc5HYNz9cGI++xlpDCIgDaitVs03ATR84Q==} + + fast-glob@3.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kNFPyjhh5cKjrUltxs+wFx+ZkbRaxxmZ+X0ZU31SOsxCEtP9VPgtq2teZw1DebupL5GmDaNQ6yKMMVcM41iqDg==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6.0'} + + fast-glob@3.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oX2ruAFQwf/Orj8m737Y5adxDQO0LAB7/S5MnxCdTNDd4p6BsyIVsv9JQsATbTSq8KHRpLwIHbVlUNatxd+1Ow==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6.0'} + + fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lhd/wF+Lk98HZoTCtlVraHtfh5XYijIjalXck7saUtuanSDyLMxnHhSXEDJqHxD7msR8D0uCmqlkwjCV8xvwHw==} + + fast-levenshtein@2.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DCXu6Ifhqcks7TZKY3Hxp3y6qphY5SJZmrWMDrKcERSOXWQdMhU9Ig/PYrzyw/ul9jOIyh0N4M0tbC5hodg8dw==} + + fastq@1.17.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sRVD3lWVIXWg6By68ZN7vho9a1pQcN/WBFaAAsDDFzlJjvoGx0P8z7V1t72grFJfJhu3YPZBuu25f7Kaw2jN1w==} + + file-entry-cache@6.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7Gps/XWymbLk2QLYK4NzpMOrYjMhdIxXuIvy2QBsLE6ljuodKvdkWs/cpyJJ3CVIVpH0Oi1Hvg1ovbMzLdFBBg==} + engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0} + + file-selector@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZuXAqGePcSPz4JuerOY06Dzzq0hrmQ6VGoXVzGyFI1npeOfBgqGIKKpznfYWRkSLJlXutkqVC5WvGZtkFVhu9Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 12'} + + fill-range@7.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YsGpe3WHLK8ZYi4tWDg2Jy3ebRz2rXowDxnld4bkQB00cc/1Zw9AWnC0i9ztDJitivtQvaI9KaLyKrc+hBW0yg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + find-up@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-78/PXT1wlLLDgTzDs7sjq9hzz0vXD+zn+7wypEe4fXQxCmdmqfGsEPQxmiCSQI3ajFV91bVSsvNtrJRiW6nGng==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + flat-cache@3.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CYcENa+FtcUKLmhhqyctpclsq7QF38pKjZHsGNiSQF5r4FtoKDWabFDl3hzaEQMvT1LHEysw5twgLvpYYb4vbw==} + engines: {node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0} + + flatted@3.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-X8cqMLLie7KsNUDSdzeN8FYK9rEt4Dt67OsG/DNGnYTSDBG4uFAJFBnUeiV+zCVAvwFy56IjM9sH51jVaEhNxw==} + + for-each@0.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jqYfLp7mo9vIyQf8ykW2v7A+2N4QjeCeI5+Dz9XraiO1ign81wjiH7Fb9vSOWvQfNtmSa4H2RoQTrrXivdUZmw==} + + foreground-child@3.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ld2g8rrAyMYFXBhEqMz8ZAHBi4J4uS1i/CxGMDnjyFWddMXLVcDp051DZfu+t7+ab7Wv6SMqpWmyFIj5UbfFvg==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + + fs.realpath@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OO0pH2lK6a0hZnAdau5ItzHPI6pUlvI7jMVnxUQRtw4owF2wk8lOSabtGDCTP4Ggrg2MbGnWO9X8K1t4+fGMDw==} + + fsevents@2.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5xoDfX+fL7faATnagmWPpbFtwh/R77WmMMqqHGS65C3vvB0YHrgF+B1YmZ3441tMj5n63k0212XNoJwzlhffQw==} + engines: {node: ^8.16.0 || ^10.6.0 || >=11.0.0} + os: [darwin] + + function-bind@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7XHNxH7qX9xG5mIwxkhumTox/MIRNcOgDrxWsMt2pAr23WHp6MrRlN7FBSFpCpr+oVO0F744iUgR82nJMfG2SA==} + + function.prototype.name@1.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Z5kx79swU5P27WEayXM1tBi5Ze/lbIyiNgU3qyXUOf9b2rgXYyF9Dy9Cx+IQv/Lc8WCG6L82zwUPpSS9hGehIg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + functions-have-names@1.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xckBUXyTIqT97tq2x2AMb+g163b5JFysYk0x4qxNFwbfQkmNZoiRHb6sPzI9/QV33WeuvVYBUIiD4NzNIyqaRQ==} + + get-intrinsic@1.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5uYhsJH8VJBTv7oslg4BznJYhDoRI6waYCxMmCdnTrcCrHA/fCFKoTFz2JKKE0HdDFUF7/oQuhzumXJK7paBRQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + get-nonce@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FJhYRoDaiatfEkUK8HKlicmu/3SGFD51q3itKDGoSTysQJBnfOcxU5GxnhE1E6soB76MbT0MBtnKJuXyAx+96Q==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + get-symbol-description@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g0QYk1dZBxGwk+Ngc+ltRH2IBp2f7zBkBMBJZCDerh6EhlhSR6+9irMCuT/09zD6qkarHUSn529sK/yL4S27mg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + get-tsconfig@4.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k9PN+cFBmaLWtVz29SkUoqU5O0slLuHJXt/2P+tMVFT+phsSGXGkp9t3rQIqdz0e+06EHNGs3oM6ZX1s2zHxRg==} + + glob-parent@5.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AOIgSQCepiJYwP3ARnGx+5VnTu2HBYdzbGP45eLw1vr3zB3vZLeyed1sC9hnbcOc9/SrMyM5RPQrkGz4aS9Zow==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + glob-parent@6.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XxwI8EOhVQgWp6iDL+3b0r86f4d6AX6zSU55HfB4ydCEuXLXc5FcYeOu+nnGftS4TEju/11rt4KJPTMgbfmv4A==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + + glob@10.4.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7Bv8RF0k6xjo7d4A/PxYLbUCfb6c+Vpd2/mB2yRDlew7Jb5hEXiCD9ibfO7wpk8i4sevK6DFny9h7EYbM3/sHg==} + hasBin: true + + glob@7.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nFR0zLpU2YCaRxwoCJvL6UvCH2JFyFVIvwTLsIf21AuHlMskA1hhTdk+LlYJtOlYt9v6dvszD2BGRqBL+iQK9Q==} + deprecated: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported + + globals@13.24.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AhO5QUcj8llrbG09iWhPU2B204J1xnPeL8kQmVorSsy+Sjj1sk8gIyh6cUocGmH4L0UuhAJy+hJMRA4mgA4mFQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + globalthis@1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DpLKbNU4WylpxJykQujfCcwYWiV/Jhm50Goo0wrVILAv5jOr9d+H+UR3PhSCD2rCCEIg0uc+G+muBTwD54JhDQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + gopd@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d65bNlIadxvpb/A2abVdlqKqV563juRnZ1Wtk6s1sIR8uNsXR70xqIzVqxVf1eTqDunwT2MkczEeaezCKTZhwA==} + + graceful-fs@4.2.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RbJ5/jmFcNNCcDV5o9eTnBLJ/HszWV0P73bc+Ff4nS/rJj+YaS6IGyiOL0VoBYX+l1Wrl3k63h/KrH+nhJ0XvQ==} + + graphemer@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EtKwoO6kxCL9WO5xipiHTZlSzBm7WLT627TqC/uVRd0HKmq8NXyebnNYxDoBi7wt8eTWrUrKXCOVaFq9x1kgag==} + + has-bigints@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tSvCKtBr9lkF0Ex0aQiP9N+OpV4zi2r/Nee5VkRDbaqv35RLYMzbwQfFSZZH0kR+Rd6302UJZ2p/bJCEoR3VoQ==} + + has-flag@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EykJT/Q1KjTWctppgIAgfSO0tKVuZUjhgMr17kqTumMl6Afv3EISleU7qZUzoXDFTAHTDC4NOoG/ZxU3EvlMPQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + has-property-descriptors@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-55JNKuIW+vq4Ke1BjOTjM2YctQIvCT7GFzHwmfZPGo5wnrgkid0YQtnAleFSqumZm4az3n2BS+erby5ipJdgrg==} + + has-proto@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SJ1amZAJUiZS+PhsVLf5tGydlaVB8EdFpaSO4gmiUKUOxk8qzn5AIy4ZeJUmh22znIdk/uMAUT2pl3FxzVUH+Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + has-symbols@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-l3LCuF6MgDNwTDKkdYGEihYjt5pRPbEg46rtlmnSPlUbgmB8LOIrKJbYYFBSbnPaJexMKtiPO8hmeRjRz2Td+A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + has-tostringtag@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NqADB8VjPFLM2V0VvHUewwwsw0ZWBaIdgo+ieHtK3hasLz4qeCRjYcqfB6AQrBggRKppKF8L52/VqdVsO47Dlw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + hasown@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0hJU9SCPvmMzIBdZFqNPXWa6dqh7WdH0cII9y+CyS8rG3nL48Bclra9HmKhVVUHyPWNH5Y7xDwAB7bfgSjkUMQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + ignore@5.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hsBTNUqQTDwkWtcdYI2i06Y/nUBEsNEDJKjWdigLvegy8kDuJAS8uRlpkkcQpyEXL0Z/pjDy5HBmMjRCJ2gq+g==} + engines: {node: '>= 4'} + + import-fresh@3.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-veYYhQa+D1QBKznvhUHxb8faxlrwUnxseDAbAp457E0wLNio2bOSKnjYDhMj+YiAq61xrMGhQk9iXVk5FzgQMw==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + imurmurhash@0.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JmXMZ6wuvDmLiHEml9ykzqO6lwFbof0GG4IkcGaENdCRDDmMVnny7s5HsIgHCbaq0w2MyPhDqkhTUgS2LU2PHA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8.19'} + + inflight@1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k92I/b08q4wvFscXCLvqfsHCrjrF7yiXsQuIVvVE7N82W3+aqpzuUdBbfhWcy/FZR3/4IgflMgKLOsvPDrGCJA==} + deprecated: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful. + + inherits@2.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ==} + + internal-slot@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NGnrKwXzSms2qUUih/ILZ5JBqNTSa1+ZmP6flaIp6KmSElgE9qdndzS3cqjrDovwFdmwsGsLdeFgB6suw+1e9g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + invariant@2.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-phJfQVBuaJM5raOpJjSfkiD6BpbCE4Ns//LaXl6wGYtUBY83nWS6Rf9tXm2e8VaK60JEjYldbPif/A2B1C2gNA==} + + is-array-buffer@3.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wcjaerHw0ydZwfhiKbXJWLDY8A7yV7KhjQOpb83hGgGfId/aQa4TOvwyzn2PuswW2gPCYEL/nEAiSVpdOj1lXw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-arrayish@0.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eVRqCvVlZbuw3GrM63ovNSNAeA1K16kaR/LRY/92w0zxQ5/1YzwblUX652i4Xs9RwAGjW9d9y6X88t8OaAJfWQ==} + + is-async-function@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y1JXKrfykRJGdlDwdKlLpLyMIiWqWvuSd17TvZk68PLAOGOoF4Xyav1z0Xhoi+gCYjZVeC5SI+hYFOfvXmGRCA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-bigint@1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zB9CruMamjym81i2JZ3UMn54PKGsQzsJeo6xvN3HJJ4CAsQNB6iRutp2To77OfCNuoxspsIhzaPoO1zyCEhFOg==} + + is-binary-path@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZMERYes6pDydyuGidse7OsHxtbI7WVeUEozgR/g7rd0xUimYNlvZRE/K2MgZTjWy725IfelLeVcEM97mmtRGXw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + is-boolean-object@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gDYaKHJmnj4aWxyj6YHyXVpdQawtVLHU5cb+eztPGczf6cjuTdwve5ZIEfgXqH4e57An1D1AKf8CZ3kYrQRqYA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-bun-module@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AmidtEM6D6NmUiLOvvU7+IePxjEjOzra2h0pSrsfSAcXwl/83zLLXDByafUJy9k/rKK0pvXMLdwKwGHlX2Ke6Q==} + + is-callable@1.2.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1BC0BVFhS/p0qtw6enp8e+8OD0UrK0oFLztSjNzhcKA3WDuJxxAPXzPuPtKkjEY9UUoEWlX/8fgKeu2S8i9JTA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-core-module@2.15.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-z0vtXSwucUJtANQWldhbtbt7BnL0vxiFjIdDLAatwhDYty2bad6s+rijD6Ri4YuYJubLzIJLUidCh09e1djEVQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-data-view@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AHkaJrsUVW6wq6JS8y3JnM/GJF/9cf+k20+iDzlSaJrinEo5+7vRiteOSwBhHRiAyQATN1AmY4hwzxJKPmYf+w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-date-object@1.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9YQaSxsAiSwcvS33MBk3wTCVnWK+HhF8VZR2jRxehM16QcVOdHqPn4VPHmRK4lSr38n9JriurInLcP90xsYNfQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-extglob@2.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-SbKbANkN603Vi4jEZv49LeVJMn4yGwsbzZworEoyEiutsN3nJYdbO36zfhGJ6QEDpOZIFkDtnq5JRxmvl3jsoQ==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-finalizationregistry@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0by5vtUJs8iFQb5TYUHHPudOR+qXYIMKtiUzvLIZITZUjknFmziyBJuLhVRc+Ds0dREFlskDNJKYIdIzu/9pfw==} + + is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-zymm5+u+sCsSWyD9qNaejV3DFvhCKclKdizYaJUuHA83RLjb7nSuGnddCHGv0hk+KY7BMAlsWeK4Ueg6EV6XQg==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + is-generator-function@1.0.10: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jsEjy9l3yiXEQ+PsXdmBwEPcOxaXWLspKdplFUVI9vq1iZgIekeC0L167qeu86czQaxed3q/Uzuw0swL0irL8A==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-glob@4.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xelSayHH36ZgE7ZWhli7pW34hNbNl8Ojv5KVmkJD4hBdD3th8Tfk9vYasLM+mXWOZhFkgZfxhLSnrwRr4elSSg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + is-map@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1Qed0/Hr2m+YqxnM09CjA2d/i6YZNfF6R2oRAOj36eUdS6qIV/huPJNSEpKbupewFs+ZsJlxsjjPbc0/afW6Lw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-negative-zero@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5KoIu2Ngpyek75jXodFvnafB6DJgr3u8uuK0LEZJjrU19DrMD3EVERaR8sjz8CCGgpZvxPl9SuE1GMVPFHx1mw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-number-object@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k1U0IRzLMo7ZlYIfzRu23Oh6MiIFasgpb9X76eqfFZAqwH44UI4KTBvBYIZ1dSL9ZzChTB9ShHfLkR4pdW5krQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-number@7.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-41Cifkg6e8TylSpdtTpeLVMqvSBEVzTttHvERD741+pnZ8ANv0004MRL43QKPDlK9cGvNp6NZWZUBlbGXYxxng==} + engines: {node: '>=0.12.0'} + + is-path-inside@3.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Fd4gABb+ycGAmKou8eMftCupSir5lRxqf4aD/vd0cD2qc4HL07OjCeuHMr8Ro4CoMaeCKDB0/ECBOVWjTwUvPQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + is-regex@1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kvRdxDsxZjhzUX07ZnLydzS1TU/TJlTUHHY4YLL87e37oUA49DfkLqgy+VjFocowy29cKvcSiu+kIv728jTTVg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-set@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iPAjerrse27/ygGLxw+EBR9agv9Y6uLeYVJMu+QNCoouJ1/1ri0mGrcWpfCqFZuzzx3WjtwxG098X+n4OuRkPg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-shared-array-buffer@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nA2hv5XIhLR3uVzDDfCIknerhx8XUKnstuOERPNNIinXG7v9u+ohXF67vxm4TPTEPU6lm61ZkwP3c9PCB97rhg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-string@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tE2UXzivje6ofPW7l23cjDOMa09gb7xlAqG6jG5ej6uPV32TlWP3NKPigtaGeHNu9fohccRYvIiZMfOOnOYUtg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-symbol@1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-C/CPBqKWnvdcxqIARxyOh4v1UUEOCHpgDa0WYgpKDFMszcrPcffg5uhwSgPCLD2WWxmq6isisz87tzT01tuGhg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-typed-array@1.1.13: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uZ25/bUAlUY5fR4OKT4rZQEBrzQWYV9ZJYGGsUmEJ6thodVJ1HX64ePQ6Z0qPWP+m+Uq6e9UugrE38jeYsDSMw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-weakmap@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-K5pXYOm9wqY1RgjpL3YTkF39tni1XajUIkawTLUo9EZEVUFga5gSQJF8nNS7ZwJQ02y+1YCNYcMh+HIf1ZqE+w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + is-weakref@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qctsuLZmIQ0+vSSMfoVvyFe2+GSEvnmZ2ezTup1SBse9+twCCeial6EEi3Nc2KFcf6+qz2FBPnjXsk8xhKSaPQ==} + + is-weakset@2.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LvIm3/KWzS9oRFHugab7d+M/GcBXuXX5xZkzPmN+NxihdQlZUQ4dWuSV1xR/sq6upL1TJEDrfBgRepHFdBtSNQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + isarray@2.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xHjhDr3cNBK0BzdUJSPXZntQUx/mwMS5Rw4A7lPJ90XGAO6ISP/ePDNuo0vhqOZU+UD5JoodwCAAoZQd3FeAKw==} + + isexe@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RHxMLp9lnKHGHRng9QFhRCMbYAcVpn69smSGcq3f36xjgVVWThj4qqLbTLlq7Ssj8B+fIQ1EuCEGI2lKsyQeIw==} + + iterator.prototype@1.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-FW5iMbeQ6rBGm/oKgzq2aW4KvAGpxPzYES8N4g4xNXUKpL1mclMvOe+76AcLDTvD+Ze+sOpVhgdAQEKF4L9iGQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + jackspeak@3.4.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OGlZQpz2yfahA/Rd1Y8Cd9SIEsqvXkLVoSw/cgwhnhFMDbsQFeZYoJJ7bIZBS9BcamUW96asq/npPWugM+RQBw==} + + jiti@1.21.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2yTgeWTWzMWkHu6Jp9NKgePDaYHbntiwvYuuJLbbN9vl7DC9DvXKOB2BC3ZZ92D3cvV/aflH0osDfwpHepQ53w==} + hasBin: true + + js-tokens@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RdJUflcE3cUzKiMqQgsCu06FPu9UdIJO0beYbPhHN4k6apgJtifcoCtT9bcxOpYBtpD2kCM6Sbzg4CausW/PKQ==} + + js-yaml@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wpxZs9NoxZaJESJGIZTyDEaYpl0FKSA+FB9aJiyemKhMwkxQg63h4T1KJgUGHpTqPDNRcmmYLugrRjJlBtWvRA==} + hasBin: true + + json-buffer@3.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-4bV5BfR2mqfQTJm+V5tPPdf+ZpuhiIvTuAB5g8kcrXOZpTT/QwwVRWBywX1ozr6lEuPdbHxwaJlm9G6mI2sfSQ==} + + json-schema-traverse@0.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xbbCH5dCYU5T8LcEhhuh7HJ88HXuW3qsI3Y0zOZFKfZEHcpWiHU/Jxzk629Brsab/mMiHQti9wMP+845RPe3Vg==} + + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Bdboy+l7tA3OGW6FjyFHWkP5LuByj1Tk33Ljyq0axyzdk9//JSi2u3fP1QSmd1KNwq6VOKYGlAu87CisVir6Pw==} + + json5@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-g1MWMLBiz8FKi1e4w0UyVL3w+iJceWAFBAaBnnGKOpNa5f8TLktkbre1+s6oICydWAm+HRUGTmI+//xv2hvXYA==} + hasBin: true + + jsx-ast-utils@3.3.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZZow9HBI5O6EPgSJLUb8n2NKgmVWTwCvHGwFuJlMjvLFqlGG6pjirPhtdsseaLZjSibD8eegzmYpUZwoIlj2cQ==} + engines: {node: '>=4.0'} + + keyv@4.5.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oxVHkHR/EJf2CNXnWxRLW6mg7JyCCUcG0DtEGmL2ctUo1PNTin1PUil+r/+4r5MpVgC/fn1kjsx7mjSujKqIpw==} + + language-subtag-registry@0.3.23: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0K65Lea881pHotoGEa5gDlMxt3pctLi2RplBb7Ezh4rRdLEOtgi7n4EwK9lamnUCkKBqaeKRVebTq6BAxSkpXQ==} + + language-tags@1.0.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MbjN408fEndfiQXbFQ1vnd+1NoLDsnQW41410oQBXiyXDMYH5z505juWa4KUE1LqxRC7DgOgZDbKLxHIwm27hA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10'} + + levn@0.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+bT2uH4E5LGE7h/n3evcS/sQlJXCpIp6ym8OWJ5eV6+67Dsql/LaaT7qJBAt2rzfoa/5QBGBhxDix1dMt2kQKQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + lilconfig@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-utWOt/GHzuUxnLKxB6dk81RoOeoNeHgbrXiuGk4yyF5qlRz+iIVWu56E2fqGHFrXz0QNUhLB/8nKqvRH66JKGQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + lilconfig@3.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eop+wDAvpItUys0FWkHIKeC9ybYrTGbU41U5K7+bttZZeohvnY7M9dZ5kB21GNWiFT2q1OoPTvncPCgSOVO5ow==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + + lines-and-columns@1.2.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7ylylesZQ/PV29jhEDl3Ufjo6ZX7gCqJr5F7PKrqc93v7fzSymt1BpwEU8nAUXs8qzzvqhbjhK5QZg6Mt/HkBg==} + + locate-path@6.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iPZK6eYjbxRu3uB4/WZ3EsEIMJFMqAoopl3R+zuq0UjcAm/MO6KCweDgPfP3elTztoKP3KtnVHxTn2NHBSDVUw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + lodash.merge@4.6.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0KpjqXRVvrYyCsX1swR/XTK0va6VQkQM6MNo7PqW77ByjAhoARA8EfrP1N4+KlKj8YS0ZUCtRT/YUuhyYDujIQ==} + + loose-envify@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lyuxPGr/Wfhrlem2CL/UcnUc1zcqKAImBDzukY7Y5F/yQiNdko6+fRLevlw1HgMySw7f611UIY408EtxRSoK3Q==} + hasBin: true + + lru-cache@10.4.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JNAzZcXrCt42VGLuYz0zfAzDfAvJWW6AfYlDBQyDV5DClI2m5sAmK+OIO7s59XfsRsWHp02jAJrRadPRGTt6SQ==} + + lucide-react@0.460.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BVtq/DykVeIvRTJvRAgCsOwaGL8Un3Bxh8MbDxMhEWlZay3T4IpEKDEpwt5KZ0KJMHzgm6jrltxlT5eXOWXDHg==} + peerDependencies: + react: ^16.5.1 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + + merge2@1.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8q7VEgMJW4J8tcfVPy8g09NcQwZdbwFEqhe/WZkoIzjn/3TGDwtOCYtXGxA3O8tPzpczCCDgv+P2P5y00ZJOOg==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + + micromatch@4.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PXwfBhYu0hBCPw8Dn0E+WDYb7af3dSLVWKi3HGv84IdF4TyFoC0ysxFd0Goxw7nSv4T/PzEJQxsYsEiFCKo2BA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6'} + + minimatch@3.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-J7p63hRiAjw1NDEww1W7i37+ByIrOWO5XQQAzZ3VOcL0PNybwpfmV/N05zFAzwQ9USyEcX6t3UO+K5aqBQOIHw==} + + minimatch@9.0.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-G6T0ZX48xgozx7587koeX9Ys2NYy6Gmv//P89sEte9V9whIapMNF4idKxnW2QtCcLiTWlb/wfCabAtAFWhhBow==} + engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'} + + minimist@1.2.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2yyAR8qBkN3YuheJanUpWC5U3bb5osDywNB8RzDVlDwDHbocAJveqqj1u8+SVD7jkWT4yvsHCpWqqWqAxb0zCA==} + + minipass@7.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qOOzS1cBTWYF4BH8fVePDBOO9iptMnGUEZwNc/cMWnTV2nVLZ7VoNWEPHkYczZA0pdoA7dl6e7FL659nX9S2aw==} + engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'} + + ms@2.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6FlzubTLZG3J2a/NVCAleEhjzq5oxgHyaCU9yYXvcLsvoVaHJq/s5xXI6/XXP6tz7R9xAOtHnSO/tXtF3WRTlA==} + + mz@2.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-z81GNO7nnYMEhrGh9LeymoE4+Yr0Wn5McHIZMK5cfQCl+NDX08sCZgUc9/6MHni9IWuFLm1Z3HTCXu2z9fN62Q==} + + nanoid@3.3.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eSRppjcPIatRIMC1U6UngP8XFcz8MQWGQdt1MTBQ7NaAmvXDfvNxbvWV3x2y6CdEUciCSsDHDQZbhYaB8QEo2g==} + engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || ^13.7 || ^14 || >=15.0.1} + hasBin: true + + natural-compare@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OWND8ei3VtNC9h7V60qff3SVobHr996CTwgxubgyQYEpg290h9J0buyECNNJexkFm5sOajh5G116RYA1c8ZMSw==} + + next@15.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ontCbCRKJUIoivAdGB34yCaOcPgYXr9AAkV/IwqFfWWTXEPUgLYkSkqBhIk9KK7gGmgjc64B+RdoeIDM13Irnw==} + engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^19.8.0 || >= 20.0.0} + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + '@opentelemetry/api': ^1.1.0 + '@playwright/test': ^1.41.2 + babel-plugin-react-compiler: '*' + react: ^18.2.0 || 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + react-dom: ^18.2.0 || 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + sass: ^1.3.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@opentelemetry/api': + optional: true + '@playwright/test': + optional: true + babel-plugin-react-compiler: + optional: true + sass: + optional: true + + normalize-path@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6eZs5Ls3WtCisHWp9S2GUy8dqkpGi4BVSz3GaqiE6ezub0512ESztXUwUB6C6IKbQkY2Pnb/mD4WYojCRwcwLA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + object-assign@4.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rJgTQnkUnH1sFw8yT6VSU3zD3sWmu6sZhIseY8VX+GRu3P6F7Fu+JNDoXfklElbLJSnc3FUQHVe4cU5hj+BcUg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + object-hash@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RSn9F68PjH9HqtltsSnqYC1XXoWe9Bju5+213R98cNGttag9q9yAOTzdbsqvIa7aNm5WffBZFpWYr2aWrklWAw==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + object-inspect@1.13.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kDCGIbxkDSXE3euJZZXzc6to7fCrKHNI/hSRQnRuQ+BWjFNzZwiFF8fj/6o2t2G9/jTj8PSIYTfCLelLZEeRpA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object-keys@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuAESUOUMrlIXOfHKzD6bpPu3tYt3xvjNdRIQ+FeT0lNb4K8WR70CaDxhuNguS2XG+GjkyMwOzsN5ZktImfhLA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object.assign@4.1.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-byy+U7gp+FVwmyzKPYhW2h5l3crpmGsxl7X2s8y43IgxvG4g3QZ6CffDtsNQy1WsmZpQbO+ybo0AlW7TY6DcBQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object.entries@1.1.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cmopxi8VwRIAw/fkijJohSfpef5PdN0pMQJN6VC/ZKvn0LIknWD8KtgY6KlQdEc4tIjcQ3HxSMmnvtzIscdaYQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object.fromentries@2.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-k6E21FzySsSK5a21KRADBd/NGneRegFO5pLHfdQLpRDETUNJueLXs3WCzyQ3tFRDYgbq3KHGXfTbi2bs8WQ6rQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object.groupby@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+Lhy3TQTuzXI5hevh8sBGqbmurHbbIjAi0Z4S63nthVLmLxfbj4T54a4CfZrXIrt9iP4mVAPYMo/v99taj3wjQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + object.values@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yBYjY9QX2hnRmZHAjG/f13MzmBzxzYgQhFrke06TTyKY5zSTEqkOeukBzIdVA3j3ulu8Qa3MbVFShV7T2RmGtQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + once@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lNaJgI+2Q5URQBkccEKHTQOPaXdUxnZZElQTZY0MFUAuaEqe1E+Nyvgdz/aIyNi6Z9MzO5dv1H8n58/GELp3+w==} + + optionator@0.9.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6IpQ7mKUxRcZNLIObR0hz7lxsapSSIYNZJwXPGeF0mTVqGKFIXj1DQcMoT22S3ROcLyY/rz0PWaWZ9ayWmad9g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + p-limit@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TYOanM3wGwNGsZN2cVTYPArw454xnXj5qmWF1bEoAc4+cU/ol7GVh7odevjp1FNHduHc3KZMcFduxU5Xc6uJRQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + p-locate@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LaNjtRWUBY++zB5nE/NwcaoMylSPk+S+ZHNB1TzdbMJMny6dynpAGt7X/tl/QYq3TIeE6nxHppbo2LGymrG5Pw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + package-json-from-dist@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UEZIS3/by4OC8vL3P2dTXRETpebLI2NiI5vIrjaD/5UtrkFX/tNbwjTSRAGC/+7CAo2pIcBaRgWmcBBHcsaCIw==} + + parent-module@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GQ2EWRpQV8/o+Aw8YqtfZZPfNRWZYkbidE9k5rpl/hC3vtHHBfGm2Ifi6qWV+coDGkrUKZAxE3Lot5kcsRlh+g==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + path-exists@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ak9Qy5Q7jYb2Wwcey5Fpvg2KoAc/ZIhLSLOSBmRmygPsGwkVVt0fZa0qrtMz+m6tJTAHfZQ8FnmB4MG4LWy7/w==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + path-is-absolute@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AVbw3UJ2e9bq64vSaS9Am0fje1Pa8pbGqTTsmXfaIiMpnr5DlDhfJOuLj9Sf95ZPVDAUerDfEk88MPmPe7UCQg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + path-key@3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ojmeN0qd+y0jszEtoY48r0Peq5dwMEkIlCOu6Q5f41lfkswXuKtYrhgoTpLnyIcHm24Uhqx+5Tqm2InSwLhE6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + path-parse@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LDJzPVEEEPR+y48z93A0Ed0yXb8pAByGWo/k5YYdYgpY2/2EsOsksJrq7lOHxryrVOn1ejG6oAp8ahvOIQD8sw==} + + path-scurry@1.11.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Xa4Nw17FS9ApQFJ9umLiJS4orGjm7ZzwUrwamcGQuHSzDyth9boKDaycYdDcZDuqYATXw4HFXgaqWTctW/v1HA==} + engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.18'} + + picocolors@1.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xceH2snhtb5M9liqDsmEw56le376mTZkEX/jEb/RxNFyegNul7eNslCXP9FDj/Lcu0X8KEyMceP2ntpaHrDEVA==} + + picomatch@2.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JU3teHTNjmE2VCGFzuY8EXzCDVwEqB2a8fsIvwaStHhAWJEeVd1o1QD80CU6+ZdEXXSLbSsuLwJjkCBWqRQUVA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.6'} + + pify@2.3.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-udgsAY+fTnvv7kI7aaxbqwWNb0AHiB0qBO89PZKPkoTmGOgdbrHDKD+0B2X4uTfJ/FT1R09r9gTsjUjNJotuog==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + pirates@4.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-saLsH7WeYYPiD25LDuLRRY/i+6HaPYr6G1OUlN39otzkSTxKnubR9RTxS3/Kk50s1g2JTgFwWQDQyplC5/SHZg==} + engines: {node: '>= 6'} + + possible-typed-array-names@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-d7Uw+eZoloe0EHDIYoe+bQ5WXnGMOpmiZFTuMWCwpjzzkL2nTjcKiAk4hh8TjnGye2TwWOk3UXucZ+3rbmBa8Q==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + postcss-import@15.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hpr+J05B2FVYUAXHeK1YyI267J/dDDhMU6B6civm8hSY1jYJnBXxzKDKDswzJmtLHryrjhnDjqqp/49t8FALew==} + engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'} + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.0.0 + + postcss-js@4.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dDLF8pEO191hJMtlHFPRa8xsizHaM82MLfNkUHdUtVEV3tgTp5oj+8qbEqYM57SLfc74KSbw//4SeJma2LRVIw==} + engines: {node: ^12 || ^14 || >= 16} + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.4.21 + + postcss-load-config@4.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bSVhyJGL00wMVoPUzAVAnbEoWyqRxkjv64tUl427SKnPrENtq6hJwUojroMz2VB+Q1edmi4IfrAPpami5VVgMQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 14'} + peerDependencies: + postcss: '>=8.0.9' + ts-node: '>=9.0.0' + peerDependenciesMeta: + postcss: + optional: true + ts-node: + optional: true + + postcss-nested@6.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HQbt28KulC5AJzG+cZtj9kvKB93CFCdLvog1WFLf1D+xmMvPGlBstkpTEZfK5+AN9hfJocyBFCNiqyS48bpgzQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12.0'} + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.2.14 + + postcss-selector-parser@6.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Q8qQfPiZ+THO/3ZrOrO0cJJKfpYCagtMUkXbnEfmgUjwXg6z/WBeOyS9APBBPCTSiDV+s4SwQGu8yFsiMRIudg==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + postcss-value-parser@4.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1NNCs6uurfkVbeXG4S8JFT9t19m45ICnif8zWLd5oPSZ50QnwMfK+H3jv408d4jw/7Bttv5axS5IiHoLaVNHeQ==} + + postcss@8.4.31: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PS08Iboia9mts/2ygV3eLpY5ghnUcfLV/EXTOW1E2qYxJKGGBUtNjN76FYHnMs36RmARn41bC0AZmn+rR0OVpQ==} + engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14} + + postcss@8.4.49: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OCVPnIObs4N29kxTjzLfUryOkvZEq+pf8jTF0lg8E7uETuWHA+v7j3c/xJmiqpX450191LlmZfUKkXxkTry7nA==} + engines: {node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14} + + prelude-ls@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vkcDPrRZo1QZLbn5RLGPpg/WmIQ65qoWWhcGKf/b5eplkkarX0m9z8ppCat4mlOqUsWpyNuYgO3VRyrYHSzX5g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + prop-types@15.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oj87CgZICdulUohogVAR7AjlC0327U4el4L6eAvOqCeudMDVU0NThNaV+b9Df4dXgSP1gXMTnPdhfe/2qDH5cg==} + + punycode@2.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vYt7UD1U9Wg6138shLtLOvdAu+8DsC/ilFtEVHcH+wydcSpNE20AfSOduf6MkRFahL5FY7X1oU7nKVZFtfq8Fg==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + queue-microtask@1.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NuaNSa6flKT5JaSYQzJok04JzTL1CA6aGhv5rfLW3PgqA+M2ChpZQnAC8h8i4ZFkBS8X5RqkDBHA7r4hej3K9A==} + + react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-D25vdaytZ1wFIRiwNU98NPQ/upS2P8Co4/oNoa02PzHbh8deWdepjm5qwZM/46OdSiGv4WSWwxP55RO9obqJEQ==} + peerDependencies: + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + + react-dropzone@14.3.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-9nDUaEEpqZLOz5v5SUcFA0CjM4vq8YbqO0WRls+EYT7+DvxUdzDPKNCPLqGfj3YL9MsniCLCD4RFA6M95V6KMQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 10.13'} + peerDependencies: + react: '>= 16.8 || 18.0.0' + + react-hook-form@7.53.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YVel6fW5sOeedd1524pltpHX+jgU2u3DSDtXEaBORNdqiNrsX/nUI/iGXONegttg0mJVnfrIkiV0cmTU6Oo2xw==} + engines: {node: '>=18.0.0'} + peerDependencies: + react: ^16.8.0 || ^17 || ^18 || ^19 + + react-is@16.13.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-24e6ynE2H+OKt4kqsOvNd8kBpV65zoxbA4BVsEOB3ARVWQki/DHzaUoC5KuON/BiccDaCCTZBuOcfZs70kR8bQ==} + + react-remove-scroll-bar@2.3.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DtSYaao4mBmX+HDo5YWYdBWQwYIQQshUV/dVxFxK+KM26Wjwp1gZ6rv6OC3oujI6Bfu6Xyg3TwK533AQutsn/g==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + peerDependencies: + '@types/react': ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/react': + optional: true + + react-remove-scroll@2.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-I2U4JVEsQenxDAKaVa3VZ/JeJZe0/2DxPWL8Tj8yLKctQJQiZM52pn/GWFpSp8dftjM3pSAHVJZscAnC/y+ySQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + peerDependencies: + '@types/react': ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/react': + optional: true + + react-style-singleton@2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ZWj0fHEMyWkHzKYUr2Bs/4zU6XLmq9HsgBURm7g5pAVfyn49DgUiNgY2d4lXRlYSiCif9YBGpQleewkcqddc7g==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + peerDependencies: + '@types/react': ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/react': + optional: true + + react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-klH7xkT71SxRCx4hb1hly5FJB21Hz0ACyxbXYAECEqssUjtJeFUAaI2U1DgJAzkGEnvEm3DkxuBchMC/9K4ipg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + read-cache@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Owdv/Ft7IjOgm/i0xvNDZ1LrRANRfew4b2prF3OWMQLxLfu3bS8FVhCsrSCMK4lR56Y9ya+AThoTpDCTxCmpRA==} + + readdirp@3.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hOS089on8RduqdbhvQ5Z37A0ESjsqz6qnRcffsMU3495FuTdqSm+7bhJ29JvIOsBDEEnan5DPu9t3To9VRlMzA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.10.0'} + + reflect.getprototypeof@1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fmfw4XgoDke3kdI6h4xcUz1dG8uaiv5q9gcEwLS4Pnth2kxT+GZ7YehS1JTMGBQmtV7Y4GFGbs2re2NqhdozUg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + regexp.prototype.flags@1.5.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vqlC04+RQoFalODCbCumG2xIOvapzVMHwsyIGM/SIE8fRhFFsXeH8/QQ+s0T0kDAhKc4k30s73/0ydkHQz6HlQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + resolve-from@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pb/MYmXstAkysRFx8piNI1tGFNQIFA3vkE3Gq4EuA1dF6gHp/+vgZqsCGJapvy8N3Q+4o7FwvquPJcnZ7RYy4g==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + resolve-pkg-maps@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-seS2Tj26TBVOC2NIc2rOe2y2ZO7efxITtLZcGSOnHHNOQ7CkiUBfw0Iw2ck6xkIhPwLhKNLS8BO+hEpngQlqzw==} + + resolve@1.22.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oKWePCxqpd6FlLvGV1VU0x7bkPmmCNolxzjMf4NczoDnQcIWrAF+cPtZn5i6n+RfD2d9i0tzpKnG6Yk168yIyw==} + hasBin: true + + resolve@2.0.0-next.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-U7WjGVG9sH8tvjW5SmGbQuui75FiyjAX72HX15DwBBwF9dNiQZRQAg9nnPhYy+TUnE0+VcrttuvNI8oSxZcocA==} + hasBin: true + + reusify@1.0.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-U9nH88a3fc/ekCF1l0/UP1IosiuIjyTh7hBvXVMHYgVcfGvt897Xguj2UOLDeI5BG2m7/uwyaLVT6fbtCwTyzw==} + engines: {iojs: '>=1.0.0', node: '>=0.10.0'} + + rimraf@3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JZkJMZkAGFFPP2YqXZXPbMlMBgsxzE8ILs4lMIX/2o0L9UBw9O/Y3o6wFw/i9YLapcUJWwqbi3kdxIPdC62TIA==} + deprecated: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported + hasBin: true + + run-parallel@1.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5l4VyZR86LZ/lDxZTR6jqL8AFE2S0IFLMP26AbjsLVADxHdhB/c0GUsH+y39UfCi3dzz8OlQuPmnaJOMoDHQBA==} + + safe-array-concat@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vj6RsCsWBCf19jIeHEfkRMw8DPiBb+DMXklQ/1SGDHOMlHdPUkZXFQ2YdplS23zESTijAcurb1aSgJA3AgMu1Q==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4'} + + safe-regex-test@1.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-CdASjNJPvRa7roO6Ra/gLYBTzYzzPyyBXxIMdGW3USQLyjWEls2RgW5UBTXaQVp+OrpeCK3bLem8smtmheoRuw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + scheduler@0.25.0-rc-66855b96-20241106: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HQXp/Mnp/MMRSXMQF7urNFla+gmtXW/Gr1KliuR0iboTit4KvZRY8KYaq5ccCTAOJiUqQh2rE2F3wgUekmgdlA==} + + semver@6.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BR7VvDCVHO+q2xBEWskxS6DJE1qRnb7DxzUrogb71CWoSficBxYsiAGd+Kl0mmq/MprG9yArRkyrQxTO6XjMzA==} + hasBin: true + + semver@7.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oVekP1cKtI+CTDvHWYFUcMtsK/00wmAEfyqKfNdARm8u1wNVhSgaX7A8d4UuIlUI5e84iEwOhs7ZPYRmzU9U6A==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + hasBin: true + + set-function-length@1.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pgRc4hJ4/sNjWCSS9AmnS40x3bNMDTknHgL5UaMBTMyJnU90EgWh1Rz+MC9eFu4BuN/UwZjKQuY/1v3rM7HMfg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + set-function-name@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7PGFlmtwsEADb0WYyvCMa1t+yke6daIG4Wirafur5kcf+MhUnPms1UeR0CKQdTZD81yESwMHbtn+TR+dMviakQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + sharp@0.33.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-haPVm1EkS9pgvHrQ/F3Xy+hgcuMV0Wm9vfIBSiwZ05k+xgb0PkBQpGsAA/oWdDobNaZTH5ppvHtzCFbnSEwHVw==} + engines: {node: ^18.17.0 || ^20.3.0 || >=21.0.0} + + shebang-command@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kHxr2zZpYtdmrN1qDjrrX/Z1rR1kG8Dx+gkpK1G4eXmvXswmcE1hTWBWYUzlraYw1/yZp6YuDY77YtvbN0dmDA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + shebang-regex@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7++dFhtcx3353uBaq8DDR4NuxBetBzC7ZQOhmTQInHEd6bSrXdiEyzCvG07Z44UYdLShWUyXt5M/yhz8ekcb1A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + side-channel@1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fDW/EZ6Q9RiO8eFG8Hj+7u/oW+XrPTIChwCOM2+th2A6OblDtYYIpve9m+KvI9Z4C9qSEXlaGR6bTEYHReuglA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + signal-exit@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bzyZ1e88w9O1iNJbKnOlvYTrWPDl46O1bG0D3XInv+9tkPrxrN8jUUTiFlDkkmKWgn1M6CfIA13SuGqOa9Korw==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + + simple-swizzle@0.2.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-JA//kQgZtbuY83m+xT+tXJkmJncGMTFT+C+g2h2R9uxkYIrE2yy9sgmcLhCnw57/WSD+Eh3J97FPEDFnbXnDUg==} + + sonner@1.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-W6dH7m5MujEPyug3lpI2l3TC3Pp1+LTgK0Efg+IHDrBbtEjyCmCHHo6yfNBOsf1tFZ6zf+jceWwB38baC8yO9g==} + peerDependencies: + react: ^18.0.0 || ^19.0.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + react-dom: ^18.0.0 || ^19.0.0 || ^19.0.0-rc + + source-map-js@1.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UXWMKhLOwVKb728IUtQPXxfYU+usdybtUrK/8uGE8CQMvrhOpwvzDBwj0QhSL7MQc7vIsISBG8VQ8+IDQxpfQA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + + streamsearch@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Mcc5wHehp9aXz1ax6bZUyY5afg9u2rv5cqQI3mRrYkGC8rW2hM02jWuwjtL++LS5qinSyhj2QfLyNsuc+VsExg==} + engines: {node: '>=10.0.0'} + + string-width@4.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wKyQRQpjJ0sIp62ErSZdGsjMJWsap5oRNihHhu6G7JVO/9jIB6UyevL+tXuOqrng8j/cxKTWyWUwvSTriiZz/g==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + string-width@5.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HnLOCR3vjcY8beoNLtcjZ5/nxn2afmME6lhrDrebokqMap+XbeW8n9TXpPDOqdGK5qcI3oT0GKTW6wC7EMiVqA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + string.prototype.includes@2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-o7+c9bW6zpAdJHTtujeePODAhkuicdAryFsfVKwA+wGw89wJ4GTY484WTucM9hLtDEOpOvI+aHnzqnC5lHp4Rg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + string.prototype.matchall@4.0.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NUdh0aDavY2og7IbBPenWqR9exH+E26Sv8e0/eTe1tltDGZL+GtBkDAnnyBtmekfK6/Dq3MkcGtzXFEd1LQrtg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + string.prototype.repeat@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0u/TldDbKD8bFCQ/4f5+mNRrXwZ8hg2w7ZR8wa16e8z9XpePWl3eGEcUD0OXpEH/VJH/2G3gjUtR3ZOiBe2S/w==} + + string.prototype.trim@1.2.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-klHuCNxiMZ8MlsOihJhJEBJAiMVqU3Z2nEXWfWnIqjN0gEFS9J9+IxKozWWtQGcgoa1WUZzLjKPTr4ZHNFTFxw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + string.prototype.trimend@1.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-p73uL5VCHCO2BZZ6krwwQE3kCzM7NKmis8S//xEC6fQonchbum4eP6kR4DLEjQFO3Wnj3Fuo8NM0kOSjVdHjZQ==} + + string.prototype.trimstart@1.0.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UXSH262CSZY1tfu3G3Secr6uGLCFVPMhIqHjlgCUtCCcgihYc/xKs9djMTMUOb2j1mVSeU8EU6NWc/iQKU6Gfg==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + strip-ansi@6.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y38VPSHcqkFrCpFnQ9vuSXmquuv5oXOKpGeT6aGrr3o3Gc9AlVa6JBfUSOCnbxGGZF+/0ooI7KrPuUSztUdU5A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + strip-ansi@7.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iq6eVVI64nQQTRYq2KtEg2d2uU7LElhTJwsH4YzIHZshxlgZms/wIc4VoDQTlG/IvVIrBKG06CrZnp0qv7hkcQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + + strip-bom@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vavAMRXOgBVNF6nyEEmL3DBK19iRpDcoIwW+swQ+CbGiu7lju6t+JklA1MHweoWtadgt4ISVUsXLyDq34ddcwA==} + engines: {node: '>=4'} + + strip-json-comments@3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6fPc+R4ihwqP6N/aIv2f1gMH8lOVtWQHoqC4yK6oSDVVocumAsfCqjkXnqiYMhmMwS/mEHLp7Vehlt3ql6lEig==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + styled-jsx@5.1.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qSVyDTeMotdvQYoHWLNGwRFJHC+i+ZvdBRYosOFgC+Wg1vx4frN2/RG/NA7SYqqvKNLf39P2LSRA2pu6n0XYZA==} + engines: {node: '>= 12.0.0'} + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': '*' + babel-plugin-macros: '*' + react: '>= 16.8.0 || 17.x.x || ^18.0.0-0 || ^19.0.0-0' + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@babel/core': + optional: true + babel-plugin-macros: + optional: true + + sucrase@3.35.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8EbVDiu9iN/nESwxeSxDKe0dunta1GOlHufmSSXxMD2z2/tMZpDMpvXQGsc+ajGo8y2uYUmixaSRUc/QPoQ0GA==} + engines: {node: '>=16 || 14 >=14.17'} + hasBin: true + + supports-color@7.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qpCAvRl9stuOHveKsn7HncJRvv501qIacKzQlO/+Lwxc9+0q2wLyv4Dfvt80/DPn2pqOBsJdDiogXGR9+OvwRw==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ot0WnXS9fgdkgIcePe6RHNk1WA8+muPa6cSjeR3V8K27q9BB1rTE3R1p7Hv0z1ZyAc8s6Vvv8DIyWf681MAt0w==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + tailwind-merge@2.5.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-0q8cfZHMu9nuYP/b5Shb7Y7Sh1B7Nnl5GqNr1U+n2p6+mybvRtayrQ+0042Z5byvTA8ihjlP8Odo8/VnHbZu4Q==} + + tailwindcss-animate@1.0.7: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bl6mpH3T7I3UFxuvDEXLxy/VuFxBk5bbzplh7tXI68mwMokNYd1t9qPBHlnyTwfa4JGC4zP516I1hYYtQ/vspA==} + peerDependencies: + tailwindcss: '>=3.0.0 || insiders' + + tailwindcss@3.4.15: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-r4MeXnfBmSOuKUWmXe6h2CcyfzJCEk4F0pptO5jlnYSIViUkVmsawj80N5h2lO3gwcmSb4n3PuN+e+GC1Guylw==} + engines: {node: '>=14.0.0'} + hasBin: true + + tapable@2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GNzQvQTOIP6RyTfE2Qxb8ZVlNmw0n88vp1szwWRimP02mnTsx3Wtn5qRdqY9w2XduFNUgvOwhNnQsjwCp+kqaQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + + text-table@0.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-N+8UisAXDGk8PFXP4HAzVR9nbfmVJ3zYLAWiTIoqC5v5isinhr+r5uaO8+7r3BMfuNIufIsA7RdpVgacC2cSpw==} + + thenify-all@1.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RNxQH/qI8/t3thXJDwcstUO4zeqo64+Uy/+sNVRBx4Xn2OX+OZ9oP+iJnNFqplFra2ZUVeKCSa2oVWi3T4uVmA==} + engines: {node: '>=0.8'} + + thenify@3.3.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RVZSIV5IG10Hk3enotrhvz0T9em6cyHBLkH/YAZuKqd8hRkKhSfCGIcP2KUY0EPxndzANBmNllzWPwak+bheSw==} + + to-regex-range@5.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-65P7iz6X5yEr1cwcgvQxbbIw7Uk3gOy5dIdtZ4rDveLqhrdJP+Li/Hx6tyK0NEb+2GCyneCMJiGqrADCSNk8sQ==} + engines: {node: '>=8.0'} + + ts-api-utils@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-032cPxaEKwM+GT3vA5JXNzIaizx388rhsSW79vGRNGXfRRAdEAn2mvk36PvK5HnOchyWZ7afLEXqYCvPCrzuzQ==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + peerDependencies: + typescript: '>=4.2.0' + + ts-interface-checker@0.1.13: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y/arvbn+rrz3JCKl9C4kVNfTfSm2/mEp5FSz5EsZSANGPSlQrpRI5M4PKF+mJnE52jOO90PnPSc3Ur3bTQw0gA==} + + tsconfig-paths@3.15.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2Ac2RgzDe/cn48GvOe3M+o82pEFewD3UPbyoUHHdKasHwJKjds4fLXWf/Ux5kATBKN20oaFGu+jbElp1pos0mg==} + + tslib@2.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oJFu94HQb+KVduSUQL7wnpmqnfmLsOA/nAh6b6EH0wCEoK0/mPeXU6c3wKDV83MkOuHPRHtSXKKU99IBazS/2w==} + + type-check@0.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XleUoc9uwGXqjWwXaUTZAmzMcFZ5858QA2vvx1Ur5xIcixXIP+8LnFDgRplU30us6teqdlskFfu+ae4K79Ooew==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.8.0'} + + type-fest@0.20.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ne+eE4r0/iWnpAxD852z3A+N0Bt5RN//NjJwRd2VFHEmrywxf5vsZlh4R6lixl6B+wz/8d+maTSAkN1FIkI3LQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + + typed-array-buffer@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gEymJYKZtKXzzBzM4jqa9w6Q1Jjm7x2d+sh19AdsD4wqnMPDYyvwpsIc2Q/835kHuo3BEQ7CjelGhfTsoBb2MQ==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + typed-array-byte-length@1.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3iMJ9q0ao7WE9tWcaYKIptkNBuOIcZCCT0d4MRvuuH88fEoEH62IuQe0OtraD3ebQEoTRk8XCBoknUNc1Y67pw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + typed-array-byte-offset@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Ous0vodHa56FviZucS2E63zkgtgrACj7omjwd/8lTEMEPFFyjfixMZ1ZXenpgCFBBt4EC1J2XsyVS2gkG0eTFA==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + typed-array-length@1.0.6: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-/OxDN6OtAk5KBpGb28T+HZc2M+ADtvRxXrKKbUwtsLgdoxgX13hyy7ek6bFRl5+aBs2yZzB0c4CnQfAtVypW/g==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.4'} + + typescript@5.6.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hjcS1mhfuyi4WW8IWtjP7brDrG2cuDZukyrYrSauoXGNgx0S7zceP07adYkJycEr56BOUTNPzbInooiN3fn1qw==} + engines: {node: '>=14.17'} + hasBin: true + + unbox-primitive@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-61pPlCD9h51VoreyJ0BReideM3MDKMKnh6+V9L08331ipq6Q8OFXZYiqP6n/tbHx4s5I9uRhcye6BrbkizkBDw==} + + undici-types@6.19.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ve2KP6f/JnbPBFyobGHuerC9g1FYGn/F8n1LWTwNxCEzd6IfqTwUQcNXgEtmmQ6DlRrC1hrSrBnCZPokRrDHjw==} + + uri-js@4.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7rKUyy33Q1yc98pQ1DAmLtwX109F7TIfWlW1Ydo8Wl1ii1SeHieeh0HHfPeL2fMXK6z0s8ecKs9frCuLJvndBg==} + + use-callback-ref@1.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-elOQwe6Q8gqZgDA8mrh44qRTQqpIHDcZ3hXTLjBe1i4ph8XpNJnO+aQf3NaG+lriLopI4HMx9VjQLfPQ6vhnoA==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + peerDependencies: + '@types/react': ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/react': + optional: true + + use-sidecar@1.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-epTbsLuzZ7lPClpz2TyryBfztm7m+28DlEv2ZCQ3MDr5ssiwyOwGH/e5F9CkfWjJ1t4clvI58yF822/GUkjjhw==} + engines: {node: '>=10'} + peerDependencies: + '@types/react': ^16.9.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + react: ^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@types/react': + optional: true + + util-deprecate@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-EPD5q1uXyFxJpCrLnCc1nHnq3gOa6DZBocAIiI2TaSCA7VCJ1UJDMagCzIkXNsUYfD1daK//LTEQ8xiIbrHtcw==} + + which-boxed-primitive@1.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bwZdv0AKLpplFY2KZRX6TvyuN7ojjr7lwkg6ml0roIy9YeuSr7JS372qlNW18UQYzgYK9ziGcerWqZOmEn9VNg==} + + which-builtin-type@1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: 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ts-api-utils: 1.4.0(typescript@5.6.3) + optionalDependencies: + typescript: 5.6.3 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + '@typescript-eslint/utils@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3)': + dependencies: + '@eslint-community/eslint-utils': 4.4.1(eslint@8.57.1) + '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager': 8.14.0 + '@typescript-eslint/types': 8.14.0 + '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree': 8.14.0(typescript@5.6.3) + eslint: 8.57.1 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + - typescript + + '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@8.14.0': + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/types': 8.14.0 + eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3 + + '@ungap/structured-clone@1.2.0': {} + + acorn-jsx@5.3.2(acorn@8.14.0): + dependencies: + acorn: 8.14.0 + + acorn@8.14.0: {} + + ajv@6.12.6: + dependencies: + fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3 + fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0 + json-schema-traverse: 0.4.1 + uri-js: 4.4.1 + + ansi-regex@5.0.1: {} + + ansi-regex@6.1.0: {} + + ansi-styles@4.3.0: + dependencies: + color-convert: 2.0.1 + + ansi-styles@6.2.1: {} + + any-promise@1.3.0: {} + + anymatch@3.1.3: + dependencies: + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + arg@5.0.2: {} + + argparse@2.0.1: {} + + aria-hidden@1.2.4: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.8.1 + + aria-query@5.3.2: {} + + array-buffer-byte-length@1.0.1: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + is-array-buffer: 3.0.4 + + array-includes@3.1.8: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + is-string: 1.0.7 + + array.prototype.findlast@1.2.5: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2 + + array.prototype.findlastindex@1.2.5: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2 + + array.prototype.flat@1.3.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2 + + array.prototype.flatmap@1.3.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2 + + array.prototype.tosorted@1.1.4: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + es-shim-unscopables: 1.0.2 + + arraybuffer.prototype.slice@1.0.3: + dependencies: + array-buffer-byte-length: 1.0.1 + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + is-array-buffer: 3.0.4 + is-shared-array-buffer: 1.0.3 + + ast-types-flow@0.0.8: {} + + attr-accept@2.2.5: {} + + available-typed-arrays@1.0.7: + dependencies: + possible-typed-array-names: 1.0.0 + + axe-core@4.10.2: {} + + axobject-query@4.1.0: {} + + balanced-match@1.0.2: {} + + binary-extensions@2.3.0: {} + + brace-expansion@1.1.11: + dependencies: + balanced-match: 1.0.2 + concat-map: 0.0.1 + + brace-expansion@2.0.1: + dependencies: + balanced-match: 1.0.2 + + braces@3.0.3: + dependencies: + fill-range: 7.1.1 + + busboy@1.6.0: + dependencies: + streamsearch: 1.1.0 + + call-bind@1.0.7: + dependencies: + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + set-function-length: 1.2.2 + + callsites@3.1.0: {} + + camelcase-css@2.0.1: {} + + caniuse-lite@1.0.30001680: {} + + chalk@4.1.2: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + supports-color: 7.2.0 + + chokidar@3.6.0: + dependencies: + anymatch: 3.1.3 + braces: 3.0.3 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + is-binary-path: 2.1.0 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + readdirp: 3.6.0 + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.3 + + class-variance-authority@0.7.0: + dependencies: + clsx: 2.0.0 + + client-only@0.0.1: {} + + clsx@2.0.0: {} + + clsx@2.1.1: {} + + color-convert@2.0.1: + dependencies: + color-name: 1.1.4 + + color-name@1.1.4: {} + + color-string@1.9.1: + dependencies: + color-name: 1.1.4 + simple-swizzle: 0.2.2 + optional: true + + color@4.2.3: + dependencies: + color-convert: 2.0.1 + color-string: 1.9.1 + optional: true + + commander@4.1.1: {} + + concat-map@0.0.1: {} + + cross-spawn@7.0.5: + dependencies: + path-key: 3.1.1 + shebang-command: 2.0.0 + which: 2.0.2 + + cssesc@3.0.0: {} + + csstype@3.1.3: {} + + damerau-levenshtein@1.0.8: {} + + data-view-buffer@1.0.1: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + is-data-view: 1.0.1 + + data-view-byte-length@1.0.1: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + is-data-view: 1.0.1 + + data-view-byte-offset@1.0.0: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + is-data-view: 1.0.1 + + debug@3.2.7: + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.3 + + debug@4.3.7: + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.3 + + deep-is@0.1.4: {} + + define-data-property@1.1.4: + dependencies: + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + gopd: 1.0.1 + + define-properties@1.2.1: + dependencies: + define-data-property: 1.1.4 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + + detect-libc@2.0.3: + optional: true + + detect-node-es@1.1.0: {} + + didyoumean@1.2.2: {} + + dlv@1.1.3: {} + + doctrine@2.1.0: + dependencies: + esutils: 2.0.3 + + doctrine@3.0.0: + dependencies: + esutils: 2.0.3 + + eastasianwidth@0.2.0: {} + + emoji-regex@8.0.0: {} + + emoji-regex@9.2.2: {} + + enhanced-resolve@5.17.1: + dependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.11 + tapable: 2.2.1 + + es-abstract@1.23.5: + dependencies: + array-buffer-byte-length: 1.0.1 + arraybuffer.prototype.slice: 1.0.3 + available-typed-arrays: 1.0.7 + call-bind: 1.0.7 + data-view-buffer: 1.0.1 + data-view-byte-length: 1.0.1 + data-view-byte-offset: 1.0.0 + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + es-set-tostringtag: 2.0.3 + es-to-primitive: 1.2.1 + function.prototype.name: 1.1.6 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + get-symbol-description: 1.0.2 + globalthis: 1.0.4 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2 + has-proto: 1.0.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + hasown: 2.0.2 + internal-slot: 1.0.7 + is-array-buffer: 3.0.4 + is-callable: 1.2.7 + is-data-view: 1.0.1 + is-negative-zero: 2.0.3 + is-regex: 1.1.4 + is-shared-array-buffer: 1.0.3 + is-string: 1.0.7 + is-typed-array: 1.1.13 + is-weakref: 1.0.2 + object-inspect: 1.13.3 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + object.assign: 4.1.5 + regexp.prototype.flags: 1.5.3 + safe-array-concat: 1.1.2 + safe-regex-test: 1.0.3 + string.prototype.trim: 1.2.9 + string.prototype.trimend: 1.0.8 + string.prototype.trimstart: 1.0.8 + typed-array-buffer: 1.0.2 + typed-array-byte-length: 1.0.1 + typed-array-byte-offset: 1.0.2 + typed-array-length: 1.0.6 + unbox-primitive: 1.0.2 + which-typed-array: 1.1.15 + + es-define-property@1.0.0: + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + es-errors@1.3.0: {} + + es-iterator-helpers@1.2.0: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + es-set-tostringtag: 2.0.3 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + globalthis: 1.0.4 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2 + has-proto: 1.0.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + internal-slot: 1.0.7 + iterator.prototype: 1.1.3 + safe-array-concat: 1.1.2 + + es-object-atoms@1.0.0: + dependencies: + es-errors: 1.3.0 + + es-set-tostringtag@2.0.3: + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + hasown: 2.0.2 + + es-shim-unscopables@1.0.2: + dependencies: + hasown: 2.0.2 + + es-to-primitive@1.2.1: + dependencies: + is-callable: 1.2.7 + is-date-object: 1.0.5 + is-symbol: 1.0.4 + + escape-string-regexp@4.0.0: {} + + eslint-config-next@15.0.3(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3): + dependencies: + '@next/eslint-plugin-next': 15.0.3 + '@rushstack/eslint-patch': 1.10.4 + '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': 8.14.0(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3) + '@typescript-eslint/parser': 8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3) + eslint: 8.57.1 + eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.9 + eslint-import-resolver-typescript: 3.6.3(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.31.0)(eslint@8.57.1) + eslint-plugin-import: 2.31.0(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.3)(eslint@8.57.1) + eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y: 6.10.2(eslint@8.57.1) + eslint-plugin-react: 7.37.2(eslint@8.57.1) + eslint-plugin-react-hooks: 5.0.0(eslint@8.57.1) + optionalDependencies: + typescript: 5.6.3 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - eslint-import-resolver-webpack + - eslint-plugin-import-x + - supports-color + + eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9: + dependencies: + debug: 3.2.7 + is-core-module: 2.15.1 + resolve: 1.22.8 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.3(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.31.0)(eslint@8.57.1): + dependencies: + '@nolyfill/is-core-module': 1.0.39 + debug: 4.3.7 + enhanced-resolve: 5.17.1 + eslint: 8.57.1 + eslint-module-utils: 2.12.0(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.3)(eslint@8.57.1) + fast-glob: 3.3.2 + get-tsconfig: 4.8.1 + is-bun-module: 1.2.1 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + optionalDependencies: + eslint-plugin-import: 2.31.0(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.3)(eslint@8.57.1) + transitivePeerDependencies: + - '@typescript-eslint/parser' + - eslint-import-resolver-node + - eslint-import-resolver-webpack + - supports-color + + eslint-module-utils@2.12.0(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.3)(eslint@8.57.1): + dependencies: + debug: 3.2.7 + optionalDependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': 8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3) + eslint: 8.57.1 + eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.9 + eslint-import-resolver-typescript: 3.6.3(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-plugin-import@2.31.0)(eslint@8.57.1) + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + eslint-plugin-import@2.31.0(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.3)(eslint@8.57.1): + dependencies: + '@rtsao/scc': 1.1.0 + array-includes: 3.1.8 + array.prototype.findlastindex: 1.2.5 + array.prototype.flat: 1.3.2 + array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.2 + debug: 3.2.7 + doctrine: 2.1.0 + eslint: 8.57.1 + eslint-import-resolver-node: 0.3.9 + eslint-module-utils: 2.12.0(@typescript-eslint/parser@8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3))(eslint-import-resolver-node@0.3.9)(eslint-import-resolver-typescript@3.6.3)(eslint@8.57.1) + hasown: 2.0.2 + is-core-module: 2.15.1 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + object.fromentries: 2.0.8 + object.groupby: 1.0.3 + object.values: 1.2.0 + semver: 6.3.1 + string.prototype.trimend: 1.0.8 + tsconfig-paths: 3.15.0 + optionalDependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': 8.14.0(eslint@8.57.1)(typescript@5.6.3) + transitivePeerDependencies: + - eslint-import-resolver-typescript + - eslint-import-resolver-webpack + - supports-color + + eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@6.10.2(eslint@8.57.1): + dependencies: + aria-query: 5.3.2 + array-includes: 3.1.8 + array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.2 + ast-types-flow: 0.0.8 + axe-core: 4.10.2 + axobject-query: 4.1.0 + damerau-levenshtein: 1.0.8 + emoji-regex: 9.2.2 + eslint: 8.57.1 + hasown: 2.0.2 + jsx-ast-utils: 3.3.5 + language-tags: 1.0.9 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + object.fromentries: 2.0.8 + safe-regex-test: 1.0.3 + string.prototype.includes: 2.0.1 + + eslint-plugin-react-hooks@5.0.0(eslint@8.57.1): + dependencies: + eslint: 8.57.1 + + eslint-plugin-react@7.37.2(eslint@8.57.1): + dependencies: + array-includes: 3.1.8 + array.prototype.findlast: 1.2.5 + array.prototype.flatmap: 1.3.2 + array.prototype.tosorted: 1.1.4 + doctrine: 2.1.0 + es-iterator-helpers: 1.2.0 + eslint: 8.57.1 + estraverse: 5.3.0 + hasown: 2.0.2 + jsx-ast-utils: 3.3.5 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + object.entries: 1.1.8 + object.fromentries: 2.0.8 + object.values: 1.2.0 + prop-types: 15.8.1 + resolve: 2.0.0-next.5 + semver: 6.3.1 + string.prototype.matchall: 4.0.11 + string.prototype.repeat: 1.0.0 + + eslint-scope@7.2.2: + dependencies: + esrecurse: 4.3.0 + estraverse: 5.3.0 + + eslint-visitor-keys@3.4.3: {} + + eslint@8.57.1: + dependencies: + '@eslint-community/eslint-utils': 4.4.1(eslint@8.57.1) + '@eslint-community/regexpp': 4.12.1 + '@eslint/eslintrc': 2.1.4 + '@eslint/js': 8.57.1 + '@humanwhocodes/config-array': 0.13.0 + '@humanwhocodes/module-importer': 1.0.1 + '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8 + '@ungap/structured-clone': 1.2.0 + ajv: 6.12.6 + chalk: 4.1.2 + cross-spawn: 7.0.5 + debug: 4.3.7 + doctrine: 3.0.0 + escape-string-regexp: 4.0.0 + eslint-scope: 7.2.2 + eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3 + espree: 9.6.1 + esquery: 1.6.0 + esutils: 2.0.3 + fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3 + file-entry-cache: 6.0.1 + find-up: 5.0.0 + glob-parent: 6.0.2 + globals: 13.24.0 + graphemer: 1.4.0 + ignore: 5.3.2 + imurmurhash: 0.1.4 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + is-path-inside: 3.0.3 + js-yaml: 4.1.0 + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1 + levn: 0.4.1 + lodash.merge: 4.6.2 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + natural-compare: 1.4.0 + optionator: 0.9.4 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + text-table: 0.2.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + + espree@9.6.1: + dependencies: + acorn: 8.14.0 + acorn-jsx: 5.3.2(acorn@8.14.0) + eslint-visitor-keys: 3.4.3 + + esquery@1.6.0: + dependencies: + estraverse: 5.3.0 + + esrecurse@4.3.0: + dependencies: + estraverse: 5.3.0 + + estraverse@5.3.0: {} + + esutils@2.0.3: {} + + fast-deep-equal@3.1.3: {} + + fast-glob@3.3.1: + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.5 + '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + merge2: 1.4.1 + micromatch: 4.0.8 + + fast-glob@3.3.2: + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.5 + '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.8 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + merge2: 1.4.1 + micromatch: 4.0.8 + + fast-json-stable-stringify@2.1.0: {} + + fast-levenshtein@2.0.6: {} + + fastq@1.17.1: + dependencies: + reusify: 1.0.4 + + file-entry-cache@6.0.1: + dependencies: + flat-cache: 3.2.0 + + file-selector@2.1.0: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.8.1 + + fill-range@7.1.1: + dependencies: + to-regex-range: 5.0.1 + + find-up@5.0.0: + dependencies: + locate-path: 6.0.0 + path-exists: 4.0.0 + + flat-cache@3.2.0: + dependencies: + flatted: 3.3.1 + keyv: 4.5.4 + rimraf: 3.0.2 + + flatted@3.3.1: {} + + for-each@0.3.3: + dependencies: + is-callable: 1.2.7 + + foreground-child@3.3.0: + dependencies: + cross-spawn: 7.0.5 + signal-exit: 4.1.0 + + fs.realpath@1.0.0: {} + + fsevents@2.3.3: + optional: true + + function-bind@1.1.2: {} + + function.prototype.name@1.1.6: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + functions-have-names: 1.2.3 + + functions-have-names@1.2.3: {} + + get-intrinsic@1.2.4: + dependencies: + es-errors: 1.3.0 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + has-proto: 1.0.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + hasown: 2.0.2 + + get-nonce@1.0.1: {} + + get-symbol-description@1.0.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + get-tsconfig@4.8.1: + dependencies: + resolve-pkg-maps: 1.0.0 + + glob-parent@5.1.2: + dependencies: + is-glob: 4.0.3 + + glob-parent@6.0.2: + dependencies: + is-glob: 4.0.3 + + glob@10.4.5: + dependencies: + foreground-child: 3.3.0 + jackspeak: 3.4.3 + minimatch: 9.0.5 + minipass: 7.1.2 + package-json-from-dist: 1.0.1 + path-scurry: 1.11.1 + + glob@7.2.3: + dependencies: + fs.realpath: 1.0.0 + inflight: 1.0.6 + inherits: 2.0.4 + minimatch: 3.1.2 + once: 1.4.0 + path-is-absolute: 1.0.1 + + globals@13.24.0: + dependencies: + type-fest: 0.20.2 + + globalthis@1.0.4: + dependencies: + define-properties: 1.2.1 + gopd: 1.0.1 + + gopd@1.0.1: + dependencies: + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + graceful-fs@4.2.11: {} + + graphemer@1.4.0: {} + + has-bigints@1.0.2: {} + + has-flag@4.0.0: {} + + has-property-descriptors@1.0.2: + dependencies: + es-define-property: 1.0.0 + + has-proto@1.0.3: {} + + has-symbols@1.0.3: {} + + has-tostringtag@1.0.2: + dependencies: + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + + hasown@2.0.2: + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.2 + + ignore@5.3.2: {} + + import-fresh@3.3.0: + dependencies: + parent-module: 1.0.1 + resolve-from: 4.0.0 + + imurmurhash@0.1.4: {} + + inflight@1.0.6: + dependencies: + once: 1.4.0 + wrappy: 1.0.2 + + inherits@2.0.4: {} + + internal-slot@1.0.7: + dependencies: + es-errors: 1.3.0 + hasown: 2.0.2 + side-channel: 1.0.6 + + invariant@2.2.4: + dependencies: + loose-envify: 1.4.0 + + is-array-buffer@3.0.4: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + is-arrayish@0.3.2: + optional: true + + is-async-function@2.0.0: + dependencies: + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + + is-bigint@1.0.4: + dependencies: + has-bigints: 1.0.2 + + is-binary-path@2.1.0: + dependencies: + binary-extensions: 2.3.0 + + is-boolean-object@1.1.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + + is-bun-module@1.2.1: + dependencies: + semver: 7.6.3 + + is-callable@1.2.7: {} + + is-core-module@2.15.1: + dependencies: + hasown: 2.0.2 + + is-data-view@1.0.1: + dependencies: + is-typed-array: 1.1.13 + + is-date-object@1.0.5: + dependencies: + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + + is-extglob@2.1.1: {} + + is-finalizationregistry@1.0.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + + is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0: {} + + is-generator-function@1.0.10: + dependencies: + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + + is-glob@4.0.3: + dependencies: + is-extglob: 2.1.1 + + is-map@2.0.3: {} + + is-negative-zero@2.0.3: {} + + is-number-object@1.0.7: + dependencies: + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + + is-number@7.0.0: {} + + is-path-inside@3.0.3: {} + + is-regex@1.1.4: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + + is-set@2.0.3: {} + + is-shared-array-buffer@1.0.3: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + + is-string@1.0.7: + dependencies: + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + + is-symbol@1.0.4: + dependencies: + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + + is-typed-array@1.1.13: + dependencies: + which-typed-array: 1.1.15 + + is-weakmap@2.0.2: {} + + is-weakref@1.0.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + + is-weakset@2.0.3: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + + isarray@2.0.5: {} + + isexe@2.0.0: {} + + iterator.prototype@1.1.3: + dependencies: + define-properties: 1.2.1 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + reflect.getprototypeof: 1.0.6 + set-function-name: 2.0.2 + + jackspeak@3.4.3: + dependencies: + '@isaacs/cliui': 8.0.2 + optionalDependencies: + '@pkgjs/parseargs': 0.11.0 + + jiti@1.21.6: {} + + js-tokens@4.0.0: {} + + js-yaml@4.1.0: + dependencies: + argparse: 2.0.1 + + json-buffer@3.0.1: {} + + json-schema-traverse@0.4.1: {} + + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify@1.0.1: {} + + json5@1.0.2: + dependencies: + minimist: 1.2.8 + + jsx-ast-utils@3.3.5: + dependencies: + array-includes: 3.1.8 + array.prototype.flat: 1.3.2 + object.assign: 4.1.5 + object.values: 1.2.0 + + keyv@4.5.4: + dependencies: + json-buffer: 3.0.1 + + language-subtag-registry@0.3.23: {} + + language-tags@1.0.9: + dependencies: + language-subtag-registry: 0.3.23 + + levn@0.4.1: + dependencies: + prelude-ls: 1.2.1 + type-check: 0.4.0 + + lilconfig@2.1.0: {} + + lilconfig@3.1.2: {} + + lines-and-columns@1.2.4: {} + + locate-path@6.0.0: + dependencies: + p-locate: 5.0.0 + + lodash.merge@4.6.2: {} + + loose-envify@1.4.0: + dependencies: + js-tokens: 4.0.0 + + lru-cache@10.4.3: {} + + lucide-react@0.460.0(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + + merge2@1.4.1: {} + + micromatch@4.0.8: + dependencies: + braces: 3.0.3 + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + minimatch@3.1.2: + dependencies: + brace-expansion: 1.1.11 + + minimatch@9.0.5: + dependencies: + brace-expansion: 2.0.1 + + minimist@1.2.8: {} + + minipass@7.1.2: {} + + ms@2.1.3: {} + + mz@2.7.0: + dependencies: + any-promise: 1.3.0 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + thenify-all: 1.6.0 + + nanoid@3.3.7: {} + + natural-compare@1.4.0: {} + + next@15.0.3(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + '@next/env': 15.0.3 + '@swc/counter': 0.1.3 + '@swc/helpers': 0.5.13 + busboy: 1.6.0 + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001680 + postcss: 8.4.31 + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + react-dom: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + styled-jsx: 5.1.6(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + optionalDependencies: + '@next/swc-darwin-arm64': 15.0.3 + '@next/swc-darwin-x64': 15.0.3 + '@next/swc-linux-arm64-gnu': 15.0.3 + '@next/swc-linux-arm64-musl': 15.0.3 + '@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu': 15.0.3 + '@next/swc-linux-x64-musl': 15.0.3 + '@next/swc-win32-arm64-msvc': 15.0.3 + '@next/swc-win32-x64-msvc': 15.0.3 + sharp: 0.33.5 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - '@babel/core' + - babel-plugin-macros + + normalize-path@3.0.0: {} + + object-assign@4.1.1: {} + + object-hash@3.0.0: {} + + object-inspect@1.13.3: {} + + object-keys@1.1.1: {} + + object.assign@4.1.5: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + + object.entries@1.1.8: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + + object.fromentries@2.0.8: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + + object.groupby@1.0.3: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + + object.values@1.2.0: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + + once@1.4.0: + dependencies: + wrappy: 1.0.2 + + optionator@0.9.4: + dependencies: + deep-is: 0.1.4 + fast-levenshtein: 2.0.6 + levn: 0.4.1 + prelude-ls: 1.2.1 + type-check: 0.4.0 + word-wrap: 1.2.5 + + p-limit@3.1.0: + dependencies: + yocto-queue: 0.1.0 + + p-locate@5.0.0: + dependencies: + p-limit: 3.1.0 + + package-json-from-dist@1.0.1: {} + + parent-module@1.0.1: + dependencies: + callsites: 3.1.0 + + path-exists@4.0.0: {} + + path-is-absolute@1.0.1: {} + + path-key@3.1.1: {} + + path-parse@1.0.7: {} + + path-scurry@1.11.1: + dependencies: + lru-cache: 10.4.3 + minipass: 7.1.2 + + picocolors@1.1.1: {} + + picomatch@2.3.1: {} + + pify@2.3.0: {} + + pirates@4.0.6: {} + + possible-typed-array-names@1.0.0: {} + + postcss-import@15.1.0(postcss@8.4.49): + dependencies: + postcss: 8.4.49 + postcss-value-parser: 4.2.0 + read-cache: 1.0.0 + resolve: 1.22.8 + + postcss-js@4.0.1(postcss@8.4.49): + dependencies: + camelcase-css: 2.0.1 + postcss: 8.4.49 + + postcss-load-config@4.0.2(postcss@8.4.49): + dependencies: + lilconfig: 3.1.2 + yaml: 2.6.0 + optionalDependencies: + postcss: 8.4.49 + + postcss-nested@6.2.0(postcss@8.4.49): + dependencies: + postcss: 8.4.49 + postcss-selector-parser: 6.1.2 + + postcss-selector-parser@6.1.2: + dependencies: + cssesc: 3.0.0 + util-deprecate: 1.0.2 + + postcss-value-parser@4.2.0: {} + + postcss@8.4.31: + dependencies: + nanoid: 3.3.7 + picocolors: 1.1.1 + source-map-js: 1.2.1 + + postcss@8.4.49: + dependencies: + nanoid: 3.3.7 + picocolors: 1.1.1 + source-map-js: 1.2.1 + + prelude-ls@1.2.1: {} + + prop-types@15.8.1: + dependencies: + loose-envify: 1.4.0 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + react-is: 16.13.1 + + punycode@2.3.1: {} + + queue-microtask@1.2.3: {} + + react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + scheduler: 0.25.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + + react-dropzone@14.3.5(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + attr-accept: 2.2.5 + file-selector: 2.1.0 + prop-types: 15.8.1 + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + + react-hook-form@7.53.2(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + + react-is@16.13.1: {} + + react-remove-scroll-bar@2.3.6(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + react-style-singleton: 2.2.1(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + tslib: 2.8.1 + optionalDependencies: + '@types/react': 18.3.12 + + react-remove-scroll@2.6.0(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + react-remove-scroll-bar: 2.3.6(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + react-style-singleton: 2.2.1(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + tslib: 2.8.1 + use-callback-ref: 1.3.2(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + use-sidecar: 1.1.2(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + optionalDependencies: + '@types/react': 18.3.12 + + react-style-singleton@2.2.1(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + get-nonce: 1.0.1 + invariant: 2.2.4 + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + tslib: 2.8.1 + optionalDependencies: + '@types/react': 18.3.12 + + react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106: {} + + read-cache@1.0.0: + dependencies: + pify: 2.3.0 + + readdirp@3.6.0: + dependencies: + picomatch: 2.3.1 + + reflect.getprototypeof@1.0.6: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + globalthis: 1.0.4 + which-builtin-type: 1.1.4 + + regexp.prototype.flags@1.5.3: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + set-function-name: 2.0.2 + + resolve-from@4.0.0: {} + + resolve-pkg-maps@1.0.0: {} + + resolve@1.22.8: + dependencies: + is-core-module: 2.15.1 + path-parse: 1.0.7 + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0 + + resolve@2.0.0-next.5: + dependencies: + is-core-module: 2.15.1 + path-parse: 1.0.7 + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0 + + reusify@1.0.4: {} + + rimraf@3.0.2: + dependencies: + glob: 7.2.3 + + run-parallel@1.2.0: + dependencies: + queue-microtask: 1.2.3 + + safe-array-concat@1.1.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + isarray: 2.0.5 + + safe-regex-test@1.0.3: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + is-regex: 1.1.4 + + scheduler@0.25.0-rc-66855b96-20241106: {} + + semver@6.3.1: {} + + semver@7.6.3: {} + + set-function-length@1.2.2: + dependencies: + define-data-property: 1.1.4 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + function-bind: 1.1.2 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2 + + set-function-name@2.0.2: + dependencies: + define-data-property: 1.1.4 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + functions-have-names: 1.2.3 + has-property-descriptors: 1.0.2 + + sharp@0.33.5: + dependencies: + color: 4.2.3 + detect-libc: 2.0.3 + semver: 7.6.3 + optionalDependencies: + '@img/sharp-darwin-arm64': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-darwin-x64': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-libvips-darwin-arm64': 1.0.4 + '@img/sharp-libvips-darwin-x64': 1.0.4 + '@img/sharp-libvips-linux-arm': 1.0.5 + '@img/sharp-libvips-linux-arm64': 1.0.4 + '@img/sharp-libvips-linux-s390x': 1.0.4 + '@img/sharp-libvips-linux-x64': 1.0.4 + '@img/sharp-libvips-linuxmusl-arm64': 1.0.4 + '@img/sharp-libvips-linuxmusl-x64': 1.0.4 + '@img/sharp-linux-arm': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-linux-arm64': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-linux-s390x': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-linux-x64': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-linuxmusl-arm64': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-linuxmusl-x64': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-wasm32': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-win32-ia32': 0.33.5 + '@img/sharp-win32-x64': 0.33.5 + optional: true + + shebang-command@2.0.0: + dependencies: + shebang-regex: 3.0.0 + + shebang-regex@3.0.0: {} + + side-channel@1.0.6: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + object-inspect: 1.13.3 + + signal-exit@4.1.0: {} + + simple-swizzle@0.2.2: + dependencies: + is-arrayish: 0.3.2 + optional: true + + sonner@1.7.0(react-dom@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106))(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + react-dom: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106) + + source-map-js@1.2.1: {} + + streamsearch@1.1.0: {} + + string-width@4.2.3: + dependencies: + emoji-regex: 8.0.0 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 3.0.0 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + + string-width@5.1.2: + dependencies: + eastasianwidth: 0.2.0 + emoji-regex: 9.2.2 + strip-ansi: 7.1.0 + + string.prototype.includes@2.0.1: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + + string.prototype.matchall@4.0.11: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + get-intrinsic: 1.2.4 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + internal-slot: 1.0.7 + regexp.prototype.flags: 1.5.3 + set-function-name: 2.0.2 + side-channel: 1.0.6 + + string.prototype.repeat@1.0.0: + dependencies: + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + + string.prototype.trim@1.2.9: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-abstract: 1.23.5 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + + string.prototype.trimend@1.0.8: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + + string.prototype.trimstart@1.0.8: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + define-properties: 1.2.1 + es-object-atoms: 1.0.0 + + strip-ansi@6.0.1: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 5.0.1 + + strip-ansi@7.1.0: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 6.1.0 + + strip-bom@3.0.0: {} + + strip-json-comments@3.1.1: {} + + styled-jsx@5.1.6(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + client-only: 0.0.1 + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + + sucrase@3.35.0: + dependencies: + '@jridgewell/gen-mapping': 0.3.5 + commander: 4.1.1 + glob: 10.4.5 + lines-and-columns: 1.2.4 + mz: 2.7.0 + pirates: 4.0.6 + ts-interface-checker: 0.1.13 + + supports-color@7.2.0: + dependencies: + has-flag: 4.0.0 + + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag@1.0.0: {} + + tailwind-merge@2.5.4: {} + + tailwindcss-animate@1.0.7(tailwindcss@3.4.15): + dependencies: + tailwindcss: 3.4.15 + + tailwindcss@3.4.15: + dependencies: + '@alloc/quick-lru': 5.2.0 + arg: 5.0.2 + chokidar: 3.6.0 + didyoumean: 1.2.2 + dlv: 1.1.3 + fast-glob: 3.3.2 + glob-parent: 6.0.2 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + jiti: 1.21.6 + lilconfig: 2.1.0 + micromatch: 4.0.8 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + object-hash: 3.0.0 + picocolors: 1.1.1 + postcss: 8.4.49 + postcss-import: 15.1.0(postcss@8.4.49) + postcss-js: 4.0.1(postcss@8.4.49) + postcss-load-config: 4.0.2(postcss@8.4.49) + postcss-nested: 6.2.0(postcss@8.4.49) + postcss-selector-parser: 6.1.2 + resolve: 1.22.8 + sucrase: 3.35.0 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - ts-node + + tapable@2.2.1: {} + + text-table@0.2.0: {} + + thenify-all@1.6.0: + dependencies: + thenify: 3.3.1 + + thenify@3.3.1: + dependencies: + any-promise: 1.3.0 + + to-regex-range@5.0.1: + dependencies: + is-number: 7.0.0 + + ts-api-utils@1.4.0(typescript@5.6.3): + dependencies: + typescript: 5.6.3 + + ts-interface-checker@0.1.13: {} + + tsconfig-paths@3.15.0: + dependencies: + '@types/json5': 0.0.29 + json5: 1.0.2 + minimist: 1.2.8 + strip-bom: 3.0.0 + + tslib@2.8.1: {} + + type-check@0.4.0: + dependencies: + prelude-ls: 1.2.1 + + type-fest@0.20.2: {} + + typed-array-buffer@1.0.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + es-errors: 1.3.0 + is-typed-array: 1.1.13 + + typed-array-byte-length@1.0.1: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + for-each: 0.3.3 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-proto: 1.0.3 + is-typed-array: 1.1.13 + + typed-array-byte-offset@1.0.2: + dependencies: + available-typed-arrays: 1.0.7 + call-bind: 1.0.7 + for-each: 0.3.3 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-proto: 1.0.3 + is-typed-array: 1.1.13 + + typed-array-length@1.0.6: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + for-each: 0.3.3 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-proto: 1.0.3 + is-typed-array: 1.1.13 + possible-typed-array-names: 1.0.0 + + typescript@5.6.3: {} + + unbox-primitive@1.0.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.7 + has-bigints: 1.0.2 + has-symbols: 1.0.3 + which-boxed-primitive: 1.0.2 + + undici-types@6.19.8: {} + + uri-js@4.4.1: + dependencies: + punycode: 2.3.1 + + use-callback-ref@1.3.2(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + tslib: 2.8.1 + optionalDependencies: + '@types/react': 18.3.12 + + use-sidecar@1.1.2(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106): + dependencies: + detect-node-es: 1.1.0 + react: 19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 + tslib: 2.8.1 + optionalDependencies: + '@types/react': 18.3.12 + + util-deprecate@1.0.2: {} + + which-boxed-primitive@1.0.2: + dependencies: + is-bigint: 1.0.4 + is-boolean-object: 1.1.2 + is-number-object: 1.0.7 + is-string: 1.0.7 + is-symbol: 1.0.4 + + which-builtin-type@1.1.4: + dependencies: + function.prototype.name: 1.1.6 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + is-async-function: 2.0.0 + is-date-object: 1.0.5 + is-finalizationregistry: 1.0.2 + is-generator-function: 1.0.10 + is-regex: 1.1.4 + is-weakref: 1.0.2 + isarray: 2.0.5 + which-boxed-primitive: 1.0.2 + which-collection: 1.0.2 + which-typed-array: 1.1.15 + + which-collection@1.0.2: + dependencies: + is-map: 2.0.3 + is-set: 2.0.3 + is-weakmap: 2.0.2 + is-weakset: 2.0.3 + + which-typed-array@1.1.15: + dependencies: + available-typed-arrays: 1.0.7 + call-bind: 1.0.7 + for-each: 0.3.3 + gopd: 1.0.1 + has-tostringtag: 1.0.2 + + which@2.0.2: + dependencies: + isexe: 2.0.0 + + word-wrap@1.2.5: {} + + wrap-ansi@7.0.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + string-width: 4.2.3 + strip-ansi: 6.0.1 + + wrap-ansi@8.1.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 6.2.1 + string-width: 5.1.2 + strip-ansi: 7.1.0 + + wrappy@1.0.2: {} + + yaml@2.6.0: {} + + yocto-queue@0.1.0: {} + + zod@3.23.8: {} diff --git a/photos/frontend/postcss.config.mjs b/photos/frontend/postcss.config.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a69fd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/postcss.config.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/** @type {import('postcss-load-config').Config} */ +const config = { + plugins: { + tailwindcss: {}, + }, +}; + +export default config; diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/auth/signin/page.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/auth/signin/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f05d38 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/auth/signin/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import { SignInForm } from "@/components/signin-form"; + +export default function Page() { + return ( +
+ +
+ ); +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/auth/signup/page.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/auth/signup/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13c74c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/auth/signup/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import { SignUpForm } from "@/components/signup-form"; + +export default function Page() { + return ( +
+ +
+ ); +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/fonts/GeistMonoVF.woff b/photos/frontend/src/app/fonts/GeistMonoVF.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2ae185 Binary files /dev/null and b/photos/frontend/src/app/fonts/GeistMonoVF.woff differ diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/fonts/GeistVF.woff b/photos/frontend/src/app/fonts/GeistVF.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b62daa Binary files /dev/null and b/photos/frontend/src/app/fonts/GeistVF.woff differ diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/globals.css b/photos/frontend/src/app/globals.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a23ac26 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/globals.css @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +@tailwind base; +@tailwind components; +@tailwind utilities; + +body { + font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; +} + +@layer base { + :root { + --background: 0 0% 100%; + --foreground: 0 0% 3.9%; + --card: 0 0% 100%; + --card-foreground: 0 0% 3.9%; + --popover: 0 0% 100%; + --popover-foreground: 0 0% 3.9%; + --primary: 0 0% 9%; + --primary-foreground: 0 0% 98%; + --secondary: 0 0% 96.1%; + --secondary-foreground: 0 0% 9%; + --muted: 0 0% 96.1%; + --muted-foreground: 0 0% 45.1%; + --accent: 0 0% 96.1%; + --accent-foreground: 0 0% 9%; + --destructive: 0 84.2% 60.2%; + --destructive-foreground: 0 0% 98%; + --border: 0 0% 89.8%; + --input: 0 0% 89.8%; + --ring: 0 0% 3.9%; + --chart-1: 12 76% 61%; + --chart-2: 173 58% 39%; + --chart-3: 197 37% 24%; + --chart-4: 43 74% 66%; + --chart-5: 27 87% 67%; + --radius: 0.5rem; + } + .dark { + --background: 0 0% 3.9%; + --foreground: 0 0% 98%; + --card: 0 0% 3.9%; + --card-foreground: 0 0% 98%; + --popover: 0 0% 3.9%; + --popover-foreground: 0 0% 98%; + --primary: 0 0% 98%; + --primary-foreground: 0 0% 9%; + --secondary: 0 0% 14.9%; + --secondary-foreground: 0 0% 98%; + --muted: 0 0% 14.9%; + --muted-foreground: 0 0% 63.9%; + --accent: 0 0% 14.9%; + --accent-foreground: 0 0% 98%; + --destructive: 0 62.8% 30.6%; + --destructive-foreground: 0 0% 98%; + --border: 0 0% 14.9%; + --input: 0 0% 14.9%; + --ring: 0 0% 83.1%; + --chart-1: 220 70% 50%; + --chart-2: 160 60% 45%; + --chart-3: 30 80% 55%; + --chart-4: 280 65% 60%; + --chart-5: 340 75% 55%; + } +} + +@layer base { + * { + @apply border-border; + } + body { + @apply bg-background text-foreground; + } +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/layout.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/layout.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fd719d --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/layout.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +import type { Metadata } from "next"; +import localFont from "next/font/local"; +import "./globals.css"; +import Providers from "./providers"; +import Header from "@/components/header"; +import { Toaster } from "@/components/ui/toaster"; + +const geistSans = localFont({ + src: "./fonts/GeistVF.woff", + variable: "--font-geist-sans", + weight: "100 900", +}); +const geistMono = localFont({ + src: "./fonts/GeistMonoVF.woff", + variable: "--font-geist-mono", + weight: "100 900", +}); + +export const metadata: Metadata = { + title: "Photos", + description: "Instagram 2.0", +}; + +export default function RootLayout({ + children, +}: Readonly<{ + children: React.ReactNode; +}>) { + return ( + + +
+ +
+ {children} + + +
+ + + ); +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/mutations/like.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/mutations/like.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de8ef33 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/mutations/like.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query"; + +export default function useMutateLike(id: number, liked: boolean) { + const queryClient = useQueryClient(); + + return useMutation({ + mutationFn: async () => { + const response = await fetch(`/api/photos/${id}/like`, { + method: "POST", + headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, + body: JSON.stringify({ like: !liked }), + }); + + if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.statusText); + const newPhoto = await response.json(); + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any + queryClient.setQueriesData({ queryKey: ["photos"] }, (data: any) => { + if (Array.isArray(data.pages)) { + return { + pages: data.pages.map((photos: App.Photo[]) => + photos.map((photo) => (photo.id === id ? newPhoto : photo)) + ), + pageParams: data.pageParams, + }; + } else { + return newPhoto; + } + }); + }, + }); +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/page.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a37fad8 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +"use client"; + +import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; +import { useInfiniteQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query"; +import React from "react"; +import Photo from "@/components/photo"; +import Link from "next/link"; +import { LoaderCircleIcon } from "lucide-react"; +import useAuth from "@/hooks/use-auth"; + +async function getPhotos({ pageParam }: { pageParam: number }) { + const response = await fetch(`/api/photos?offset=${pageParam}`); + if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.statusText); + + return (await response.json()) as App.Photo[]; +} + +const LIMIT = 10; + +export default function Home() { + const auth = useAuth(); + + const photos = useInfiniteQuery({ + queryKey: ["photos"], + queryFn: getPhotos, + initialPageParam: 0, + getNextPageParam: (page, pages) => + page.length > LIMIT ? pages.length * LIMIT : undefined, + }); + + return ( +


+ + {photos.isError ? ( + "error" + ) : photos.isSuccess ? ( + photos.data.pages.map((group, i) => ( + + {group.map((photo) => ( + + ))} + + )) + ) : ( +
+ Loading... +
+ )} + +
+ {photos.hasNextPage ? ( + + ) : !photos.isFetching ? ( +
+ There are no more photos :( + {auth.user ? ( + <> + Why don't you upload one? + + + ) : ( + <> + Create an account to upload photos. + + + )} +
+ ) : ( + <> + )} +
+ ); +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/photos/[id]/page.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/photos/[id]/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ccb572 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/photos/[id]/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +"use client"; + +import useMutateLike from "@/app/mutations/like"; +import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; +import { Label } from "@/components/ui/label"; +import useAuth from "@/hooks/use-auth"; +import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query"; +import Image from "next/image"; +import { useParams } from "next/navigation"; + +export default function Page() { + const auth = useAuth(); + const params = useParams<{ id: string }>(); + + const photo = useQuery({ + queryKey: ["photos", params.id], + queryFn: async () => { + const response = await fetch(`/api/photos/${params.id}`); + if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.statusText); + + return (await response.json()) as App.Photo; + }, + }); + + const mutation = useMutateLike( + photo.data?.id || 0, + photo.data?.liked || false + ); + + if (photo.isLoading) return
; + if (photo.isError) { + if (photo.error instanceof Error) return
; + return
Unknown error
; + } + + return ( +
+ +
+ +

+ Photo by {photo.data?.user?.username} +

+ + +


+ +
+ +


+ + {!auth.isLoading && auth.user && ( + + )} +
+ ); +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/profile/page.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/profile/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ea6b35 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/profile/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +"use client"; + +import { Avatar, AvatarFallback } from "@/components/ui/avatar"; +import useAuth from "../../hooks/use-auth"; +import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"; +import React from "react"; +import { useInfiniteQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query"; +import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; +import Photo from "@/components/photo"; + +async function getPhotos({ + queryKey, + pageParam, +}: { + queryKey: (string | undefined)[]; + pageParam: number; +}) { + const response = await fetch( + `/api/photos?offset=${pageParam}&userId=${queryKey[1]}` + ); + if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.statusText); + + return (await response.json()) as App.Photo[]; +} + +const LIMIT = 10; + +export default function Page() { + const auth = useAuth(); + const router = useRouter(); + + React.useEffect(() => { + if (!auth.isLoading && !auth.isError && auth.user === null) + router.push("/auth/signin"); + }, [auth.isLoading, auth.isError, auth.user, router]); + + const photos = useInfiniteQuery({ + queryKey: ["photos", auth.user?.id], + queryFn: getPhotos, + enabled: !!auth.user, + initialPageParam: 0, + getNextPageParam: (page, pages) => + page.length > LIMIT ? pages.length * LIMIT : undefined, + }); + + if (auth.isLoading) return
; + if (auth.isError) return
; + + return ( +
+ + + {auth.user?.username.slice(0, 2)} + + + +

Your profile

+ +


+ +
+ {photos.isError + ? "error" + : photos.isSuccess + ? photos.data.pages.map((group, i) => ( + + {group.map((photo) => ( + + ))} + + )) + : "loading...."} + +
+ +
+ {photos.isFetching && !photos.isFetchingNextPage + ? "Fetching..." + : null} +
+ ); +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/providers.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/providers.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84362d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/providers.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +// In Next.js, this file would be called: app/providers.tsx +"use client"; + +// Since QueryClientProvider relies on useContext under the hood, we have to put 'use client' on top +import { + isServer, + QueryClient, + QueryClientProvider, +} from "@tanstack/react-query"; + +function makeQueryClient() { + return new QueryClient({ + defaultOptions: { + queries: { + // With SSR, we usually want to set some default staleTime + // above 0 to avoid refetching immediately on the client + staleTime: 60 * 1000, + retry: 1, + }, + }, + }); +} + +let browserQueryClient: QueryClient | undefined = undefined; + +function getQueryClient() { + if (isServer) { + // Server: always make a new query client + return makeQueryClient(); + } else { + // Browser: make a new query client if we don't already have one + // This is very important, so we don't re-make a new client if React + // suspends during the initial render. This may not be needed if we + // have a suspense boundary BELOW the creation of the query client + if (!browserQueryClient) browserQueryClient = makeQueryClient(); + return browserQueryClient; + } +} + +export default function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { + // NOTE: Avoid useState when initializing the query client if you don't + // have a suspense boundary between this and the code that may + // suspend because React will throw away the client on the initial + // render if it suspends and there is no boundary + const queryClient = getQueryClient(); + + return ( + {children} + ); +} diff --git a/photos/frontend/src/app/upload/page.tsx b/photos/frontend/src/app/upload/page.tsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..619ff6d --- /dev/null +++ b/photos/frontend/src/app/upload/page.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +"use client"; + +import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; +import { + FileUploader, + FileUploaderContent, + FileUploaderItem, + FileInput, +} from "@/components/ui/extension/file-upload"; +import { CloudUpload, Paperclip } from "lucide-react"; +import React from "react"; +import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod"; +import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; +import { z } from "zod"; +import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query"; +import { + Form, + FormControl, + FormDescription, + FormField, + FormItem, + FormLabel, + FormMessage, +} from "@/components/ui/form"; +import { Textarea } from "@/components/ui/textarea"; +import { Switch } from "@/components/ui/switch"; +import { toast } from "sonner"; +import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"; +import useAuth from "@/hooks/use-auth"; + +const formSchema = z.object({ + files: z + .array( + z.any().refine((file) => file.size < 5 * 1024 * 1024, { + message: "Photo size must be less than 5MB.", + }) + ) + .max(5, { message: "You can only upload one photo at a time." }) + .min(1, { message: "A photo is required." }), + caption: z.string().max(250).optional(), + visible: z.boolean().optional(), +}); + +export default function Page() { + const auth = useAuth(); + const queryClient = useQueryClient(); + const router = useRouter(); + + React.useEffect(() => { + if (!auth.isLoading && !auth.isError && !auth.user) + router.push("/auth/signin"); + }, [auth.isLoading, auth.isError, auth.user, router]); + + const dropZoneConfig = { + maxFiles: 1, + maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 4, + multiple: false, + accept: { + "image/jpeg": [".jpg", ".jpeg"], + }, + }; + + const form = useForm>({ + resolver: zodResolver(formSchema), + defaultValues: { + caption: "", + visible: false, + files: [], + }, + }); + + const mutation = useMutation({ + mutationFn: async (data: z.infer) => { + const body = new FormData(); + body.append("photo", data.files[0]); + if (data.caption) body.append("caption", data.caption); + if (data.visible) body.append("visible", "true"); + + const response = await fetch("/api/photos", { + method: "POST", + body, + }); + if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.statusText); + + return (await response.json()) as App.Photo; + }, + }); + + async function onSubmit(values: z.infer) { + try { + const photo = await mutation.mutateAsync(values); + queryClient.resetQueries({ queryKey: ["photos"] }); + queryClient.setQueryData(["photos", photo.id], photo); + toast.success("Photo uploaded!"); + router.push(`/photos/${photo.id}`); + } catch (e) { + if (e instanceof Error) { + form.setError("root", { message: e.message }); + } + } + } + + return ( +

Upload a photo

+ +
+ + ( + + + +
+ +

+ Click to upload +   or drag and drop +


+ Only JPG please +

+ + {field.value && + field.value.length > 0 && + field.value.map((file, i) => ( + + + {file.name} + + ))} + +
+ +
+ )} + /> + + ( + + Caption + +