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3.8 KiB
Solutions for all 4 challenges
Point estimates are fairly arbitrary and can be changed by the organizers.
Challenge 0
- Free (5 points)
How To Solve
(lambda (a) (+ a 1))
Challenge 1
- Easy (35 points)
How To Solve
The readable version:
(lambda (str)
(define str-l (string-length str))
(define prefix-length 2)
(define (loop idx pref-idx)
((= pref-idx prefix-length) ;Entire prefix was found
(- idx prefix-length)) ;Return the start of the prefix
((= idx str-l) ;End of the string, prefix not found
((char=? (string-ref str idx) ;Did we find part of the prefix?
(string-ref prefix pref-idx))
(loop (+ idx 1) (+ pref-idx 1))) ;Advance prefix-idx, keep going
(loop (+ idx 1) 0)))) ;No match, reset prefex-idx and continue
(loop 0 0))
Applying the constraints from the challenge gives:
(lambda (a)
(define b (string-length a))
(define c 2)
(define (f d e)
(if (= e c)
(- d c)
(if (= d b)
(if (char=? (string-ref a d)
(string-ref "re" e))
(f (+ d 1) (+ e 1))
(f (+ d 1) 0)))))
(f 0 0))
Challenge 2
- Average (60 points)
How To Solve
Readable version:
(define (get-prefix-idx str)
(define l (string->list str))
(define l-padded (append l (list #\a))) ;Padding in case of empty string as input
(define r-eq ;For every char in the string, is it equal to 'r'
(map (lambda (c)
(char=? #\r c))
(define e-eq ;For every char in the string is it equal to 'e'
(map (lambda (c)
(char=? #\e c))
(append (cdr l-padded) (list #\a)))) ;We shift this one to the right (and add more padding)
(cdr (foldl ; Iterate through both lists at once
(lambda (r e acc) ; Accumulate current idx and potential result
(if (and r e (= (cdr acc) -1))
(cons (car acc) (car acc))
(cons (+ 1 (car acc)) (cdr acc))))
(cons 0 -1)
r-eq e-eq)))
Renaming all variables and turning it into a lambda gives us:
(lambda (a)
(define b (string->list a))
(define c (append b (list #\a)))
(define d
(map (lambda (j)
(char=? #\r j))
(define e
(map (lambda (j)
(char=? #\e j))
(append (cdr c) (list #\a))))
(cdr (foldl
(lambda (f h g)
(if (and f h (= (cdr g) -1))
(cons (car g) (car g))
(cons (+ 1 (car g)) (cdr g))))
(cons 0 -1)
d e)))
Challenge 3
- Hard (80 points)
How To Solve
We can start working from the solution to Challenge 1. Two problems need to be solved
- We can't use define to bind variables, and we don't have any let either. We can work around this by using lambdas instead to bind values.
- Without define or letrec, we can't explicitly do recursion. The Y-combinator or fixpoint operator come to our rescue here.
Combine (1) and (2) and you get:
(lambda (a)
((lambda (b)
((lambda (i)
(i 0 0))
((lambda (e d)
(e d))
(lambda (c)
((lambda (b) (b b))
(lambda (b) (c (lambda (i j) ((b b) i j))))))
(lambda (f)
(lambda (d e)
(if (= e 2)
(- d 2)
(if (= d b)
(if (char=? (string-ref a d)
(string-ref "re" e))
(f (+ d 1) (+ e 1))
(f (+ d 1) 0)))))))))
(string-length a)))